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This is the training field where you can go out and train to become stronger. Of course you have to buy a weight set before you can start training. When training, you basically sit back for up to 7 days a month

Weight Training-After you buy a weight set you can train with it. 10% stat increase a day.

Personal Training-You can use your money to hire a trainer to help you become stronger.

Muscle Thug: This guy can help you become strong enough to survive the slums of Midgar. He takes $50 gil a day, and 30% stat increase a day.

Wrestler: He will train you to become a pro wrestler and not take any bullshit from anyone. You will lift weights twice your weight and run till you drop and be sore as hell the next day. Be careful though, some wrestlers may be a bit too hands $150 dollars a day, 40% stat increase a day.

Tekken Fighter: He will show you extreme japanese training methods, to not only become strong but to become more agile. He also may stick needles in you like the old ways. $300 dollars a day, 50% stat increase, plus 400 exp.

Yoshiyuki sword fighter(must have sword to train with him): Yoshiyuki is a swordsmith that has unique sword skills. He will train you to become a much better person with your sword and will increase your speed. 40% stat increase on SPD, plus 400 exp.
