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After I got out of the hospital, I went back to doing what I'd normal do at the Ring of Fire... Being part phoenix, my arm had healed quickly thought I continued to wear a bandage around it. Not because it hurt me, but I guess in sort of a remembrance of Mary... I felt horrible, if i had never taken her to that party that never would have happened. If I hadn't told off Garret, if I had been watching more carefully... If if if... I wish I had told her the truth about myself, about why I had a book on dragon anatomy. The more I thought about it, the more I felt she would have understood.

And the worse I felt for telling her nothing and lying to her...

Mary's funeral, I heard, was beautiful... I didn't see it first hand, her parents didn't want me anywhere near their family again. They even got into a humongous with my mother over it and whether or not I should be held accountable for her death in a court of law. Not I, nor Garret, nor any of the other boys that had been in the car with him were ever charged, though...and soon things quieted down. Though, I felt it would have been better if I had been charged...if I had gone to jail or anything, it would be better than living with feeling as though it were my fault and as I'd gotten away with murder.

Her parents couldn't keep me from paying my respect, however, and I frequently went to leave flowers at her grave. Sharuu said I was making myself crazy, so I insisted that he come along with me in his human form. And that day that he did, was one that brought out in me something I hadn't guessed was there.

As we were leaving who should show their unwanted faces but Garret and his lackies. "What do you want?" I mumbled, not taking my eyes off of the ground.

"I just uh..." Garret rubbed the back of his neck with a big mit, looking at me as though he were trying to find the words for something. "I...wanted to say sorry about your girlfriend.. But eh, she was just a nerd, right? There are plenty more girls in the world, why not just go find another one?"

That set me off, I glared fiercely up at Garret. "What did you say?" I snarled menacingly. "Just a nerd!? Just find another one? HELL WOULD YOU KNOW! You wouldn't know the value of her as a person, or why I liked her! You're after nothing but sex and what a girl can do for you. With you it's all 'me me me me me'! You jackass." I took a step towards him, and to my delighted surprise he stepped back. He was afraid of me.

"N-nothing lasts forever, they say," he stuttered. "There are probably lots more like her."

Something just seemed to snap, and for the first time in my life I really, truly wanted to kill him. And I lept. However, as my hand connected with his face it was no longer a hand, but in fact a paw like a tiger's. His friends went running as I, the hellcat called Jasien, proceded to maul him. It was likely I would have killed him if Sharuu hadn't dragged me off from behind.

Garret could barely run away, but run he did while Sharuu had me pinned down to the ground. "Hey...hey man! Calm down, the jerk's gone..."

It took a while, but eventually I calmed down and got a grip upon the now mostly feline beast that was my mind. Then I shifted was strange to me, the first time I had actually shifted. I was disturbed. "If..if you hadn't stopped me I would have killed him.." I said quietly, hugging my knees. "I would have killed him right here..."

"Yeah, he would've been Meow Mix," Sharuu added, even though what he said was humorous his tone and face were serious. "Man, I never thought you'd turn into a big black and red-orange-yellow tiger-thing with wings. I always thought you'd be something like a kitten..."

"Heh..." I forced. "Looks like we won't be coming back to Earth for a while."

Sharuu smirked. "Not immediately, but who would believe that you shifted into a big black and orange cat and nearly ate him?"
