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Angelica Chaste

And just like that the hammer clicked back, it's bullet spent. I now found myself alone with two, maybe three corpses. Not so abnormal for a mortician. Abnomral in that I wasn't in a morge. I was in a Church. One of those big Catholic deals with the huge crossed up behind the altar. God it was beautiful place to be, and a horrible place to kill. I knelt first by Rossini. He was dead, one to the heart, one to the head. That's what the books said to do and damn if they wern't right. Then I moved to Tony. He looked so harmless. Big dumb brown eyes glassy even now as they stared up at the church celling. It hadn't reallybeen his fault all this started. It had been my fault he died. Poor thing died because he loved me. Wouldn't let Rossini kill me. Christ! If he had just let me handle it. I was a natural..... I was good....

As he was shot he'd been trying to hand me a ring... I picked it up and looked at it. A bulky thing only a man can ware and look right. But it had been his, and he had wanted me to have it. I sliped it on my thumb and looked around. Me... Angelica Chaste. Killer of three, reponsible for the death of at least one other. Could you imagine? I couldn't. However I could imagin trying to explane this to the police. I had to disapear. I had to get away. The little guy who'd been carring the shotgun had a full wallet on him. I took that, knelt before that huge beautiful cross and prayed for just a moment.

"Father.... If you up there... I'm sorry for what I did. But they were going to kill me. They would have killed me if I didn't kill them first."

Thou Shalt Not Kill.

And those words rung in my head like gun shots in my ears. By this God's laws I had sinned regarless of weither it was my fault or not. By this God's words I would suffer in Hell for saving my own life. I figured that it was about high time I found another God.

I stoped back at my apartment. Packed up the things I had left and changed my clip. Three hours later I was on a plane to Night City. A new life? Maybe...... More blood shed? No avoiding it. The Corps would pay for turning me into a monster... I just had to bide my time until I had a big enough gun.

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