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Rp Title: SCSA's for smackdown .

People Used: SCSA,the king,jr,Triple h

People Mentioned: Darkhan,hhh,,hardyz,kurt angle

Achievements: none yet

Extra Message:

...:::Stone Cold Steve Austin:::...
...:::Beer Drikin:::... ...:::Ass Kickin:::...



Glass Shatters hits and Stone Cold appears on the ramp.

He has a beer in his hand and he looks out at the crowd, and they look back at him, Austin stops for just a second, and then makes his way down the ramp, with his trademark Stone Cold strut.

The Crowd is going crazy! Austin then gets in the ring and goes to the turnbuckle closest to the ring bell attendant, and raises his arms in the air!

He then calls for a beer and gets one thrown at him, he then pours it down as it goes all over him!

He then grabs a mic and begins to speak!

stone cold stone cold stone cold stone cold

...:::Stone cold:::...

What ? What? What?

Crowd what?

...:::stone cold:::...

What? What ? what? 1st i have to start with you, you want to come and get your ass where no one is calling you? you want to come and do something your not good at? you wanna come and attack Stone Cold Steve Austin when he is helping his partner Triple H?what?Do you think your special?what?do you think that you have what it takes to fight austin?what?can you kick Stone Cold steve austin's ass?what?well UH!!Uh!! you cant and that is because i am a rattle snake and no one can sttop me.who ever tries to take me will pay,will pay with pain.blood what?they will pay the prize and mr.right now your in my way so i will have to take you out of it.ok now i am challenging u to go vs me in a 1on 1 on raw what do you say mr.pussy? do you think you can beat Stone Cold?what?do you think you can do it?well i hope you can because if you cant then poor you because you know and so does the world that Stone Cold never has mercy on anyone.Well now i have to talk about other people for example the hardyboyz.Matt right now your out, you lost and that means you go and we hopefully wont see you ever again.because your a big fag and you scare me and you scare the world so i am glad that you lost and now your gonne.Oh and the newest sukiest wrestler ever jeff hardy , you know little girl you were very lucky that mr.fag came and interfered because Triple H had the match won but Stupid mr.fag fucked up but thats ok i will kick your ass for him what? i said that i will kick your ass for him.well is not that he needs help is just that right now triple h is out but he will be coming back soon and better than everyone get your ass ready cause the game will come back very soon..

::The lights go out and it becomes pitch dark in WWF Raw is War Arena. The next thing you know pyros begin to go off at the sound of Triple H's theme music "The Game" blasting over the PA System.::

::He lifts the water bottle up to his head and he begins to pour water on the center of his head. The water then begins to flow through his hair every witch way. Next Triple H then pulls his head up and has his hair fly back quickly. He then begins to make his way down the ramp.::

::About half way down the ramp Triple H takes a sip of his water and tosses his water bottle into the crowd where the camera gets a shot of fans reaching and fighting for it.:: ::Triple H then get to the end of the ramp and he branches off to his right and walks over to the apron. He gets lined up right with the center of the ropes and looks out towards all of his fans in the front row and a few rows beyond that.::

::Next Triple H throws his arms into the air and makes a fist with his hands. He then spits out the water that he had left over from his mouth after taking a sip of his water on his way down to the ring.::

::Finally Triple H turns around and makes his way into the ring. He then walks over to the one corner of the ring and grabs a microphone from one of the ring announcers. He then walks around the ring and takes a better look at all of his fans and the people in the arena.then lookd face to face with austin.

Next he begins to walk to the middle of the ring. He then begins to slowly move the microphone up to his lips. When its right there at his lips he then begins to speak.::

...:::Triple H:::...

Yo whats up austin ?i hope everything is cool with you man,good luck on your match vs darkhan i hope you get better luck then me.well anyway n trust me you will pay for what you did because no one messes with the game and gets away with it and i mean no one ...

...:::Stone Cold:::...

You know triple h when is said you were comig back soon i did not mean tha soon but anyway i gotta talk about darkhan right now. you know darkhan when you came and and fucked with triple h that was very wrong because triple H does has a partner and his partners kicks ass. his partner is me and no one then anytime anyone messes with a powertrip member another one will come out of no where and kick your ass and thats what happens to everyone.hey dark do you know what my watch is saying?what?well i dont think you know so i will tell you."its time for dark to get through his head that he does not stand a chance vs Stone Cold Steve Austin.he wont beat Stone Cold, he will not pin Austin 1-2-3 in the ring because he is just not that good.this little fat ass bitch will not beat Stone cold, no one will everyone will respect Stone Cold and there is no after Stone Cold takes you all to the new school get ready because he will beat your ass right there . and one thing dark whne u think that you have finish Stone Cold Steve Austin once and for all Stone cold will get up and kick out of that move and every other move and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.and thats the bottom line What cause Stone Cold Said so!!!!

...:::Triple H:::...

And dont forget i will be at ringside and to beat austin you have to be "that damn good".

The remix of shatter and the game hits on and both Stone Cold and triple h get out of the ring and go onto the powertrips locker room.