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However, close she did get. After we had spoken a few times, she asked to eat lunch with me. It was no big deal as Garret and friends were evil-eyeing me and I didn't partciularly want to sit and listen to their blather anyway, so I agreed.

Soon it became an everyday thing, we even went to a movie--science fiction, of course--and I taught Mary the finer points of pelting people who dared to make-out with popcorn. Her parents didn't seem to like me, though, so I always only offered to meet her at places. (Not like I had a car, anyway.) They thought I was a streetrat.

For once, I had a normal human for a true friend, though she thought of me as her 'boyfriend'. I didn't quite say anything on that fact. I wasnt' interested, but I guess I didn't mind...

Have you ever tried surfing? If you haven't, you should; it takes some practice but the thrill, the wind whipping through your hair, and the water are well worth it. Of course, you've never actually surfed until you've ridden waves stirred up by a storm, but that's something else.

Sharuu and I were having some fun and cooling off after helping to dig out a new dragon chamber. We were waiting for another large wave to come in when Sharuu brought up something he'd noticed.

"You seem cheerier than usual later," he said, already in a teasing tone. "School's going well, eh? Find some hot bimbo to get laid by?"

"No," I growled. "I'm not like you, thank you. That's not high on my priority list. Though I suppose it does have something to do with a girl..."

"Oh, then the old BJ."

I blinked hard, then without thinking punched Sharuu right in his midnight black muzzle. He fell to the side, flipping his surfboard over with a loud splash. Soon he surfaced, clutching his face. "I told you I'm not like that!"

"Okay, okay! Jeebus, no need to get so uptight. You hit hard, man!" he dabbed once or twice at his nose; then, satisfied he wasn't bleeding, climbed back onto his surfboard. "Stressed about the subject, are we? Usually I can tease you to no end, but now you're acting!"

"Sorry..." I apologized, a little shame-faced. "Sometimes I get sick of it though...and besides." I gave hm a teasing smile. "You make a good punching bag."

Sharuu scowled, his long tail flicking in the water. "Yeah who's the chick?"

"Freshman girl from my school," I caught the light in Sharuu's eyes and quickly continued before he could comment. "Now, before you make a comment about ' them young', I must tell you it's not like that. To me, anyway. If I were ever to want to go out with a girl it'd be someone like Iulia."

"Bachelor's life for you, eh?" Sharuu chuckled and shook his head. "How you get so popular I'll never understand. Akinta, Iulia, and now a girl at your school...."

"It's quite simple, really: I don't womanize them."

"Nah, I think you've just go a cute face and a nice body."

"Hi, Jasi," one of the bimbos in my speech class giggled. "You don't really do much, do you? I never see you anywhere except school."

I looked up, tucking my dragon anatomy book back into my pack. These random discussions with idiots were really cutting my study time. "Nothing to do," I retorted. What, did she expect to see me lurking around the malls checking out her sister sluts?

"Then I supposed I'll have to give you something to do," she winked and pulled out an envelope with my name scrawled on the front in gel pen. "Those are directions to my house, I'm throwing a party this friday and only deliciously hot people like you are invited." She blew me a kiss.

'Deliciously hot,' what the heck was I? A sadi babi? "I'll think about it."
