Mood: hungry
Now Playing: Alanis Morrisette - You Live, You Learn
Originally posted on September 27th, 2004
Had sex on the 22nd, but there is a storm brewing on the home front, just waiting for Mike to explode again.
He's bitching about gaming again and turning into a junkie for EQ, it's irritating, plus he keeps staying up too damn late.
I'm really giving thought to letting him go, just waiting to see what his next major outburst will be like. I'm not happy with the idea, but it might be the best for him. I'm screwed though, so I hope if we do break up he'll help find me a place to live.
Sure I love him, but I'm now beginning to see and not pretend that the relationship is going stale. He's so tired, unmotivated, never wants to go out, I have to nag him about that and he's still acting like I'm the selfish one. What's selfish about wanting to get out after spending all day indoors, sometimes all week? All he hears is I wanna game, half the time I don't but he's made commitments to the players, and unlike him I plan to keep them even if I don't want to.
Oh well, we'll see how things go. I just wish he'd listen more instead of what he wants to hear whether it be good or bad.