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Cairn Heart

Average size of a Caern

Rank 1

Average Population: Up to 10 Garou

Average Bawn: About 200 acres or smaller

Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 1,000 miles

Gauntlet: 4

Advantages: Minimal inter-pack politics; more cohesiveness; good chance of filling a Sept position; unlikely to attract Wyrm creatures.

Disadvantages: Little inherent power (Gnosis); no ranging room for Lupus.


Rank 2

Average Population: From 8 to 15 Garou

Average Bawn: 200-350 acres

Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 2,000 miles

Gauntlet: 4

Advantages: Relatively little politicking; packs can acquire healthy totem spirits; may have a chance to fill a minor Sept position.

Disadvantages: Still not much raw power; small Bawn for living space; still cramped for Lupus; few defenders if attacked.


Rank 3

Average Population: From 10 to 20 Garou

Average Bawn: 350-800 acres

Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 3,000 miles

Gauntlet: 3

Advantages: Source of significant power; relatively easy to access spirits and mentors; reliable allies within Sept mates

Disadvantages: AlMost no chance for inexperienced Garou to fill any Sept positions; defence is tricky due to larger size of Bawn; enough Garou for politics and in fighting; large enough to come to the Wyrm’s attention; difficult to expand or maintain properly.


 Rank 4

Average Population: From 15 to 30 Garou

Average Bawn: 800-1,000 acres

Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 6,000 miles

Gauntlet: 3

Advantages: Strong and powerful Caern with many powers, allies and spirit connections; other Garou know and respect the Caern and may come to it’s aid when attacked.

Disadvantages: Crowded, particularly where Lupus Garou are concerned; considerable inter Sept politics; Wyrm actively seeks to destroy the Caern; limited access to Caern resources.


Rank 5

Average Population: From 25 to 50 Garou

Average Bawn: 1,000 acres and more

Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 10,000 miles

Gauntlet: 2

Advantages: Great source of power; many Garou come to its defence when threatened.

Disadvantages: Huge Bawn provides problems for defence; space is at a premium due to such a large population of Garou; Elders are often distanced from the pups; Wyrm attacks are almost constant; too large a Caern to be easily concealed, even from mortals and other super naturals.


Caern Totems and Spirits

Type                 Power**                    Spirits encountered***

All                         Open Moon Bridge+

Enigmas                 Enigmas Ability               Illusion, Shadow, Chameleon

Gnosis                   Gnosis Points                 Engling, Ghosts, Watchers

Healing                  Health Levels                    Peace, Calm, Water Elemental/Animals

Leadership             Leadership, Intimidation          War, Bird Spirits

Rage                      Rage points                    War, Pain, Watchers

Stamina                 Soak dice                       Protection, Guardian, Turtle

Strength                 Strength attribute             War

Urban                    Streetwise                       City elemental, Rat, Cockroach

Visions                  Oracular visions              Bird Spirits, Chimera

Will                       Willpower points            War, Ancestor Spirit

Wisdom                Rituals, Expression          Owl Spirit, Ancestor Spirit ]

Wyld                     Anything                         Wyldling

Weaver                  Invention, Craft               Cockroach, Rat, City Father


** One point/Level/dice per success of Rite of the Opened Caern

*** These are the spirits that are most often encountered near Caerns of that type. However there is no guarantee that they are always to be found. Other spirits may also appear at Storytellers discretion

^ Only if the two Caerns in question have completed a Rite of the Opened Bridge.

+ Only if the two Caerns in question have completed a Rite of the Opened Bridge.











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