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Igen's History

Igen Weyr was the Xth Weyr to be founded by the Settlers after they relocated to the Northern Continent. Igen was built in an extinct volcano filled with jet-black sand. The stonecutters were still working when work on Igen first began, so many of the main rooms, such as the Kitchen, the WeyrLeaders’ offices, and the Infirmary, have smooth edges. Sadly, power ran out before the entire Weyr could be completed, so the majority of the rooms are natural with rough edges. In commonly used rooms, most of those rough edges have been worn away from excessive use.

During the 9th Pass, WW Lessa of Benden Weyr, rider of Gold Ramoth, went back nearly 400 Turns to implore the help of the Weyrs, all except Benden. Igen WeyrLeaders agreed to Lessa’s pleas, and returned with her to the 9th Pass, along with Fort, Ista, and High Reaches. The result was the return of all major six Weyrs to working order, and the survival of Pern.

10th Pass

WL T'mor - WW Jade

Time passed and Igen’s leadership passed down until it reached a man by the name of T’mor. Bronzerider T’mor was a brother of Lord Ramage of Torbay Hold. After a series of events in which Lord Ramage and a goldrider were attacked, the two brothers decided to form the White Guard. The White Guard broke Charter by defying the separation of Hold, Hall, and Weyr. If ever trouble should occur, the White Guard would come to the rescue. The White Guard consisted of men from Ramage’s Hold, as well as dragonriders and dragons from Igen Weyr. The dragons were not allowed to fight, but rather were a means of transportation. The White Guard remained intact until T’mor was injured and replaced as WeyrLeader.

At the beginning of the 10th Pass, Igen was rocked by a tremendous earthquake. At the time, Igen was under the rule of WW Jade of Gold Zyanyth and WL T’mor of Bronze Belioth. Much of the Weyr was devastated, though not destroyed. Reconstruction projects began with the help of the mining craft and relief funds from sympathetic Holds, Halls, and Weyrs. Soon, the Weyr was back in working order and running smoothly, including its Hatches, as Goldeth and Fayenth provided a double clutch for candidate hopefuls. Although two gold eggs were clutched, only one hatched, producing Gold Amanacerth.

Sadly though, WW Jade was being hunted down by relatives long forgotten. As attempts were made on her life, Jade was forced to make a very difficult decision. In order to save the Weyr, Jade left, accompanied by the Head Woman Arilyn and Bronzerider Au’tin, both family members of Jade’s. They escaped to the Southern Continent where they hid for ten Turns, waiting out the fury of Jade’s old family.

WL T'mor - WW Leisel

Meanwhile, with the loss of their WW, WL T’mor was faced to make a decision fast. A young goldrider by the name of Leisel had been helping Jade run Igen and had proven herself competent. WL T’mor, in an unprecedented move, declared Leisel WeyrWoman. Never before had a WeyrLeader simply declared a WeyrWoman. Such matters were always determined by mating flights alone.

WW Leisel of Gold Threonith began managing Igen, with the help of Head Woman Innocen. Before long though, HW Innocen left to help take care of a sick family member. Leisel appointed a new Head Women, Micha. Micha had been a Candidate at Igen but had failed to Impress. She chose to remain at Igen Weyr rather than return to her Hold, Sareavo, where she was the youngest daughter of the Lord Holder.

Under Leisel’s approval, WeyrlingMaster Pr’lin appointed young Brownrider K’synn of Montyseth as his Assistant WLM. K’synn was the son of a trader from the Obsidian Caravan and Impressed Montyseth during the most recent Double Clutch of Goldeth and Fayenth during WW Jade’s rule.

Leisel’s dragon, Gold Threonith rose for her mating flight and was caught by a Xavier bronze. The resulting clutch produced a gold egg that would later Hatch gold Liliath.

