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SoA Community

Level updates (August 2003) - Deosil(30)...Damaskenos(21)...

  PLAYING TIMES - One reason for joining a guild is to have someone friendly to chat to, who can offer encouragement, advice, sympathy, or assistance. The first section below will list members' playing times, so that we can meet more often ingame.

 REQUESTING HELP - we will all find there is something in Norrath that we want to possess, difficult to find components for magical research, an item of armour, weapons, or that high-level spell that has constantly eluded us.
Simply email Site Admin, or visit the message board (third choice from Guild Activities) and let us know what you are after. We can work out what has to be done to help, and further information can be placed below.

  GUILD BANK - Please coordinate with Yavscout or Site Admin for matters and suggestions relating to this service. We are new to the concept, and are still finding our feet.

PST - Pacific Standard Time
EST - Eastern Standard Time
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
BST - British Standard Time

  Skinniriath -     GMT: 10pm-1am weekdays, mid-morning to afternoon weekends.
  Flye -         EST: Weekday evenings, all weekend.
  Yavscout -     GMT: Mon or Wed evenings (7-9pm), Sunday noon till 8pm.
  Ganeon -     EST: Daily noon till 2-3pm.
  Hanil -     EST: Evenings 5-10pm.
  Phareun -     EST: 5-11pm, and almost all weekend.
  Pizer -     PST: Mostly afternoons and evenings.

Request Type: ITEM DATA.
None noted  

No current requests  

Teller at the Bank of SoA   GUILD BANK GUIDELINES, and bwoy, are they subject to change.

  1. To use the guild bank, you need to have built up 5 bank points.
  2. Donating an item, or funds (direct to Banqjob for the latter) earns you a single bank point.
  3. If we receive a complaint about you from outside the guild, a bank point will be subtracted.
  4. Reason for bank points? So that new members don't just walk in, get twinked, and split.

BANK - Items available: NIL Funds: NIL
Gear Weapons Other Other
Split Paw Hide Gloves
AC4, Dex +3, Wis +2
Kite Shield
Singing Steel Gauntlets
Bard. AC16. Enduring Breath
Class 5 Point Arrows x20
O3 R3
Helmet of Rile
Hunting Bow
Dly 43, dmg 5
O4 R4
O4 R4