Fighter: The warrior class. There are many different types of fighters; those that use swords, halberds, light armor, heavy armor. They all differ. But this is for people who want to get very proficient with weapons.
Bonuses: STR+1, CON+1.
Mage: The class of spellcasters. These call upon their own mana to power their spells(Reminder: This game is in NO way related to DnD). Spellcasting is not for everyone, the long persuit into scholarly arts usually leaves the body weak.
Bonuses: INT+1, WIL+1.
Thief: The stealthy class. They use stealth and cunning to avoid their enemies. They use agility to smite their enemies, usually from afar or with short-bladed weapons. They're usually street-wise, and can pick locks and pockets with equal ease.
Bonuses: AGI+1, DEX+1.
Cleric: A wise and strong upholder of their god. Most have delved deeply into the arts of their god and can draw of the power granted herein. They disdain the use of bladed weapons, prefering the mace, or morningstar to the short-sword or axe. They are physically conditioned along with schooled in their art, making them adept at physical feats and magical feats.
Bonuses: STR+1, WIL+1.
Martial Artist(Monk): Schooled in the art of fighting all their lives, monks are highly proficient in many forms of weaponry and empty-handed fighting. They dislike using armor because it restricts movement greatly. They are both physically and mentally prepared for battles and have strong wills.
Bonuses: STR+1, AGI+1.
Ranger: A warrior that has grown up in the wilderness and has devolped an empathy with the surrounding region and it's inhabitants. Skilled with various forms of weaponry, they excel at using the terrain to their advantage and even posess minor spellcasting powers.
Bonuses: STR+1
Necromancer: A dark wizard with domain over death. He raises the dead to fight for him in battle and casts spells of dark origin. Not much is known about these secretive casters of the black arts, but they remain feared and disdained throughout most of the continents.
Bonuses: INT+1, WIL+1.
Druid: Holds domain over nature and the natural orders. Usually, they try to balance out the world, believing that nature placed both good and evil to bring order to the universe. Casting spells provided by nature itself, they use their environment to be the focus of their spells and also can summon a wide array of creatures.
Bonuses: WIS+1, WIL+1.
Paladin: A fighter for all that is good in the world. They take the will of their god and hold it close to themselves. Once given a holy order, they will stop at nothing short of death to complete it. A wide variety of weapons is at their disposal. They are also commonly arrayed in heavy armor.
Bonuses: STR+1, WIS+1.
Now for the 'Not-so-Fun' Stuff...
Fighter Technical Data
Mage Technical Data
Theif Technical Data
Cleric Technical Data
Martial Artist Technical Data
Ranger Technical Data
Necromancer Technical Data
Druid Technical Data
Paladin Technical Data