Sadly, it was shortly after the Hatching that Leisel became gravely ill. In the end, Healers, unsure of what was ailing her and frustrated with their inability to treat it, sent her to the Southern Continent, hoping that a change in climate and a stress-free environment would speed her recovery. Loyal to the Goldrider, WLM Pr’lin resigned his position to accompany the WW to Southern.

WL T'mor - WW Bredawn

WL T’mor was once again left without a WeyrWoman. And once again, WL T’mor went against tradition and appointed a WeyrWoman. ww Bredawn of Gold Amanacerth, the single gold produced during the double clutch of Goldeth and Fayenth, was T’mor’s choice for the leadership position. WW Bredawn accepted the position, although she disagreed with T’mor on his disregard for several important traditions.

Along with WW Bredawn’s promotion, AWLM K’synn was also promoted. With WLM Pr’lin leaving, K’synn was the logical choice to fill his mentor’s shoes.

WW Bredawn relied heavily upon ww Evia of Gold Liliath for help. She also appointed another Head Woman with Turns of experience. HW Alina had previously been an Assistant HW at a Southern Weyr. Due to HW Micha’s and her own lack of experience running a Weyr, Bredawn chose to delegate much of the running of the Weyr to someone with more experience such as HW Alina. Both Bredawn and Micha learned from HW Alina and soon, both were competent at running the Weyr. Eventually, HW Alina would leave due to family reasons, and Micha would once again take the title of HW.

Several Turns passed with only the usual history of Flights, Clutches and Hatches. But peace never lasts. A renegade group known as the Dark Cloud began raiding some of the smaller holds around Igen. Many people were killed and several went missing, despite all efforts to find them. The White Guard attempted to track them down but with no success. The Dark Cloud would figure greatly later on in Igen’s history.

An assassination attempt was also made on the Gold Liliath. A dragonhealer by the name of Rys arrived at Igen and began working there alongside its riders and dragons. He managed to charm many of Igen’s ranking people, including WW Bredawn and ww Evia. In time, he was revealed to be not a dragonhealer, as he claimed, bur rather as a dragon-killer. Long ago before Evia had come to Igen, Rys had admired her from afar, despite numerous rejections for his advances. Once she left for Igen Weyr, Rys had become determined to own her no matter what. Once at Igen, his guise as a dragonhealer granted him access to not only Igen, but also Igen’s dragons, including Liliath. Rys poisoned Liliath and used the antidote as an ultimatum for Evia’s affection and devotion. In the end, he was captured and Liliath healed, though she nearly died. Rys was sentenced to exile on a far deserted island, hopefully never to be heard from again.

Igen again entered a peaceful time, filled with only minor disturbances and a few surprises. ww Jade, long lost in the Southern jungles, returned to Igen Weyr, along with Arilyn and Au’tin. Reinstated as a weyrwoman of Igen, Jade quickly became a prominent figure around Igen. There was worry at first that she would attempt to regain her position of WW, but after ten Turns in the jungles, Jade was ready to watch someone else lead and get some much needed rest. Arilyn was also quickly reinstated as Head Woman, sharing the position with Head Woman Micha. Au’tin, not to be left out, became a wingsecond under Flight Leader Tr’vyrnn’s wing.

Then an unprecedented event happened: three simultaneous gold flights. First to rise was ww Rydera’s Caeluth. WW Bredawn and her gold Amanacerth left for Xavier Weyr in the South. Bronzerider St’res and Megrimith were the lucky pair to catch the gold Caeluth. But no sooner had the flight ended then Gold Liliath began to blood her kill! Once again, the bronzes headed to the feeding pens. But these were not fresh bronzes; rather they’d already flown in one grueling flight, only candlemarks before. Surprisingly, despite having won the previous flight, St’res and Megrimith managed with win Liliath’s flight as well.

