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My name is Iulia Mar'Sahn...and I am possibly one of the strangest creatures you'll meet this side of the universe. Well, I take that back...I was exaggerating again. There are plenty stranger than me, but for where I live and what I am I'm pretty strange... Why? I'll tell you... I'm probably one of the least common halflings you'll see.

My father is a full-blooded Novonnian as far as I know, though he leans more towards being draconic than reptilian, unlike most. He's scaly in orange, lime green, and yellow colors.He also has gold fins on his head, back, and tail. Something else sets him apart, too...he's a Marik: a leader of a Novonnian country, basically. His name is Daxus Mar'Sahn and he's well...not exactly the boldest person in the world. Not to say he's a wuss, but he gets stressed easily... he's not a bad father or leader, though.

Perhaps you've heard of Reshi Aricoli? Well my mother, Kerra Aricoli, is his younger quite a few years. That happens quite a bit with immortals and demi-immortals. As her brother, she's a draconic geomancer… Blonde hair with green eyes and a dark blue dragon form. I take more after her than I do my father, both in appearance and temper. We're both a bit hot-tempered...especially with idiotic people...

So, what do you get when you cross the two? Me, no doubt... As previously mentioned, I take more after my mother. I look mostly human with blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and a fair complexion... However, my ears are kind in fins, like a fish's, which looks kind of odd. I have a tail, too, that's blue and gold and finned with spikes along the upper part of it. Sometimes I have wings, but not all the time... When at home I generally wear robes since I'm too lazy to change every time I get out of school, get back from going to some dumb political/religious (not that you can tell the difference where I live) cetera.

I go to school here on Novonna...with the Schimites. You have NO idea how many times a day I imagine my classmates getting humiliated beyond belief. They don't like me, I don't fit... Never have, probably never will. Some of them say that it's an unbelievable wonder I was ever allowed to know who my father was in the first place; as I said, I'm not exactly a common halfling... As far as all of my peers are concerned, I'm a bastard child that never should have existed. Almost always Mariks marry other you the general opinion of me amongst a civilization that is religion and tradition based.

Fortunately, my Schimite teacher Venir, doesn't seem to mind any of this at fact, he seems to favor me. Weird man... Surprisingly he's even helped me with my uh...unusual abilities. I doubt he liked it very much when Sharuu set part of his library on fire, though... I will never forget the look on Sharuu's face THAT time he got into trouble.

I do have some friends, like Sharuu whom I've previously mentioned. Most are children of older Mixed Media members and have become such themselves. Frostpetal, Jasien, and Sharuu...just to name a few.

Frostpetal lives elsewhere, though, and goes to school in her Grandfather's and mother's kingdom of Arliingran. She's...much more passive than I am. Much more than anyone I know, in fact... She's not snotty, though, just very very sweet-natured. A bit odd to me how someone could be so nice and calm all the time... Of course, her older sister is just the opposite.

Sharuu...whom I mentioned a royal pain in the hindquarters to EVERYONE. He's the grandson of Empress Minaia and the only way to describe him really is "annoying". I swear, the Katri boy stares at every single woman he finds remotely attractive then drools all over the floor until he's standing in a puddle. Not only that, he repeatedly does ignorant things.. Like setting Venir's library on fire...and breaking my window a few times until my father wanted to strangle him...asked my mother what color her underwear were....and other EXTREMELY stupid things.

Jasien... oh, where do I start with him... I'm not saying he's bad...but he's not perfect. To some people he tends to come off as cold, but he's really not... Just extremely the point that some people think he's depressed. He's not a bad guy, though, and is a good friend. Very mature and he'll always cheer up and support his friends through the worst times no matter what happens. What can I say...? I love him... Not that I'd ever ADMIT that.. I would die of embarassment if he ever found out how jealous I was of his old girlfriend, especially since she died not to long ago and now he really is depressed. I hope he feels better soon...

Enough of that! Shoo! You don't need to know about my most private feelings! How would you like to hear about my abilities Venir's been helping me with? Well, not many know this....but....I talk to ghosts. Not all spirits, just those of the deceased... They like to do almost anything I even toy with the idea of wanting. Sometimes it's...really out of control. It's weird and it gets me into so much trouble it's unbelievable...
