Lands Of The Winged Ones

In a land far away, before you or I was born, all of the pegesus lived in peace. All of them lived in peace and harmony. But it didn't last long. Two queens gave birht to too mares, Snowstorm and Sea Whisper. Then two other queens gave birth to two stallions, Frostbitten and Rip Tide. The four queens met and decided that they should decide about their mates. Finally, they came to the conclusion that Snowstorm and Frosbitten should be mates, and that Sea Whisper and Rip Tide should be, too. When the time came, the mares and stallions became mates with the ones that their mothers had choosen for them. The couples got alone fine, but they didn't get along with one another. They always picked fights and always challenged each other. It became so bad that the queens and kings decided to start a war. They had been disputing about how much land one another gets and came to the conclusion war was the only way.
The war went on for weeks, until the final moment came. Both queens and both kings were about to slaughter one another when suddenly before they hit one another, they fell to the ground. Then, something began to light-up from the clouds. It came down to the ground and began to touch the pegesuss' bodies and pull something transparent out. Then it went back up to the clouds. All four of the pegesuses were dead.
The pegesuses that were left split into two sides, The North and The South. Neither side was good or evil. But the hatred still remains on both sides. Its almost as if the war never stopped.
So Which Side Will You Choose? The North or The South