Then disaster struck. WW Bredawn returned from Xavier, but at the wrong time! She actually arrived in Igen near the end of Liliath’s flight. Being so near a lusty gold, Amanacerth began to become defensive and aggressive. If it were not for Bredawn’s close relationship with her gold, it is quite possible that Amanacerth would have attacked Liliath! As it was, Bredawn barely managed to get her dragon b*tween, ending up in Fort Weyr.

The damage had already been done though. Amanacerth’s blood was boiling and no sooner had she landed in Fort’s WeyrBowl, then she took off towards the pens and began to blood her kill! Igen’s leadership flight was taking place in Fort Weyr! Bredawn managed to send her green flitt, Tierra, to Igen, hopefully with the message that she was in Fort and Amanacerth was rising. WL T’mor and Belioth needed to get to Fort quickly if they had any chance of winning the flight and keeping their rank at Igen.

Unexpectedly, one of Bre’s suitors managed to hear the message as well. Bronzerider C’rin of Rizerth had been Bredawn’s consort for some time, but Rizerth had already flown in both of the gold flights at Igen. A third gold flight in a single day’s time might prove to be too much for the bronze, valiant though he was. Bredawn was forced to order the bronze grounded. This seriously grieved her for C’rin was the only man she really knew of those gathered around her. Her decision also made their friendship irreparable.

After a long and strenuous flight, Amanacerth was finally caught, by who else, but Belioth of Igen. The bronze had managed to get the message and arrive at Fort to save Igen’s WeryLeadership. Bredawn, however, did not favor T’mor’s affections, and instead chose WeyrLeader Second Tre’valen of Bronze Hyllarrth. She chose him, she told him later, because of his name. It was very similar to her best friend, Tr’vyrnn of Igen, and this made her pick him out of the crowd.

Life at Igen returned to normal… preparing for the Hatching of a Triple Clutch! Search dragons were sent out all over Pern to find enough Candidates to fill the Sands. And to the joy of the Weyr, each queen produced a gold egg! Triple queens! Never before in Igen’s history had there been an event like this. The Weyr was a buzz with life. When the Hatching finally came, few were disappointed. Gold Solareth, Amanacerth’s hatchling, Impressed young timid Bettine. Gold Yarraliath, Caeluth’s hatchling, picked vitner Aiella out of those gathered. And Zeneviavath, Liliath’s daughter, Chose enigmatic Rumika.

Unfortunately, it was not long after this momentous occasion, that disaster once again struck at Igen. During Threadfall, WW Bredawn and Amanacerth heroically saved the life of a young girl running from the leading edge of Threadfall. The pair had been diving after a patch of rogue Thread when they spotted the child running along the ground. Knowing that without help, the girl would never make it, Bre and her gold rushed towards her. Even a dragon’s wings are not always fast enough, and Thread was nearly upon the child as they reached her. Bredawn reached for her flame thrower and fired…but nothing happened! Her flamethrower malfunctioned! Desperate to save the girl, woman and dragon threw themselves between the girl and the Thread!

Ww Evia and Gold Liliath, aware of WW Bredawn and Amanacerth’s plight, quickly went b*tween and appeared over the pair. With no hesitation, ww Evia flamed the Thread that threatened the life of woman and gold. Assured of the safety of the child, Amanacerth quickly winked b*tween. She reappeared in the air of Igen Weyr and plummeted towards the Weyrlake, her agonizing scream filling the mind of every dragon in Igen.

Igen dragons rushed to the safety of their leader. Bredawn and Amanacerth were saved and rushed to the Infirmary. Both sustained heavy Threadscoring, the majority upon Bredawn’s back and along Amanacerth’s wings. The muscles along Bredawn’s back had been eaten away by the Thread and it had only nearly missed her spine. Amanacerth’s wings were in sheads and had to be carefully pieced back together. It was unsure whether either would live. Both did live, though the heavy damage left Amanacerth flightless for the better part on two Turns. Bredawn struggled to regain normal mobility and movement. Her recovery was quicker than Amanacerth’s, though it was over a Turn before she had returned to any sort of normality. The incident left both heavily scarred, externally and internally.

