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"So this is the party, huh?" Mary asked, peering at the house. Through the windows teenagers could be viewed dancing among other things. "Let's go in."

I reluctantly went up the steps and rung the doorbell. The girl who invited me answered the door wearing a less than decent outfit. She gave me a huge smile. "Hi, Jasi! Come on in." She didn't seem to notice Mary, or perhaps believed that Mary wasn't worth her attention.

I held the door open for Mary then followed her in. Loud music was playing, it hurt my ears; some food was set aside but I didn't dare touch it. Who knows what could have been in it... I nudged Mary in the side. "Don't eat or drink anything," I whispered. "Someone could have laced it."

Mary was about to ask why when she saw the look on my face and decided not to question me, she simply stood there wondering whether to regret coming or not. We stood around for a while, attempting to decide what to do.

"Hey Jasi, man, haven't seen you quite in a while," Garret exclaimed, tromping over. His speech was a little slurred from the drinks he'd had from the bottle in his hand. "Decided finally that that nerd wasn't worth your time, eh?"

"Actually.." I cleared my throat. "I brought her along."

Mary was standing behind me...or rather attempting to disappear behind me. I didn't mind, if they decided to tangle with either of us they'd more likely be fighting me--and I knew how to fight unlike Mary. Without thinking, I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, so you brought a mouse for us to play with?" Garret said with a wicked smirk, somehow I don't think it was just the influence of the booze as he reached for Mary. I grabbed him by the wrist, twisting it back.

"No, I brought her to prove that she didn't want to come to any parties like this where all of you idiots hang out," I snarled. A few people gave me weird looks as I was baring my teeth like a cat or a dog. "And don't give me that 'what's the deal' crap, you know full well that I don't fit in with you guys, you just think there's something 'too cool' about me and you don't want me to be too cool for you. Well, I have news for you: I'm not too cool, I'm just too smart. I thought that I needed to be cool to get along and high school, but I now know that I don't; and I have news for you, Garret. You may not be considered to be a loser now, but in life you're going to lose out with all this sh*t you do. I'm sick of your womanizing and putting people down."

Garret tensed, his hands clenching into fists glaring at me--or trying to, he couldn't quite get his eyes to focus properly. Mary tugged at my arm, pulling me towards the door and I concedingly went. We closed the door to all the stares and shocked expressions behind us.

"Guess I'll walk you home then since your parents won't be around for another couple of hours," I mumbled. "Well that was all great...I told you you wouldn't want to go to any of those parties you never got invited to. Only stupid people get invited to those things."

Mary nodded silently, she looked down...and I didn't really feel any better. Really, what I wanted to do was go tear Garret's throat out for even thinking of doing anything to Mary. We walked on in silence down the wet streets, it had been raining when we'd gone in but now it has slowed to a drizzle. The sun was setting on the horizon and it was beginning to get dark. We rounded a corner and stepped out to walk across the street when a car came roaring towards us.

It slammed into us from the left, I remember flying through the air and hitting my head hard on the ground, my blood dripped to the pavement hissing in the water from the phoenix magic in it. My arm hurt, badly, but I looked up--just in time to catch the driver's face as he drove off. Garret.

"D*mn you..." I hissed. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?" I looked around for Mary, she was laying nearby. I pushed myself up with my good arm and went over, turning her face-up...then my heart sank. She was bleeding badly, her face and hair covered in blood. I ran to the nearest house, banging on the door loudly.

A woman answered, looking disgruntled at my bloody clothes--not to mention the way I always looked. "...Can I help you, young man?"

"Call an ambulance..please, hurry!" I was very close to begging...and I almost never beg anyone.

The lady did as I asked and soon enough the ambulance came. I'd gone back outside to try to do something about Mary's wounds, but nothing seemed to help. When the ambulance arrived they made me leave her so they could work on both of us, the sear marks on my arm from the blood baffled them but they assumed they didn't have time to waste worrying about that. They of course, rushed Mary to the hospital--and took me as well since I was there and also needed a little medical attention.

Later, after they'd made me let them put a cast on my arm along with a pin to help it heal since I'd broken it in three places. I got the news I'd been dreading... Mary had died, not too long after we'd been hit...
