Cairn Heart
Average Population: Up
to 10 Garou
Average Bawn: About 200 acres or smaller
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance:
Gauntlet: 4
Advantages: Minimal inter-pack politics; more cohesiveness;
good chance of filling a Sept position; unlikely to attract Wyrm creatures.
Disadvantages: Little
inherent power (Gnosis); no ranging room for Lupus.
Average Population: From
8 to 15 Garou
Average Bawn: 200-350 acres
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance:
Gauntlet: 4
Advantages: Relatively little politicking; packs can acquire
healthy totem spirits; may have a chance to fill a minor Sept position.
Disadvantages: Still
not much raw power; small Bawn for living space; still cramped for Lupus; few
defenders if attacked.
Average Population: From
10 to 20 Garou
Average Bawn: 350-800 acres
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance:
Gauntlet: 3
Advantages: Source of significant power; relatively easy to
access spirits and mentors; reliable allies within Sept mates
Disadvantages: AlMost
no chance for inexperienced Garou to fill any Sept positions; defence is tricky
due to larger size of Bawn; enough Garou for politics and in fighting; large
enough to come to the Wyrm’s attention; difficult to expand or maintain
Average Population: From
15 to 30 Garou
Average Bawn: 800-1,000 acres
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance:
Gauntlet: 3
Advantages: Strong and powerful Caern with many powers,
allies and spirit connections; other Garou know and respect the Caern and may
come to it’s aid when attacked.
Disadvantages: Crowded,
particularly where Lupus Garou are concerned; considerable inter Sept politics;
Wyrm actively seeks to destroy the Caern; limited access to Caern resources.
Average Population: From
25 to 50 Garou
Average Bawn: 1,000 acres and more
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance:
Gauntlet: 2
Advantages: Great source of power; many Garou come to its
defence when threatened.
Disadvantages: Huge
Bawn provides problems for defence; space is at a premium due to such a large
population of Garou; Elders are often distanced from the pups; Wyrm attacks are
almost constant; too large a Caern to be easily concealed, even from mortals and
other super naturals.
+ Only if the two Caerns in question have completed a Rite of the Opened Bridge.