Peace was not to be had at Igen however. A freak weather front moved in on Igen, bringing with it not just Thread, but tornados as well. Igen’s dragons were hard pressed to fight the Thread without getting themselves killed by the tornados. Many brave and valiant dragons and riders were lost in this storm. And sadly enough, Igen would lose its other leader to injuries as well. WL T’mor and Bronze Belioth were severely wounded over Torbay Hold while protecting it from Thread. Unable to be moved for fear of death, the pair remained at Torbay and relinquished their leadership position.

WW Bredawn - WL Tr'vyrnn

Once the storm had passed, WW Bredawn gathered those riders that remained to salvage what hope remained to them. Many riders grieved for the loss of loved ones, for those lost during the storm’s ferocious destruction of their home, as well as their long-time leader T’mor. Bredawn named Tr’vyrnn interim WeyrLeader, until the next gold rose. The next gold flight would determine the leader of Igen, since her own dragon could not fly.

The flight was much anticipated by all, and the competition was fierce. Every rider envied the chance to be WeyrLeader, and all the bronzeriders were on edge. Finally, a gold rose. The gold happened to be that of Yarraliath, one of the queens from the Triple Clutch. She rose high into the skies in what might have been one of the most dramatic gold flights in Igen’s history. Finally, she was caught by Regelth, bronze of wingsecnd Au’tin. Long ago, Au’tin had been the WeyrLeader of Igen, though only for a short time. Suddenly, he found himself back in the position.

WW Bredawn - WL Au'tin

Igen finally seemed stable again. Au’tin was a reliable and strong WeyrLeader, with Bronzerider Tr’vyrnn as his second-in-command. One of the first things Bredawn and Au'tin did, under their new rule, was to dismantle the White Guard, a blasphemy of the Charter as Bredawn called it. Igen had six goldriders, even after suffering the loss of Rydera, who left to go to Torbay and be with Bronzerider T’mor. Three of the goldriders were young and inexperienced. Three were veterans. That seemed to be the story of the Weyr; divided to each of the extremes. There was youth to balance out the age, experience to balance out naivety.

But peace was never long-standing at Igen. First, there was the return of Rys, the man everyone thought dead upon a deserted island. He came to lay claim to Evia’s daughter, Risaya. He refused to reveal how he had survived or escaped, but after being recaptured, claimed that Risaya was his daughter. She’d been left on Evia’s bed on purpose as a child, once again giving Rys some amount of purchase in Evia’s life. Evia admitted the child was adopted, but refused to believe that she might somehow be the child of the queen-killer. In the end, Bredawn and Au’tin sentenced Rys to the fate they thought he’d suffered Turns ago. They staked him out for Threadfall, deep within the Southern Continent. They did not leave until they were for sure. Neither wanted any more surprises.

Then came Kiel. Long ago, there was a bronzerider by the name of K’el. K’el’s bronze was killed though during Threadfall. The loss of his dragon distressed the man to the point of insanity. He left the Weyr, for the reminder of dragons all around him was too much for his damaged psyche to bear. He reverted to his birth name, Kiel, and remained in a small cothold named Jewel Cove, a treacherous pit of thieves and rebels. In the end, he blamed dragonriders for his problems, and set out to revenge himself. He formed a renegade group known as the Dark Cloud. His tenure at the Weyr had taught him the value of discipline and leadership, and he used these skills to managed one of the most feared group of outlaws in the Northern Hemisphere. His group is attributed for several major attacks on caravans, holds, and yes, even Igen Weyr.

Kiel tried twice to invade Igen Weyr. His first attempt began by an attempt on WW Jade’s life. One of his young followers tried to infiltrate the Weyr as a Candidate. Just as Kiel was about to order the man to attempt to poison the WW, Jade fled to the Southern Continent with Arilyn and Au’tin. Kiel’s man was shortly discovered before he could disrupt the Weyr further.

