World of DAN!!! Yay! (And on some days Nay)

August 7: yeah so i was sitting in bed the other day thinking about all the things i believed in and didnt believe in... and it came to me that i could post all that shit. i dunno, i bet a lot of you will think im on crack or find this real boring... but hey! fuck you heh. (oh yeah please feel to respond about any of these) ...
Anyway the things i believe in... Fate, Black holes, a universe trash can that all the black holes dump into, A fence at the end of the universe, life on other planets, homosexuality being genetic, survival of the fittest, there is someone for everyone, and to go along with the last one... for every person their is a counter part they were meant to be with, there will be a cancer cure (not just treatment and only certain types), life after death, big bang theory, thats all i can think of right now...
things i dont believe in... god, religion (i have no beef with it i just dont believe in it), love at first sight, therell be an aids cure, all people are born as good people, time, seeing into the future, true love at a young age(i dont think its possibleand when i say young i mean 13/14/15), wow mind blank.. there were deffinitely morea last night. I'll add on if i remember any later. cya
July 31: relatives are funny... tee hee hee
July 29: Most of what id normally put here has been put in two recently sent out letters so it would all seem a little repetitive to me to type out again. anyway sometimes doign stupid obnoxious non-sensical(sp?) things is fun... which is all we did tonight. however some songs are just plain great. yeah nothings really going on thats exciting.. or that i didnt mention in the letter.
June 29: So much of so little... how annoying it is. i have a strange feeling no one will understand me... whatever. life can be so simple yet so confusing and complicated all the same time. lifes interesting
June 26: so it seems as though ive lost that loving feeling i once had oh so much of. its quite a shame really and i hope to get it back soon. anyway ive had a lot on my mind lately. and thats how itll be.
June 14: Due to popular demand (2 people) ive updated. um school has actually gone quite well and im happy with my grades. people suck tho lotsa people for lotsa reasons some people remain to be as cool as ever after many a long trials and tribulations. i start work in 2 days... i start fencing in 3.. i get to show vargas (coach) all my skillz after 6 months of training in clubs and classes. right now im just really looking forward to next years classes and graduating. speaking of which... mikes a total sketchball and ive been listening to him for 3 minuets cause he called me and i dont think he knows it....haha what a weirdo... anyway thats life for ya
May 3: School blows as do ap Exams... studying also blows... many things blow.. but not X-men 2.. great movie if u watched the show and understand everything
April 20: yea so the people being retards on my guestbook obviously have some insecurities about their sexuality let alone theyre real fucked up calling a web site gay. and by the way i totally agree with you i mean it totally is a gay site but... what would u call urself then for looking at it? hmm interesting theory isnt maybe u should all get a life and not spend countless hours looking/critcizing/talking/signing my guest book. but then again all i do is make the site so worthless little people like you can look at it. im glad im fulfilled with everything that has come with the site are u satisfied by reading about a life of a person uve never met and criticizing it? if it does well then more power to you. and trust me it doesnt make you any less of a man...
April 13: breaking news people are readding this site and ive never met 'em before in my life.... interesting theory.. however they can both read the last update and take a lesson from it.. cause it applies to them. anyway saturday was fun standardized tests suck and well yea im real bored... 4 day weeks are good and so are long weekends where u can get real real trashed. good drinkin to all!
April 5: its a shame u think this site is "gay" mystery man.. but its even more "gay" that you're looking at it.
March 31: too many god damn video games... cant take any more.. need something to do... one of the three things id hoped for happened this break... but alas espn occupies me for hours(dont worry about whos taklin it doenst add anything)... "DL: Three people in your dream dinner party. MB: Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Jessica Simpson. DL: You're just going to be sitting around talking. Just because it's going to be so conversationally enlightening? MB: Yeah, I guess. It's going to start off with talking and then lead to whatever else. DL: Then it will just lead to tea and political discourse." ... oh political discourse. :)
March 19: i have three basic plans for spring break... get drunk a lot, fence a lot, and play a lot of videogames. im pretty sure all three of these will be met with ease. once again bonding time between me and mike ... thats always good times just like last year. i need something unexpected, exciting, and fun to happen soon... my life is just too predictable. i have nothing to say.. bye.
March 9: So this weekend has been really good. Friday night hookah and discussion which were both really good. it was a simple yet very entertaining night. tournabout was also fun... interesting... but fun nonetheless. lotta homework tonight but im going on 5ish hours of sleep so it looks like a 8 pm bedtime tonight. ugh jr theme. Anyway i finally found out the results of the tourney last wekeend.. i got 7th... and i fucking needed 6th it kinda pisses me off cause i strive for hte best... but i guess since i have only been fencing sabre for a couple months im progressing nicely. oh yea there are some random people i dont know that read this website.. i dont really care i hope u all enjoy reading about whatever i say on here. i dont think itd be that enthralling unless u knew me but oh well ur decision. anyway i think thats it for now cya.
