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Igen Weyr

Welcome to Igen Weyr, in the Heart of the Land of Sand and Desert! Currently, Igen is in an alternate 10th Interval, where AIVAS and Landing were never discovered. Pern's 10th Pass is close to ending and entering an Interval, where Thread no longer falls from the sky. Intervals last for 200 Turs, so the people look forward to prosperous and fearless times in the near Turns.

Igen is one of the smaller Weyrs, but at one time it had one of the largest territories to patrol. Founded after High Reaches Weyr in the First Interval, Igen Weyr protected the Keroon and Igen River Holds on the braided streams of the river and the inhabited lands around Telgar. Most of what lay between was desert or mountain. A small force could pursue Thread into those regions where it could do no more harm. As the population expanded eastward from Fort and westward from Benden, more protection was seen to be needed for the Second Pass.

The rim of the extinct volcano that houses Igen Weyr has been eroded into sharp and interesting patterns by the constant wind across the desert. As at the Hold, most of the activity takes place in the cool evening. During the day, even the lake acts like a mirror to reflect the merciless sun back in the eyes of bathers.

The Oldtimer who led Igen was G'narish, a relatively young man. His support of Benden during the incident in which Wingleader F'nor was nearly killed over a belt knife, and afterward, when the dissident Oldtimers were banished to Southern, showed he was willing to change as Pern had changed over the four hundred Turns since his day. He was surprised but happy to be able to call on other Weyrs freely for assistance. His young energy was a good foil to the elderly Lord Holder Laudey.

Currently, in the 10th Pass, Igen is led by a strong WeyrWoman and a new WeyrLeader. WL D'vry has been at Igen for several Turns. In fact, he plays a prominent role in some of the Weyr's history (check out it out using the links below!). Just recently, his bronze caught Bredawn's gold to make them the Senior Pair. How he does still remains to be seen! WW Bredawn has shown been in her position for nearly 10 Turns and has shown her dedication and love for Igen over the Turns.

Igen Weyr protects a large territory from Threadfall, the largest of the Northern Continent in fact. There are 3 main territories in Igen. There is the Igen Desert that lies directly east, the Dragon's Foot with its hills, plains and ocean cliffs just south of the Weyr, and the River Banks on the west foothills of the Igen Moutains, where the ocean inlet becomes a river. For more information on the holds found in Igen Territory, click on the corresponding link below.

Without any further ado, WW Bredawn and WL D'vry wish to welcome you to the Weyr, and hope you enjoy your stay.

Please use the following links to navigate the Weyr & its Territory.

Igen General Info Igen Weyr’s Main Page Igen’s History General Guides to Pernese Life
Igen Weyr Info Igen Weyr Description Maps of Igen Weyr WW’s Office WL’s Office Igen’s Infirmary
People and Dragons of Igen Igen’s MasterList Igen’s Winglist Igen Hatchings Igen Ranking Positions Igen Weyr Character Database
Igen Holds & Territory Igen Territory Holds Maps of Igen Territory

WAF RPG Forum Fort WeyrPern Maps
WAF RPG Forum Rules Igen WeyrPernese Links
General Pern Guides Xavier Weyr Pernese Graphics
WAF Character Database Hold and Halls On the Wings
