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Blutjaeger, in English translation, this word means Bloodhunter. To Slayers, Inc. it means sanctuary, fortress, domain, prison, and of course; home. The abandoned oil-rig rests half a mile West of the Chespus Bay, fourty-three miles from the main harbor of Attone.

The Blutjaeger runs off of several large gasoline powered generators which provides the guild with enough electricity to run anything they desired. With a self sustaining kitchen, dojo, shooting range (fairly small), living quarters, electrical gate prison cells, armory, and most modern day communications (Phone, Internet, fax, carrier pidgeon).

The abandoned oil-rig was originally known as the A.P.A. Commondas, and served the City of Attone as a well for oil within the Chespus Sea. Since the well dried up, it was abandoned to rot away into the sea. Slayers, Inc. purchased the abandoned piece of property in hopes of privacy and sufficient accomadations. The oil-rig is very hard to get to unless by helicopter (It does have a helipad on the roof.), however the guild uses another means of transportation.

From the outside, the oil-rig looks like it was intended to break up in the churning tides, though it is stable deep within the sea. At first glance the Blutjaeger looks deserted, and the guild has takent he liberty of removing all lights outside on deck until such times as nightdocking; in which case they are turned on as somewhat of a beacon.

The records of such purpose have been long sicne shredded, and burned. In fact, any legel documents pertaining to it's continuation have been burned and forgotten. In most cases, the Blutjeager cannot be seen by the surrounding shoreline due to the omnious shroude of mist and smoke which seems to lay along the Bay of Chespus.