Obsessive by nature, completely controlling and nothing if not persistent does not make Tom seem endearing to most people. He is for the most part a victim of his own upbringing and lifestyle. Born to a large military family, not only did Tom know what it was that he wanted in life, but he knew what was expected of him. Like his siblings, he enlisted and took his role as a protector of his country very seriously. When he met his future wife Hailee, he fell hard and fast, and the vows they shared on their wedding day Tom took to mean for life. It was Tom's struggle to find a balance between having a family and a career that eventually destroyed Tom & Hailee's relationship. After a mission went horribly wrong, Tom 'disappeared' for nearly 2 years, but now he's back, and is fighting to win Hailee's heart once more so that the two can be parents to the daughter that Tom never knew he had. The question is, with Hailee's desires for an old flame being rekindled; will he discover that he has returned too late?

 Full Bio
Full Name: Thomas Ryan Matthews

Age: 28

Appearance: Tom is talk, dark, and handsome. He takes excellent care of his body and works out regularly. He's always taken care of his physical appearance and is rarely seen in a state that is less than perfect. He dresses himself very well and is often considered obsessive about his appearance. He believes that he has to dress professionally when at all possible primarily because you can never take back a first impression. He has chiseled features and a casual smile that tends to set people at ease.

Personality: Tom is a control freak most of the time. The only time that he releases the reigns is when he is at home. The one person he has trusted without compromise is his estranged wife. He isn't so sure where they stand now, but he is nothing if not persistant and dedicated to the marriage he vowed to sustain until death do them part. He tends to be obsessive and often times his focus is unrelenting. It's gotten him out of more than one life threatening situation. He is still madly in love with his wife and his daughter. He sometimes has a difficult time relaxing, but is learning the art from a therapist working with him to transition from his formely military lifestyle.

Family: Hailee, his estranged wife, Psychologist to the stars. Audrey, daughter.

History: Tom grew up in a large military family. As a teenager, the one thing that he found he was fairly good at that allowed him some time to sort through all the thoughts and challenges that faces a teenage boy that is accustomed to moving around a lot was surfing. He began lifeguarding on the beaches of southern California as soon as he was old enough. It wasn't long after that when Tom enlisted in the military, following in his father's footsteps. Because of his background, he soared through the ranks and quickly became one of the most highly trained 'extraction' specialists. Along with that ranking came the assignments that most of his counterparts shied away from.

While on leave, Tom was hanging out on the beach, when he met a girl that instantly took his breath away. Hailee. She was gorgeous and he wasted no time in introducing himself to her. They seemed to hit it off and Tom courted her with the same dedication and diligence that he did everything in his life. It did not take long for the two of them to be seen together whenever possible. Head over heals in love with her, Tom worshipped the ground she walked on. He was a bundle of nerves when he asked her to marry him, though the setting, the way he did it was all planned to a T. Though he loved her, worshipped her, and would do anything for her, he had not been completely honest with her about what it was he did in the military until after they were married. They had not been married very long when he was sent on what some would call a suicide mission. It did not go as planned and Tom was missing in action for over a year, missing the birth of their daughter.

When he fought his way back to her, their relationship took on a completely different turn. The military offered him an out, something he felt he had to take if he was going to save their marriage. Against Hailee's wishes, Tom accepted the mission. The duration of this mission was approximately six weeks. During that time, Hailee, angry over his decision, moved his things out of the house and into an apartment. She then filed for a legal separation. The papers were waiting for Tom when he returned as a newly retired military officer.

Job: Retired military, Tom now works as a body guard to celebrities.

Vehicle: Tom drives a simple Ford F150 Extended Cab truck (4x4).

Circle of Friends: Circle of friends to be more fully developed at a later time. Hailee, his estranged wife, some of his military buddies. Evan Roberts, his wife's former boyfriend, has reentered the picture and would be considered if not an enemy, a challenger.

