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This is the place where you pick your race. This will determine what you look like, whether you can use materias, and some of them come with weapons of their own.

Humans-Humans populate two thirds of the earth. Even though they are weak, they have amazing potential. They don't have any natural weapons so they are basically defenseless.

Mutants-Mutants are fierce creatures with different shapes. They have no real species, but are just one of a kinds since the reactors caused side effects to many animals. They get 20 more stats to use since they have had Mako in their system. They have alot of different shapes and sizes. You can send in a pic of any monster if you like, but size doesn't matter in the game.

Jenova creatures-Animals that have been injected with jenova cells. Like the mutants, they have many sizes and shapes. But they cannot die. They can be defeated in battle, but they do not have to wait two days to come back. Once the battle is over their health returns completely. Only problem is, they cannot use Materia. They have to rely on physical attacks. Since they have jenova cells in them they have 200 extra stats to split.

Human Jenova Hybrids(SOLD OUT)-These are probably the strongest in the game. Since they are so strong, I am allowing only 3 people to be Hybrids. They are uniquely strong, and they can also use materia. They get 100 extra stats to split.

Living Dead-The living dead are humans that have been killed but cannot rest in peace due to something in their past. They roam the earth, trying to soothe their souls. They cannot be killed, but disabled for one day. They get 50 stats to split.