This'll be th' area where ye look fer th' straight poop on all th' guild abilities, tips, tricks n' perks. J'st my luck that pirates got th' most abilities outta anyone else soes I got alotta typin' t' do. BAH!
_,-=-,_PIRATE ABILITIES_,-=-,_
(Click above to select an ability, click on the ability to return here to the top, Click here to get back to the homepage)
Mug: Mug'll knock yer opponent loopy so he can't cast his spells or use any of his skills...extremely usefull fer settin' someone up t' be brawled.
Skill(s) Used: F.C.M.U
Usage: mug sucker
Duration: Th' duration o' yer mug is dependant on save computed with yer f.c.m.u an' yer level vs. yer opponents constitution an' his level.
Other Notes: If'n yer skill in C.H is high enough ye won't reveal yerself when ye mug.
Brawl: Brawl's yer main special attack. Hell it's our only special attack anymore. It does a good amount o' damage while stickin some special debilitatin' hits on yer opponent. Includin:
Throat Punch - Silence
Leg Punch- Short Duration Hold Spell
Skill(s) Used: F.C.M.U (fer hit/damage) n' F.C.S (fer special hits)
Usage: brawl idiot
Duration: Instant, 1 tick.
Other Notes: There's a bonus t' brawl if yer hidden.
Rage: Rage is th' ability fer Pirates t' go slightly berzerk and increase their stats while they're under th' influence of alcohol.
Skill(s) Used: F.C.S
Usage: rage
Duration: Depends on th' alcohol ye drink.
Other Notes: There's tons o' different beers t' use fer rage. Yer gonna 'ave t' find yer own favorite. Some people grab th' "Beer Bottle" from th' Drunks in Iapage, some buy "Beer" or "Brass Monkey" (em cough Gambit cough) from th' Brass Monkey Shop in Iapage. Me personal favorite is Thurgood o' course. It's up t' you t' find what ye like t' drink.
Steal: Pretty self explanatory I think. If ye got any questions, find me in game and i'll give ye some lessons.
Skill(s) Used: C.T.P (fer steal success) n' C.H (fer not gettin' caught)
Usage: steal item from sucker
Duration: Depends on how much loot yer targets got.
Other Notes: Steal was changed recently just before I left. I think ye put in yer command and as long as yer target is in sight ye'll continue t' take yer target fer all he's worth til he has nothin left o' that item. I.E.: steal bags from sucker (you steal bags every tick til he aint got none.)
Palm/Slip: By Palmin' things, ye can pick somethin up from th' ground without broadcastin' a message t' everyone in th' room. By usin' Slip, ye can drop stuff or give somethin' t' someone without broadcastin' a message. Slippin' severed elfie parts t' random people is a favorite past time o' mine.
Skill(s) Used: C.T.SoH (Sleight of Hand)
Usage: palm object, slip object to landlubber
Duration: Instant, 1 tick
Other Notes: Ye can also palm an' slip stuff from yer bags if yer hidin' in wait o' some unsuspectin person without givin' th' "so-n'-so get such-n'-such from an elven travel bag" message.
Hide/Unhide: Also pretty obvious
Skill(s) Used: C.H
Usage: hide, unhide
Duration: Permanent
Other Notes: If ye move when yer hidden ye'll appear. if ye /sneak when yer hidden, ye won't. Pretty simple. One way t' check if yer hidden or not is t' "/consider all". If'n th' return messages says: "Why don't you consider someone that exists." Then yer hidden. If ye get "You consider yourself such-n-such." Then ye aint. Most people make an alias:
- alias h hide;con all
That way ye can immediately tell if it worked.
Sneak: SHNEAKIN?!? -quote from Gollum in the cartoon The Hobbit
Skill(s) Used: C.S
Usage: sneak direction
Duration: instant, 1 tick.
Other Notes: Ye can keep sneakin' til ye run outta guild points. Also it's possible that ye can fail yer sneak check every time ye use it but once ye get t' about 50 in C.S I think it never happens. Remember even though yer sneakin' people can still see ye open doors an' such.
Judge: This gives ye th' ability t' look at different weapons, armour an' items and decipher how good they are.
Skill(s) Used: G.App (Appraisal)
Usage: judge item or judge item against item
Duration: instant, 1 tick.
Other Notes: This skill is pretty useful when ye come across new weapons or armour that ye aint familiar with. Or t' check wich armour ye should be wearin an' wich ones t' ditch etc. Ye can judge as many items against each other as ye want. Try "/judge all against all" sometime.
If ye see anything else ye want me t' add in 'ere lemee know. -Ahab, (