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YuuYami Mistukai no Kaji

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Name:YuuYami Mitsukai no Kaji

Trans:The translations of her name are below, Kaji has the most meanings.. The translations I am using would amount her name to mean "Twilight Angel of Fire" { YuuYami-dusk, twilight }{ Mitsukai-angel }{ no..rough translation to "of" }{ Kaji-fire, conflagration,faith-healing, incantation,summertime..}

Species:Amatsu Gami (highest deity of the heavenly realm)Divine being, Angelic..she is the Divine Angel of Light and Life


Age: ???? Yami is as old as time itself, and her real age cannot be calculated. She appears though, to be in her mid 20's.

Eye color:Yami's eyes usually glow white constantly. When she is mad, they glow red. Her 'mortal' eye color is dark lilac,but the only person who has seen them like this is Death.

Hair color: LONG silverish-blue-white, held back losely a trio of times by blue leather teathres (like the picture shows)

Height: 5'6"

Weight: As a divinity, she actually has not real weight. But, if she were to take mortal form her weight would be around 136 lbs.

~Yami's attire and Accesories~

Dress-I love this dress!! Anyway, the color variation is alittle different. The coloring of the dress that Yami wears is actually a light violet-blue.

Halo Crown- Inplace of a normal round boring halo, is this tiara/crown. It rests, levitating about 5 inches above Yami's head.

Necklace-This is what the necklace that Yami wears looks like, for the most part. The stone is amethyst and measures 3 1/2 " high and 3" wide and is 1" thick. This necklace was given to her, and she still holds it dear to her heart.This is the exact color of the amethyst. She wears this on a diamond chain that looks like this. Obviously, it dangles at the end of the last point there.


For starters. When Yami speaks, her lips NEVER move. Her voice is angelic sounding, soft spoken with a gentle echo. All those around can hear her voice in their heads..but never through their ears, for she talks always through telepathy. She can either be heard by all, or just one person if she chooses it to be that way. Yami is a kind soul, but, she can turn quite fiery if a reason arises. Her voice can boom and deafen, like a banshee.

Yami has an aura that always appears around her. It glows a soft white color. This is her life aura..without it she is mortal. Nobody but the Almighty above (in which, this is an NPC so I ask that nobody even try for this character, he is technically already called for.) Her aura has tendencies to shift and waver on it's own whim, but..she can control it..other times she cannot.

Her wings...are not as the pic shows above. They are not transparent. She has the 3 sets of wings to which each INDIVIDUAL wing spans about 20 feet. So..all in all her wings spans are 40ft total for each pair. She does not really need them to fly though, for she can "levitate" easily.

She is not one to easily trust anymore, for she has been severaly scared emotionally. If you want to know more about this, please click on the past history link. She does, for some reason, seem to be drawn to those who have an association with the one of her past known as Death, one who's name she can no longer speak. She does not answer to anyone, for, there is nobody really above for 2 people that she respects with the greatest regards. That is the demon angel Gabriel, who now reighns over the heaves as the new Almighty...and the dark Lord of Death himself...Death, the leader of the four horsemen of the Appocolypse.

This, has recently been brought to my attention, and I must clerify the subject. NOT all knowing! There is much that she does not know and many realms to which she has never been to. I wish for people not to assume that just beacause she is a Divine, that she knows everything. As TPO Yami, I must state that I would be moding and putting myself and her in a bad situuation if she claimed to know all. Please..and I enforce this, do NOT assume that she is all knowing. Her eyes are all seeing. She can see ANYTHING that goes on around her at the moment. Her ears, she has very enhanced hearing..she can hear all that goes on around her. Though, with this..she is also very able to concentrate on just one thing or a few things at once. She does not always acknowledge what she could see or hear..and that is her own personal choice. TPO Yami, I have that choice as well. So..please read the description of the character before you assume, that is what it is here for.

History:There is a history, once it filled her with sadness and remourse. Now, she has come to accept what is. Returning to the old land she had once been banished from. She comes to offer her services. She olds little or no remorse to those who were in her past before, and respects them just the same as she did then.

"I am a Savior of Life Justice, and thus Justice shall be served. No favorites are playing in giving nor taking away life...and no matter of your will can change that for another. I can heal, and give life, or take it away. But, if the individual still wished to die after being healed, that is their personal choice."