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My Treasure's!

Well, here is a page dedicated to all the treasure i recieve from treasure trails. I'll post pics of the first few, then after that will just have the items in text.

May 30, 2004. From Guard: Adam dagger, Mind rune(56), Adam full helm(2), Earth rune(76)

May 30, 2004. From Guard: Fire Battlestaff, Yew Longbow, Adam full helm(t)

May 31, 2004. From Guard: Adam full helm, Mind rune(89), Lobster(9), Dragonhide body(green), Adam pickaxe

May 31, 2004. From Guard: Swordfish(8), Adam pickaxe(2), Earth rune(72), Adam platemail body
June 1, 2004. From Guard: Yew shortbow(2), Water rune(61), Adam longsword, Adam platemail body
June 2, 2004. From Goblin: Salmon(6), Amulet of magic, Steel pickaxe
June 8, 2004. From Greater Demon: Dragonhide body(black), Rune large helm, Rune longsword, Dragonhide chaps(black), Law rune(46)