The skills used in Relic crafting are Relic Crafting, Gem Working and Rune Working.
For the Relic to become available or trivial, all three Relic crafting skills must be at the mentioned levels.
The Item When It's Availible When Its trivial Strong Arm 0 25 Archer's Eye 0 45 Cat's Feet 15 65 Merlin's Insight 35 85 Mental Focus 55 105 Impediment 75 125 Priest's Touch 95 145 Calling of Titus 115 165 Debilitator 135 185 Maladroit 155 205 Dawdle 175 225 Stupidify 195 245 Distraction 215 265 Mind Pierce 235 285 Touch of the Damned 255 305 Calling of Cassius 275 325 Siphon Strength 295 345 Stolen Hands 315 365 Filched Feet 335 385 Pilfered Intellect 355 405 Lifted Thoughts 375 425 Purloinment 395 445 Blood Pinch 415 465 Calling of Lestat 435 485 Confusion 455 505 Life Roulette 475 525 Annulment 495 545 Damage Shield 515 565 Damage Capacitor 535 585 Calling of Cara 555 605 Dexterous Hoist 575 625 Stream of Conscious 595 645 Blood Bath 615 665 Vampiric Leech 635 685 Death Spike 655 705 Denial of the Believer 675 715 .