The reasons behind Jade’s flight, however, did reach Kiel’s ears. A plot began to form in his mind, one that took nearly a decade to come to fruition. Kiel enlisted the help of Jared, the son of a holder that Jade was once betrothed to. According to his family, Jade belonged to them, and Jared would stop at nearly nothing to regain his acquisition. The two men began a plot that would ultimately gain them Igen Weyr.

They infiltrated Igen Weyr under the guise of traders and caravaners. They positioned themselves around strategic points of the Weyr, including the WL’s weyr. Inside was not Au’tin, but rather his weyrmate, the ww Evia and her daughter Risaya. Now hostages of Kiel, the Dark Cloud revealed themselves. They controlled Igen from that moment, demanding the unconditional surrender of Igen Weyr, including its titular property rights. If the Igenites did not vacate, their water supply would be poisoned and any remaining Igenites massacred.

WW Bredawn and WL Au’tin had no choice but to vacate the Weyr. They did not however, leave without a plan. Several Igenites volunteered to remain behind, capable of blending in and hiding out within the Weyr to be the eyes and ears of the Leaders. One of these people was the bronzeling D’vry. Another was Bredawn’s niece, Kira, a jungle girl from the Southern Continent.

The WeyrLeaders retreated, with only minor incidents, to several Holds and an oasis on the outskirts of Igen. Kiel still was not done harassing them, however, and had small invasive forces waiting on suspected retreat Holds. Soon, Dune Hold and Igen Sea Hold found themselves under attack as well. But these forces were smaller and without hostages, so were held off with minimal loss of life.

Before completely leaving Igen, however, they did manage to regain Risaya from Kiel’s claws. She escaped through a secret passage and into ww Jade’s arms. She was transported to Igen Sea Hold to await her mother’s hopeful rescue.

Help arrived from other Weyrs, including the Wherguard of Xavier. Together, the Leaders began plotting ways of regaining Igen Weyr without sacrificing ww Evia, and her unborn child. As time went on, word reached the Leaders that bronzeling D’vry had managed to reach ww Evia. A sudden disturbance left an opening, and D’vry smuggled ww Evia out onto a ledge. Knowing what was at stake, Greenrider R’nft and his dragon Trysalanth, the smallest, most agile green of Igen, went b*tween time to reach the ledge at the same moment D’vry and Evia did.

With ww Evia rescued, Igen mounted its attack. Using the wherguard on the ground along with a force of mostly green and blue dragons as a distraction, they managed to draw the main force out into the WeyrBowl. Suddenly, a large wing of browns and bronzes appeared, dropping nets upon the Dark Cloud forces. Despite best efforts, Kiel and Jared could not be found among those captured.

Those renegades that were caught were exiled to deserted islands, hopefully never to be seen again. So Igen began the process of rebuilding. But many of its residents were broken and dispirited. Their home had been violated. The damage went deeper than anyone originally thought. It would be a long time before anyone would feel the same again.

Several riders left, including the three of the youngest goldriders, to find that feeling of safety again. All three returned over the following Turns, but only ww Aiella of Gold Yarraliath remained permanantly.

WW Bredawn - WL Tr'vyrnn

WL Au'tin retired from his position and moving to the Southern continent to be with ww Evia, who'd left a Turn earlier. ww Jade and HW Arilyn went with him as well. All four's presence is missed in Igen. WW Bredawn promoted WL2 Tr'vyrnn to be the temporary WL until Amanacerth rose again.

WW Bredawn - WL A'hur

When Amanacerth finally rose to mate, the first time since her tragic accident Turns before, the entire Weyr watched with great trepidation. If Amanacerth failed in her flight, or failed to be able to produce a Clutch, then it could mean the end of Bredawn as Igen's WeyrWoman. The gold did nearly fail, as at the end of her flight, she wrenched a wing and plummeted to the ground. Luckily, Bronze Reliath was quicker than gravity, and caught the gold before she fell to her death. Reliath and his rider, A'hur, were strangers to Igen, the pair hailing from High Reaches. Suddenly, A'hur found himself the WeyrLeader of Igen Weyr and holding onto a WeyrWoman in hysterics after the near-death of her gold. Many questioned the validity of A'hur's claim, since Amanacerth did not truly choose to be caught but was merely falling.

