Full Name: Jackson Reeves
Age: 18
Appearance: Jackson is slender with a high school basketball player’s build.
The first feature most notice about Jackson is his eyes. Windows into the
soul, there always seems to be something hiding behind the brooding teenager’s
eyes that encapsulates those who know him. Equate it to his age if you will,
Jackson’s wardrobe is generally t-shirt and jeans with the occasional button
up shirt although he does own a suit or two for necessary occasions.
Personality: Jackson is quiet and defensive. Beneath the surface something
simmers, waiting to boil over. Although, as his sister is well aware, this is
only a recent and, hopefully, temporary situation. Under normal circumstance
Jackson is carefree and fun to be around although when it comes to Jessica he
is extremely protective.
Family: : Parents: John and Hannah Reeves (deceased), Sister: Jessica; Aunt: Hailee Matthews, Cousin: Audrey
History: Jackson grew up the son of a government contractor and spent most of
his life being bounced from one home (and school) to another, never allowing
he or his sister to make lasting friendships anywhere they went which left
them to be each other’s best-friend. A situation for which he blames and
resents his father.
Job: High school student, job hunting.
Vehicle: None yet
Circle of Friends: Jessica has really been the only friend Jackson has ever
had, due to their father’s job.