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Fort Weyr Characters


Age: Mid-twenties

Occupation: Fort Rider

Rank: artist, rider

Hair Color/Style: Mohagahny ringlets

Eye Color: Hazelnut

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 125

Build: Lithe, very few curves

Distinguishing Characteristics:

She has beautiful eyes that are very piercing. She also wears arm bands on both wrists, decorated in gems the color of her eyes.

Fashion Statement: Clothes that show off her lithe body without actually revealing too much skin. She likes earthen-tone colors that bring out her olive skin, hair and eyes.

Weapons: Basic knives. Oh, and she could paint you to death with her brush!

Likes: Women & men. Art, philosophy. Lounging and casual events. She loves painting nudes, abstracts and dragons, as well as playing the guitar.

Dislikes: Displaying intense negative emotions, and really any intense positive ones either. She doesn't eat meat.

Habits: She has an art studio in an a medium weyr in a relatively quiet and deserted corner of Fort Weyr. She spends a lot of time there. She's not into overt seduction, but subtelty.

Skills: Painting & music.


She's not one to show very intense emotion. That's not say that she doesn't feel them, but she prefers to keep them private. She's very thoughtful, and is not prone to rash behavior. She loves the arts, and uses her own as a vent for all those intense bottled-up emotions.

Background History:

Tillana was born in a small hold just north of Southern Boll. She had a large family of mostly boys, who would tease her everytime she cried. She learned to be like them, emotionally at least, and they never accused her of being a "girl" again. She was searched at the young age of 12 and Impressed green Myrthantyth her first time on the Sands. She's still in contact with a couple of her brothers.

When she was nearly 20, Till's green was caught by Bluerider A'lisyr and her dragon Brennanyth. The two soon became close lovers, and eventually weyrmated. Most of Till's artwork features A'lisyr or her dragon, in one form or another. A little over two Turns ago, A'lisyr and her dragon were killed in Threadfall.

Till has moved on in her life, but her lonliness and longing for her dead lover is still evident in her art.

Pets: A small feline named Syr, given to her by A'lisyr a few sevendays before she died.

Dragon Name: Myrthantyth

Color: Green

Size: Medium

Age: 12

Personality: Laid-back and just as philosophical as her rider

Quirks: Till's aversion to meat makes it hard for Myrth to hunt whenever her rider's around. Weyrlinghood only served to enforce Till's aversions rather than to desensitize her.


Age: 19

Rank: Weyrling, appScribe

Physical Description

Hair Color/Style: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 185

Build: Lithe

Distinguishing Characteristics:

He's cute, but not overly so. He's tall, but not overly so. He's skinny, but not overly so. In otherwords, there's not much distinguishing.

Fashion Statement: Simple tunics and trousers.

Weapons: Basic weaponry that you'd learn in a hold: dagger, short sword, archery.


Likes: Organization, a routine, simplicity and neat handwriting.

Dislikes: The opposites of his likes and rude people, sarcasm, and outspoken women

Habits: Neat handwriting, OCD, etc

Skills: Scribe, impeccable memory, organization


He's timid and shy. Growing up in a small Hold, he was taught to follow your elder's orders without question. He's not used to rampant sexuality (as will be found in a Weyr) or to women with dominant personalities. He might act like he's got a meek individual, but let that shell brake and we'll see...


He was the second youngest of 12 living siblings. His father had 4 wives, his mother being the most senior (but not most beloved) of them. He showed a great aptitude at organizing, and so was training to be the Steward's apprentice's scribe, a lowly position but one that he was greatful for. His father tolerated none of his children being lazy, idle, or useless. His father also saw his daughters (and his wives for that matter) as nothing but breeders or pawns to be used for maritial ties. Being in a smaller hold, not many of the women had different views of themselves, and those that did tended not to stick around...

...Like his youngest sister Kinner. She was Searched and Impressed a green dragon. His father disowned her since she didn't Impress gold ("green's a worthless color, a waste of a good dragon"). So needless to say, when Kissinger was surprisingly Searched at 19 (the top end of the Candidate group) his father told him if he didn't Impress Bronze, not to bother writing home.

He came to the Weyr with certain misconceptions that WW Karige made to put right. He did good and Impressed Brown Regangth his first time on the stands, which of course led to his father walking out. K'ssnger knows that the only family he now has is Kinner, and she very well might reject him too.

Relationships: Kiven (deceased brother), Kalamar (father), Singera(mother), Kinner (younger sister)


Rank: appTrader

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Place of Origin: The Obsidian Caravan

Physical Description:

Hair Color/Style: Long wavy brownish blonde hair

Eye Color: Her mother's green eyes

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 115 lbs

Build: Lithe and small, like all the Obsidians

Distinguishing Characteristics: She's got her father's darker hair, but her mother's skin and green eyes. She's very feminine looking.

Fashion Statement: Lots of deep reds and yellows to bring out her looks

Weapons: Basic defensive. Daggers, barely


Haughty, tends to be a know-it-all, easily frustrated, and is prone to emotional fluctuations. She's going through normal teenage hormones and indecisions.

Skills: Being Bossy

Pets: canine Borzoi, Tel'Alik Runner Barbaro, gold flitt Andromeda

Relatives & Friends: Father Larek Obsidian & Mother Cirila Obsidian. Siblings: Willow, Farhad, Joru, Lisilia, Rowaen, Kwen, Prisnya (missing) and Sasryn. Cousins: Tr'vyrnn and Kizmia

Basic History:

She just at the age where she's expected to start learning how things really work. Larek and Cirila instill in all their children a sense of pride, a hard work ethic, and responsibility. Velissa's been the hardest to do that with of the young adilts. She likes not having any real responsibilities and isn't happy about the change, yet she wants for the respect her sibs have.

She also feels a bit on the outside with her family. She's several Turns younger than her older sisters Lisilia and Rowaen (and much younger than Willow) and too old to be friends with the young Sasryn, who's only 7T. While she's got friends among the other Caravaners, she yearns for the bond her older siblings have with each other. They try to include her, but often get fed up with her attitude or try to shelter her too much as their "little sister".

Her problems all started when she was only 9, and the Obsidian Caravan was attacked by the Dark Cloud Renegade Group. Several Caravaners were killed, and her little sister Priscilla was kidnapped, never to be seen again. Her mother spoiled her and the baby Sasryn to make up for the loss. The attention backfired on her though as she got older and was suddenly expected to be a 'normal' Obsidian.

She's also lived in Lisilia's shadow, with all her guy friend's drooling over her quick-witted, flirtatious and outgoing sister. Vell is quieter, less self-assured, and more needy than Lis. With Willow and Rowaen coming home more and more, Vell has decided that maybe the Weyr's a good place to get out from her sister's shadow. And she's decided that in Igen, she'd be just another Obsidian.