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I didn't tell anyone else about how I had shifted, nor did I even attempt to do it again. I was too afraid of their reactions...too afraid I'd lose control and hurt someone. Poor Iulia asked Sharuu why I actually looked disturbed, I wanted to tell her but couldn't... Would she understand? She could shift, too, but it's not like she wanted to eat people. I wondered why I'd done it, and if I could shift into anything else..

Eventually, I decided upon a few things. I could probably shift into any creature I could think of like most of the members in my family, I'd experiment when I felt more comfortable doing so... and as for why I'd done it, I suddenly one night thinking about it realized that it was a wish for justice that brought out that transformation. It'd always been there, the want...the need to make sure things were made right in one form or another. A wish to punish those who would do something horribly wrong, and somehow a special hate against demons...

I also decided that no longer would I even pretend to fit in just to...well, fit in. To work the system, whatever I said before. I'd rather be a leader than a follower, I was going to make sure that at least where I was things would go right if I could do anything, anything at all... So I decided to 'apprentice' to a leader of some place. My mother made arrangements with Sargon for me to job shadow him...after all, he kept all his crazy riders in check. Most of the time.

"So you're going to job shadow?" the dark man asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "This is going to be interesting...just one thing."

"What's that?" I asked uncertainly.

"Don't throw any wild parties with Akinta..." he sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I promised your mother I'd take good care of you, so it'd probably also be best if you stayed away from any hydras and some of the riders... Especially Diosama and Hieyiakana since they hate your mum so much. They'd probably fancy you as a snack."

I nodded nervously, I didn't need to be warned about that twice...even though I would have liked to have kicked Hieyiakana's furry butt for all the hell she'd put my mother through.

"Oh, and one othe thing."

"What's that?" I hoped he didn't ask me to go on a date with Akinta...quite honestly she scared me.

"Stand now, after all...we went over before a long time ago how you'd make a good candidate, and I know you can fight so you're not likely to get eaten alive by hatchlings." Sargon put his big feet up on his desk, stretching. "So when the clutch hatches, I'm going to put you out there."
