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Name: Phaedre Delauney
Race: High Human
Age: 27
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 135
Hair Color: Mulberry Red
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Occupation: Thief/Fire Magex4

As if by way of magic, she slips from the shadows always to be dressed accordingly for the present situation. How she decides to dress depends upon her mood when she arises in the morning. Some days her voluptuous body is encased in a black leather vest comprised mostly of straps criss-crossing her breasts and matching low riding leather pants. A floor length black leather coat or black mage robe tops off the ensemble effectively concealing her body from view. The six inch spike heeled boots only add to her imposing height making her long legs seem endless and putting her at a towering 6'4". However, as of late, her choice of clothing is a pair of short, tight black leather shorts, a halter top with two straps cutting across her breasts just barely covering her nipples. The dagger crafted for her by Krom is held in place on her thigh by a simple leather thigh band. Around her left bicep is a mithril arm band given to her as a gift. She can also be seen wearing a skin tight red satin mini-dress with a plunging neckline exposing supple ivory breasts and creamy alabaster thighs. A hint of crimson-tipped nipple peeks through the top of her dress invitingly. The red leather boots are four inch spiked heels. Strands of deep crimson and raven snake down the length of her sultry form, hanging just below the supple globes of her ass. If she's in a particularly seductive mood, the spidersilk dress given to her as a gift from Melorian will be donned. Though the material can't be seen while on her body, once the dress is removed the shimmering white cloth reappears. Silken tresses dance about her body in languorous movements as an unfelt wind caresses her alone. As she glides effortlessly through the room on the spiked heels, her enticing hips sway causing her hair to slither over her body in a caressing dance, touching the softly rounded cheeks of her ass as it peeks from beneath her dress. One might think she is non-descript until they glimpse her eyes. Captivating, the pure emerald orbs seek to entrap your gaze, leaving it to linger over the soft features of her beautiful face and the lush, red lips. To speak of her nature, reflected upon the green hue of her eyes,that shift, setting the iris ablaze with crimson, bringing upon the infamous fury of the stunning fire mage. As with all temperamental beings, her fury can be channeled into other, more pleasureable means. This human has a passion to rival her hot temper. The only thing marring her otherwise perfect body is the crimson wings and white tear drop wizard's mark on her right hip placed there by Azrael.

Character picture:

Character profile:
Weapons: Mithril Rapier named Flame Rapier
Mithril Dagger named Wicked Flame

Enchantments: +5 def to mage robes; 3 slots of Focus for Fire Spike in Mithril Vambraces; +5 def to mithril greaves; 1 slot Focus Fire Flick on mithril greaves; 1 slot Focus Fire Ball on mithril greaves; +5 def on mithril arm band; 1 slot Focus Fire Spike on mithril arm band; 1 slot Focus Fire Ball on mithril arm band.

Items given to her:
Mithril arm band
A pair of white leather boots with Mithril heels. . .gift from India.
A miniature replica of herself carved by Killian.
A hair comb with a flower in red, yellow and orange colors that dance. . .gift from Drakar.
A pendant made from mith and silver of two enjoined circles. . .gift from Odium.
Spidersilk dress. . .gift from Melorian.
One Cobalt black stallion named Diablo complete with saddle and tack. . .a gift from Killian

Items bought from the NB:
Leather pants: Red and Black
Leather skirts: Red and Black
Leather vests: Red and Black
Leather coats: Red and Black
Leather Shorts: Black
Leather Halter: Black
Fingerless Black Gloves
Leather thigh band
Spike heeled leather boots 6": Red and Black
Two red satin dresses


Character 'Phaedre Delauney' (level 26 Thief/Fire Magex4) stats: Str 21 Int 85 Agi 25 Res 55 Stam 45 Life 35


Spell list for Phaedre Delauney: Flame Shield (5), Blood Backlash (1), Mend (1), Sweet Bliss (1), Energy Bolt (1), Deafness (1), Magical Armor (5), Fire Flick (2), Telekinesis (1), Fire Bolt (7), Heat Shield (5), Flame Whip (5), Minor Heal (3), Sleep (1), Wizard Mark (1), Fire Spike (15), Flame Fingers (6), Clean (1), Fire Ball (8), Blindness (1), Change Self (1)
OOB Spell list for Phaedre Delauney: Pleasureful Pain (1), Discern Ailment (1), Fireworks (1), Whispers of the Flames (2), Lurk (1)


Equipment list for Phaedre Delauney: whip, mithril dagger, mithril vambraces, Mithril rapier, robe of the arch magi, Mithril greaves, Diablo (stallion), Killian (slave)

