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Ramblings of the Mind
Sunday, January 23, 2005
No Real Update
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Michael Jackson - Billy Jean

Originally posted on June 5th, 2004

No real change from the past few days, still no sex, but we have role played to my delight.

The dogs were doing good up until yesterday. Ginger wouldn't do a number 2 so she got put in lock down, while Babi was free, she peed on the floor twice in protest, so I put her away too, but couldn't lock the door, so of course the got out, broke my glasses too, but at least Mike fixed them.

I IM RPed with a pretty cool person the other day. Hope to do so again today if I see him and don't fall asleep.

We are suppose to role-play some time today, just hope Mike gets a nap and doesn't start TOO late. The group will be present so I hope he doesn't snap my head off, because they might annoy him. I need to get a nap too later.

I hope we get cable soon. I'm going to miss Yu-Gi-Oh. I need to go before I start to not make sense.

Take care!

Posted by Lisa at 10:47 PM EST
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