Name: Shannon
Age: 1342
Height/Weight: 6’5”/ 250 lbs.
Race: Unseelie Sidhe
Physical Appearance: Shannon is a very large man, though by Sidhe standards he is over average height. Unlike a Sidhe, he keeps his hair cut, cropped very close to his head, or completely shaved away. He is a very muscular man, very broad in build. Shannon’s eyes are a dark mix of blues with a ring of pale blue around the center; though mostly he hides them behind glamour and makes them appear plain old human blue. He sticks to mainly dark clothing though wears a variety of different styles.
Personality: Shannon is not exactly the friendliest of souls. He has a very hardened attitude from his long years. He is a very private person and does not openly give information about his own life. Though sometimes he can be very touchy feely because he is very much attracted to magical beings. He craves magic because he has been away from the mounds for so long. One thing that is big about him is he is very quick tempered.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Physically he is very strong and magically he is as well, but he has a very nasty temper that brings him down.
Played by: Trace