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Shadow Dance Tavern

Astridamos Deathwalker, patron of Tavern
Welcome to the Shadow Dance Tavern, a small place open to all. Demons, humans, elves, dwarves and every other creature ever created. All that is needed is your wits, for anything goes in this place. The only rule is clean up after yourself, and for every fight, kill, etc.Astridamos requires a small fee equal to the deed done.
Shadow Dance Tavern

The main room itself is like every other tavern. Tables strewn about with little to no order about them, the only difference is the condition. Gilded upon each table are golden vines that seem to crawl and engulf the table legs and wrap around the table top edges. If you ever threaten the owner you will understand the other purpose of these “decorations.” Scattered on the floor is a layer of sawdust, meant to absorb all blood, drinks, etc. spilled on the floor. Ignore it. If you don’t like it, go to another tavern. Lining the entire back side is the bar itself, several bar stools line the entire counter. The same vine design is gilded upon the stools and the counter. Behind the counter are several shelves, full of every drink imaginable. Wine, beer, liquor, blood wine, wine coolers, ale, etc. drinks of every time and age. Just name your poison and the tender will accommodate. Each drink will vary in cost, just ask the tender. Lining the wall on the left are booths, regular booths with the same vine design. Nothing to special about them, except for the glowing light orbs hanging upon golden chains from the ceiling. The same glowing light orbs hang all about the tavern. Don’t break one or you’ll find out why. The top floors of the tavern are nothing but rooms for those to tired or drunk to go home when closing time occurs. They cost 3 gold pieces per night of use, payment always in advance.

At the back of the tavern rooms is a doorway, usually locked but occasionally open. Inside is a small room, about twice the size as the entry room. Lining the walls are weapons. Swords, axes, clubs, bows, staves, war staves, etc. A training room for those who wish to use it. In the middle of the room is a caged ring; sometime if your lucky Astridamos will host a contest, a test of skill. Entry fee will change with each contest, winner gets 30% of entry fee’s acquired. Any use of the room must be paid for in advance, the reservation must be in place at least one day in advance and the cost will be 10 gold pieces per hour, except for contest days. The tavern itself is within the forest of the outer-most courtyard of Astri’s own fortress. The Living Forest. The tree’s themselves are demons; they protect both their master and the tavern. Always watch out for them when outside the tavern, some time’s the tree’s get hungry and snatch those who get to close. If you leave the tavern always follow the prescribed paths, and leave though the doorway’s they go though. Also ignore the elemental hydra, Klerbius. He’s the main protector of the forest. Don’t piss him off or you’ll understand why he’s the protector.

Outside of the forest are dark black walls of stone, only passable though the main gates. But I wouldn’t advise going though that gate. It leads to the rest of the shadow realm; no mortal can live within this place outside of the walls for one fundamental reason, no air. Another reason is that the creatures of the realm know that anything, short of Lord Astridamos himself, appearing though the gate is food. I doubt any mortal can defeat anything that lives within this realm. Watch out for the guardian of the gate.

Just remember, as long as you follow the rules you will enjoy yourself. But be careful, anything goes. If you want to start a fight, make sure you have the power to back it up, the loser of the fight will be banned from the tavern and will be expected to pay for the damages.