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Have you ever noticed how people react when they go back to school? Some students are excited to be there and anxious to chitchat with all their little friends, others just come in kind of scowling and looking extremely unhappy. But there are enough of them to flood the halls with a dull roar. As the end of the day nears, however, those who are less than happy seem to cheer up as they look forward to what they've deamed a prison.

"Hey, you're new here, right?" a guy asked me in my math class, leaning out of his chair toward me. He was a big meathead with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Evidently one of the 'populars.'

I looked up making sure to close the book on dragon anatomy before he could see it and deam me a 'loser that needed a reality check." "Yeah, what of it?" I asked coldly. I looked over his face once or twice. Yep, definite 'popular.'

He looked me over as well; taking in my eyes, tattoo, and strangely tinted hair. "Where you from?" he asked. "And why'd you come to this hellhole?"

"South Warren," I replied, glancing at the clock as though I were waiting to get out of that class. Which I was, but this guy was my ticket to working the system again. "Got expelled for punching out some little bastard."

"Dude! Really, what'd he do?"

"Kissed my girlfriend," I said with an off-handed shrug tucking my dragon anatomy book in with the others. I'd never even had a girlfriend, but this meatheaded jock didn't need to know that.

The guy burst into laughter,"You show 'em not to be putting his dirty lips on your woman, man! By the way, name's Garret, what's yours?"

Hmph, I didn't like him already. The way he spoke of women seemed as though he thought they were property or a toy instead of another individual person. But he was a popular, and at that point I needed him to meet my ends. No telling him off, at least not yet.

"Jasien Karashinu," I responded. Garret practically fell out of his seat laughing.

"What the hell kind of name is that!?" He roared. HIs face was beginning to turn red from lack of air.

"A unique one," I said simply, keeping a straight face. "And a good one. What kind of name is Garret?"

Eventually, Garret composed himself only letting out the occasional snicker. "Come on, man, I was just messing with ya. Try to lighten up!" Lighten up, yeah right. So I could turn into a raving womanizer lunatic like him? Well, at least he had some respect for me though he was quite a bit bigger and I was "just" the new kid.

"Find me at lunch and I'll introduce you to some of the other guys," the meathead offered.

"Alright," I agreed, only half-interested. I was well on my way to being part of the 'popular' crowd.

School went well, as I almost always got good grades and was part of the 'in' crowd. The other boys were so shallow they thought I was just the 'strong, silent type' they didn't expect there to be anything going on beneath my usually stoic expression. They thought my mind was devoid of anything but sex, drugs, cars, and alcohol like theirs.

I never did any of the stupid stuff, I just sat back and watched while they made even bigger idiots of themselves. I would go to almost everything they asked me to, but would usually be back in time to hang out with my real friends.

I never talked to girls much, though many of them seemed to think I was 'hot.' Some of the more intelligent ones just thought I was a jerk like most of the other populars. It didn't matter to me, I was glad they weren't so empty headed since I hadn't bothered to prove that I wasn't.

Really, I never interfered in anything my 'friends' did. I saw no reason to. If they and people around them were stupid enough, let them screw up. However, there was one time that I did interfere. I don't regret it, but I do regret my stupid mistake that came later...

As I went into the school building I noticed Garret and some of the other boys I usually hung around with harassing a freshman girl. They were holding some sort of book up out of her reach and laughing calling her 'freak' and 'weirdo'. I couldn't see the title of the book, but I had the feeling it was something like fantasy or science fiction. Something vaguely resembling my real life.

Without really stopping to consider it I marched over and snatched the book from Garret's hand as he lifted it over his head. "What's the matter, Garret?" I demanded more coldly than usual. "Don't have any other stupid stuff to do besides picking on freshman girls?"

The big meathead looked shocked for a moment, this was the first time I'd ever actually interrupted his stupidity; but then he grinned. "It's just a nerd, Jasien. You know, one that lives in her own imaginary world."

"Shut up!" the girl practically screamed. She was getting angry quickly and was apt to do something rash. I didn't want her to get in trouble, she hadn't done anything.

"So are you, Garret. It's just that most people don't consider you to be a nerd, but rather a jerk," I growled. I shoved past him and grabbed the girl by the arm, pulling her away from the boys and down the hallway. Once we were a decent distance away I handed the book back to her. " stay away from those guys. They're bastards."

"Thanks, so I noticed..." she replied, looking up at me skeptically. She was a pretty girl, or at least she would have been if it weren't for the ugly glasses. She had long, straight black hair and green eyes. "I've seen you with them before and though you were the same. It really surprised me when you told Garret off."

I shrugged, shoving my hands into my sweatshirt pockets. "It was no big deal. I hate him, but you usually have to be popular to earn any semblance of respect in high school." I rolled my eyes. "It's easy if you know how to work the system."

"So you're not a prep," she pondered, giving me the 'librarian squint.' "So, does Mr. Fake-prep have a name?"

I laughed, giving her a wide smile, one of the few occasions I've done such. "I believe I fit into the skater stereotype, and my name's Jasien Karashinu."

"Jasien...that's a tight name, what's it mean? Or did your parents just make it up?"

"It means 'inner strenght', and they didn't make it up though I'm not sure what language it is." The second part was, of course, a lie. I knew it was a Katri name and dreamer or not, I wasn't sure this girl would understand my nature or my existance. "And you?"

"Mary, nice to meet you," she extended her hand and I took it.

"Nice to meet you as well," I replied, giving her hand a small, but firm shake. "I have to go to class. If you need anything, I'll be around. Okay?"


I watched her go, she was a nice girl and not an airhead, but I didn't really feel comfortable getting close to humans.
