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The skills used in Spell crafting are Gem Working, Glass Working, and Spell Crafting.
For the spell to become available or trivial, all three spell crafting skills must be at the mentioned levels.


The Item When It's Availible When Its trivial
Acid Drop 0 25
Flame Blast 0 25
Striking Shadow 0 35
SoulWrack 0 35
Elemental Invocation 0 45
Unholy Provocation 0 45
Frost Whip 5 55
Flesh Rot 5 55
Dark Lash 15 65
Fire Burst 15 65
Bleeding Pores 25 75
Vile Curse 25 75
Crystal Shards 35 85
Chilling Scythe 35 85
Meteor Swarm 45 95
Lightning Arc 45 95
Flaming Spears 55 105
Aether Inferno 55 105
Agonizing Torment 65 115
Bolt of Death 65 115
Reaving Torment 75 125
Brain Deacy 75 125
Mystic Mirage 85 135
Howl From Below 85 135
Incineration 95 145
Regenerating Talons 95 145
Chaos Hammer 105 155
Banshee Wail 105 155
Lightning's Lament 115 165
Bath of Razors 115 165
Feast of the Demons 125 175
Earthen Maw 125 175
Arcane Vengance 135 185
Arctic Chill 135 185
Hell Fury 145 195
Spirit Annihilation 145 195
Frost Gate 155 205
Mind Shatter 155 205
Shriek of the Damned 165 215
Oblivion Orb 165 215
Obsidian Undershimmer 175 225
Unrelentious Retribution 175 225
Lost Soul's Suffering 185 235
Relentless Clouds 185 235
Scream of the Unending 195 245
Retribution Wronged 195 245
Brain Boilation 205 255
Holocaustic Nuke 205 255
Shattering Blood Rebellion 215 265
Unholy Derangement 215 265
Nuke of Nosferatu 225 275
Belial's Calling 225 275
Nerve Collapse 235 285
Inner Incineration 235 285
Eyesplode 245 295
Spirit Invocation 245 295
Hades Glimpse 255 305
Comfortless Pillow 255 305
Angelic Anguish 265 315
Demon Sumonation 265 315
Silent Serenity 275 325
Lucifers Lament 275 325
Naysay 285 335
Manifest Corpse 285 335
Heretic Howl 295 345
Death Shroud 295 345
Morbid Provocation 305 355
Blood Curdle 305 355
Shriek of Satan 315 365
Lifeless Growls 315 365
Sinner's Rebirth 325 375
Body Singe Durability 325 375
Spirit Bind 335 385
Eternal Yearning 335 385
Vivacity Arbitrations 345 395
