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To join, follow these steps in creating a character. You should write them down on paper as you go. After you have created your character, E-Mail Ozzy with all of the information you need to send in.

#1.What race is your character? Choose from the Races section. If your desired race is unavailable, you will be asked to choose a different race.

#2.What are your character's stats? You have 200 points to split up between your 4 characteristics: STR, SPD, DEF, and SPR. Each stat affects your character in the following way.....
STR:How strong your character is. It affects how much damage your punches, kicks, and combos do.
SPD:How fast your character can move. This affects who goes first in battle, your ability to dodge attacks, among other things.
DEF:How much your character can take. This affects your HP total among other things.
SPR:How much energy your character has to deal out. It affects your HP, MP battles among other things.

#3.What is your magic power level? To determine your power level, or MP, you add your STR and SPR together and take it times 10. (example: STR=20, SPR=30. 20+30=50 x 10 = 500MP.)

#4.What is your HP? To determine HP, you add your DEF and SPR together and take it times 5(example:DEF=30, SPR=30. 30+30=60 x 5 = 300). It would take 2 days to fully recover from near fatal damage. To speed recovery, it is recommended that you use potions.

#5.What materia do you have? You can pick up to three materias between $0-$1000 range. Materia has two MP/damage values. The second value for these attacks are extra MP you can put into a blast. You can put as much MP into these attacks as you have to cause more maximum damage.

#6.Basic Information. What is your characters Name, Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Hair Description, and Eye Color?

#7.What is your character's history? In this RPG, each character will have a bio of them next to their character on the members screen. This will start with the history you send in and we will add to it as the RPG progresses based on your actions. This will HEAVILY determine when your character can reach their different stages, and other important things. If you choose to ignore this, your character will be much weaker and less interesting in the long run. That should do it! Write down all of this in an E-Mail Ozzy. After your character is placed on the members page, you can get in on the action! Thank you for choosing "Final Fantasy Fiction".