The successful Clutch and Hatch though stemmed all rumors of both the WW & WL's claims to their positions, especially with a single bronze in the Hatch. Infact, the single bronze almost didn't Hatch, making only a small hole in his shell before calling out to his Chosen for help. D'ghain's actions in helping the bronze left many remembering the tales of Ruth & Jaxom, and many are watching this pair closely. Also, when a brown Impressed Cannix, the boy found himself suddenly aware of his previously undetected HAD abilities. C'nnix is Igen's first adult HAD, and WW Bredawn was able to get the boy training from Fortian WW Karige.

Two girls also Impressed from the Stands, the twins Tenru & Trinity, daughters of ww Tenshi of Gold Fayenth. ww Tenshi and Tenru had left Igen several Turns back due to complications with her health. Trinity had remained at Igen, becoming HW Micha's assistant. Tenshi returned to Igen to visit Trinity for her birthday, bringing Tenru along. They stayed through the Hatching, and both girls Impressed Blue Rishleth and Green Areth from the Stands. In lieu of the Impressions, ww Tenshi transfered back to Igen Weyr.

WL2 Tr'vrynn was involved in a bit of a scandal with wlg Saoirse of Annagth. During her maiden flight, Annagth reached for Baduth, but somehow got entangled in Wrath. And Saoirse's virgin night wasn't easy. Tr'vyrnn, who'd recently been left by his weyrmate, disappeared in the morning, leaving Saoirse to awake, finding herself covered in blood and alone. She was taken to the infirmary where she was treated for minor bruising and "female" injuries that were normal for a woman's first time. WW Bredawn was appalled at the Bronzerider's behavior, dressing him down for leaving a weyrling on the morning after her maiden flight. Tr'vyrnn went and apologized, giving Saoirse one of his retired runners that she'd taken a liking to by the name of Shevet'Ra.

Sadly, the truth of Igen is that nothing lasts. WL A'hur was badly injured, his leg being mangled with little hope of repair. The Healers have insisted on moving him to Fort Weyr where he can be nearer the Hall and receive better care. They think it is his only chance for any type of recovery. Still, it will not be an easy road.

WW Bredawn - WL Tr'vyrnn

WW Bredawn was forced to call on WL2 Tr'vyrnn to step up again as WL, despite his recent fall into depression after his weyrmate left him. Tr'vyrnn accepted the position, for the 3rd time with resentment. Amanacerth's next mating flight will determine the new WL.

WW Bredawn - WL D'vry

Amanacerth finally did rise, and this time, the resulting winner suprised everyone. D'vry of Bronze Tieranth grew up in the Dark Cloud Renegade Group. He was mentioned earlier for the role he played in rescuing ww Evia during the raid on Igen. Despite his heroics, many people never really trusted him, despite the logic that he'd never have Impressed bronze if he was a danger to the Weyr. He had been in and out of Igen, accepting outside assignments from Bredawn, who did trust him. And suddenly, Tiernath thrusts him into the position of Weyrleader. Just how will this turn out?

But life goes on. The Weyr goes on…

Igen General Info Igen Weyr’s Main Page Igen’s History General Guides to Pernese Life
Igen Weyr Info Igen Weyr Description Maps of Igen Weyr WW’s Office WL’s Office Igen’s Infirmary
People and Dragons of Igen Igen’s MasterList Igen’s Winglist Igen Hatchings Igen Ranking Positions Igen Weyr Character Database
Igen Holds & Territory Igen Territory Holds Maps of Igen Territory