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People continue to ask me if I'm depressed. I am, now, but it's been asked so many times the words have lost all meaning to me so that I barely hear them and the answer is always "no". Just because I was always quiet and sedate did not mean I was in a state of depression. well, I guess they weren't me and could not have possibly known.

My name is Jasien, Jasien Randy Karashinu. Weird name, huh? Well by all outward apperances I'm a nice, normal teenage boy: except for one thing. Maybe two or three, but the last two would more likely make me unable to be termed as "nice", the first just makes me odd like my name would suggest.

I have slightly spiked and messy brown hair with silvery highlights. Some muscular matter does exist on my body, but I'm far from being huge at 5'11" and 140 pounds. Definitely not a wrestler. My face is somewhere between being round and angular while my eyes are slightly almond-shaped. Basically normal, huh? That's only the beginning.

Next I'll tell you what makes me look not-so-nice: the tattoos. The more noticable one is on my face. Flames coming up from my jawline on the right side to the inner corner of my eye. The other is spread across my back at my shoulder blades. That one's a phoenix composed of fire. I got both on a dare, the last dare from Sharuu I ever went through with. My parents weren't exactly happy...

Now the part that's certainly not normal for any sort of human teenager. I'm odd-eyed. And no, I'm not talking about where one is blue and the other brown or green or whatever. The colors of my eyes make some people nervous... The right eye, the one with the flame tattoo below it, is copper-colored. You know, like some dogs have where it's a really light metallic brown with a hint of red or a metallic pink-orange. That's the color of my right eye. The left eye is kind of a clear ice blue, "crystal blue" I believe it's called. The color of blue that makes you feel a though you can stare through a person's eyes and see their thoughts... Some people think that this-these feature(s) make me look mean. Like I eat faces or something.

I don't think I'm mean, though, and I'm fairly certain your arm or leg would be more filling than your face... Ha ha. Do you see what I am intimating, though? Almost all of these features are basically human, except for my eyes... and they say the eyes are windows to the soul. You guessed it, I'm not human; but then, what am I?

I, Jasien Randy Karashinu, am a Katri. What's a Katri? Well, a Katri is a mixed creature almost like an anthro griffin crossed with angel or demon. Don't worry, I'm the angelic type. Other than that, I can't tell you anymore about myself. I've never shifted, nor had the desire to. At least not to Katri form. I have... Well, I'll get to that in my story. There's much more you should know about me.

Thank the powers that be I only go to school in the human world. Without magic it's unbearably boring, most have an imagination that's nearly nonexistant, and very few are completely accepting of those who are different. Don't get my wrong, I know how to deal with human and get into the "in crowd." You just need to know how to work the system; but don't get too into it, that got me into trouble...

I live a long way from the world of humans, and I mean a long way. As in an entire dimension away. Earth and other human worlds are mainly in the realm of Gevorn; I live in Fantasa on a little double-sunned jungle planet called Pre'Mian. Do you know what's on Pre'Mian? Well, there's trees, Garden Dragons, angelic Katris, thunderbirds, Cambris, and the Ring of Fire. The last is where I live.

Some of you may know about the Ring of Fire, RoF, but for those of you who don't it's a dragonry in a dormant volcano with a magical ring of flames encircling the top. That's where I live--with dragons and all sorts of cool people. My mom's the one in charge there, the Firelancer. She's a Katri, too, but she shifts into a pretty cheetah-like Katri with rainbow wings. She's cool, but can have a rather bad temper...

Mixed Media is the name for the dragonriders; they're actualy freedom fighters and have been since long before any of them got dragons. I'm part of Mixed Media, I fight when battle comes our way; so are my friends.

Sharuu, whom I mentioned earlier, is my nephew as well as my best friend despite the fact that he's about two years younger than me at fifteen years. He's the son of my older (but she's the youngest of my siblings) sister Eva and Mikarma. Sharuu is always in a Katri form that's like an anthro black tiger fading to tawny gold on his rump, orange eyes, and orange and purple dragonlike wings. He's... a loudmouth and kind of hyper, but still a good friend.

My other friend is named Iulia, from her name it should be a bit obvious that she's a girl. Unlike Sharuu and I, she's not a Katri but a more draconian creature. Half draconic geomancer and half more draconic Novonnian, she looks mostly human most of the time but has fins for ears and a tail. I think she has a full dragon form, but it's fairly certain she lacks a fully human form so she can't go to school on Earth like Sharuu and me. She never even goes around most humans unless she's wearing a big hooded sweatshirt to cover her ears and she can tuck her tail up inside of. Iulia is quite nice, but can also have somewhat of a temper. She seems to like whacking Sharuu in the back of the head when he does or says something dumb. Like hit on her.

Well, now that you know the basis of my world, don't forget about it. I'm quiet and not human, I live at the Ring of Fire, and my friends Sharuu and Iulia are crazy. Get it? Got it? Good. Now, if you you want to know why I'm officially depressed read on...
