The Sabbat has established may
rituals to strengthen its bonds of loyalty and fraternity. Some rituals,
called the Auctoritas Ritae, are practiced by the entire sect.
Other rituals, called the Ignoblis Ritae, vary in manner and
observation among the packs.
Auctoritas Ritae
The entire sect practices Auctoritas Ritae because of long-standing
tradition, as well as their significance in Sabbat beliefs. The rituals are
usually led by the clergy (the priests) of the Sabbat. The following are the
rituals that will be observed on a regular basis:
- The Blood Bath:
The Blood Bath is held whenever sect leaders recognize a Sabbat Vampire as
having rightful claim to a title. All the Sabbat who will be under the
leadership of the vampire are invited to attend the ceremony. Each
subservient vampire is brought before her superior. The superior
recognizes the vampire and proceeds to give praise and advice. The titled
vampire then shares in the Vaulderie with all present. After this, the
vampire is actually led to a pool of fresh and blood bathes in it.
All ranking vampires (Regent, Cardinals, Prisci, ArchBishops, and Bishops)
will be treated to this ritual upon their taking upon their rank. It will
be attending by all vampires who are able to be in attendance, whether
they will be subservient to that vampire or not.
- The Blood Feast:
The Blood Feast is held at almost all important gatherings. Humans, and
possibly an enemy Kindred, are chained and hung from the ceiling upside
down. The Sabbat at the gathering are allowed to bite open the victim and
fill their glasses with blood. It is customary to lick the wound closed
when finished, so as not to waste any vitae. The Blood Feast is blood on
- The Creation Rites:
This ritual is used when recruiting new members for the sect. In it, all
those chosen to become Sabbat are drained of their blood and then given a
small amount of vitae from their sires. The Sabbat then bludgeon the
chosen unconscious and bury them. Those who claw their way to the surface
are knocked out again. They are taken to the secret haven of the pack,
where they are awakened and their new status explained.
- The Vaulderie:
Of all the Auctoritas Ritae, the Vaulderie constitutes the most important
ritual the Sabbat practices, for it is the source of their freedom and
solidarity. In fact, it is essential to what the sect is, the foundation
for Sabbat society and success. It is a ceremony of Blood Bonding with all
other Sabbat present. The Vaulderie breaks all other Blood Bonds and
establishes a Vinculum (bond) between all Sabbat taking part in the
ritual. The feeling the Vaulderie creates is one of fellowship, comfort
and intense loyalty. It raises the morale of the participants and gives
them a tremendous rush. The loyalty created by this bond is far beyond any
human emotion and therefore, much more profound.
- Games of Instinct:
Sabbat believe the strong alone survive. The Games of Instinct test
vampires to see who among them are the strongest. The games are meant as
competitions and many place bets on who will win. There are many types of
games, and Sabbat are always inventing new ones. The games test such
things as hunting ability, resistance to pain, fighting ability, bravery
and wit. The Games of Instinct are like sport for the undead.
- Monomacy:
Monomacy is the method for handling grievances among Sabbat vampires
through combat. It allows vampires to challenge each other in duels to
settle their differences.
- Sermons of Caine:
All vampires in the Sabbat know the story of their origins from the Book
of Nod. The Sabbat often gather to hear sermons on their history to
remind them of who and what they are. The sermons are used to strengthen
Sabbat loyalty and ideology. Sermons of Caine are usually carried out by
Sabbat priests following the Path of Caine, and by higher-level leaders
during other rituals. Sermons of Caine are always followed by the
- The Wild Hunt:
Sabbat vampires seldom turn traitor, but those who do rarely survive. The
Sabbat is a sect which protects its secrets. If a member reveals something
to the enemy that could harm the sect, she is punished severely. Should
the enemy ever manage to gain something of vital importance from a Sabbat
vampire, the Wild Hunt is called. The Wild Hunt is much like a Blood Hunt,
except the Wild Hunt targets all those who may possess the secret
knowledge. The hunt is truly wild. The Sabbat stop at nothing to destroy
all who possess their secrets, especially the Sabbat traitor who revealed
the secrets in the first place.
Other rituals may be observed on
special occasions, such as the Festivo dello Estinto, Palla Grande, or
Danse Macabre. In addition, all vampires must swear to the Oath of Loyalty.
There will be a Pack Symbol and a Test of Verification that each vampire will
be made aware of upon completion of all necessary requirements to reach the
rank of Cainite. Any time a ritual is to be observed, all members will be
given advance notice of the coming festivities. The eldest and highest ranking
priest will be responsible for determining which other rituals will be
observed and when. If someone would like to see a ritual held they must
contact this person to set it up.