Ferbruary 23: hah my streak of 2's continue... cept this one happened a little less... well a little more oddly if u will.. hopefully this one will be more fun.. cause the last 2 werent...
Ferbruary 22: boo weekend.. it wasnt that bad... it just coulda been so much better ie tonight... i dunno what happened tonight, all i know is that one minute i think one thing the next im just like fuck.. its done. whatever minor "confidence boost" as danielle would say. anyway old school was good... really really funny. the weekend overall was pretty shitty.. cept for this morning when i went fencing.. that was fun cause thats always fun.. there never a time i go fencing and its not fun... its a failproof plan for me... and now im gonna be giong 3 times aweek at least. also the people i go with are really aweseom. they are all cool and nice and theyre really helpin me get better. yea but back tonight.. i wished things coulda worked out with the hot chick.. but they didnt.. im so confused as to what happened but oh well there will be more hot chicks that want my AWESOME SHIRT~!!!!!!. i also could had a less hot chick.. in fact shew asnt very attractive at all.. but i decided to keep some sorta standard for mysefl... and once again a relatively high one.. damn that thing aint ever going down. oh well life goes on... and thats my thought of the day.
Ferbruary 17: holy crap what a weekend.. ill just start with friday saying that basically the only thing i remember from the whole night is "ray ray's back in the blizzock, Yeah!" but what a party.. lotsa crazy crap went on.. supposedly it was fun.. i personally couldnt tell you. there was just so much going on friday that itd take about 5 pages to sum up ... and in order to sum up most of it id have to remember... which i cant do. then saturday i went to tounrabout which was surprisingly fun. i didnt really have any interest in my date but thats ok cuase i went for the group cause theyre usually fun... and they were this time too. i even enjoyed dancing. i actually wouldnt mind dancing again soon. who woulda ever thunkit. i also tried the hookah. that was incredible it was so good. mm tasty hooka. the after party wasnt good but thats cause i was far too done from the night before to do anything. that and i was working on 5 hours of sleep so ijust went home an hour .5 after it started anyway. it was cool tho cause i chilled with some senior in my bio class cause he was in the group for some reason. hes pretty cool i realized... even tho maggie hates him. also on saturday the sabre captain called from JO's and said there was an awesome deal on hte sabre he uses for 50 bucks. so that just saved me 50 bucks ..(i expected to dish out close to 100). but yea saturday was pretty good after the initial depression because i didntr emember shit. then sunday we just drove around random places bought some spider man shiz... but it was a relax day.. we werea ll so damn burnt out. it was a crazy weekend. then today im just relaxing too. i really needed to take a break after the insanity of the first two days. but schools gonna blow. btut it always does so oh well. ive also had issues with certain people this weekend.. but im so indecesive about these issues. on some levels i think my issues have presedence but sometimes i think that really i shouldnt have these issues. so im torn. i dunno i think ill just ignore it. that always seems to work. i hvea no idea what hte hell could possibly happen this weekend.. its looking pretty glum as of right now. but thats ok cause quite frankly i could use a weekend of nothing.. maybe a lot of sleep and little else. yea i think thats it.. i cant think of anything else so im done.
Ferbruary 10: oh man if this weekend fails.. i might just wanna die.. if it fully succeeds ill be a very very happy man.. if it uber succeeds.. .well then i might just need a clean pair of shorts.. hah that works on so many levels. anyway my parents are leaving which is fun times.. spending lotsa money buying ltosa booze. getting some crazy groups coming.. its more fun that way anyway (Ithink). saturday however.. should also be, well, interesting to say the least but we'll see how that goes. this weeks ognna blow tho cause ive got sat practice for 4 horus tomorrow.. history test tomorrow, spanish test wedneseday, math thursday, bio friday, and 25 biblio sources for jr. theme friday as well. but itll all be ok cause i wont hav parents when i come home tomorrow. and the weekend better make up for the week... OR ELSE!!!!
Ferbruary 9: yea tonight.. was not so good.. last night was amazingly amazing for what we did.. driving around laughing our asses off. good times.. and today fencing tournament fenced really shitty in the pools... but fenced pretty well in DE but lost to a guy much higher than me in the seats 15-14. i was pissed cause i had him too i just missed ... the point was all mine to take FUCK! um school blows big fat donkey dick.. im so sick of it. things are changing round yonder. but next weekends gonna be fun hopefuly. big praty... hopefully. big hookah-ing.. hopefully. i dunno things will work out... someway, somehow. ive gotta fence more.. everytime i fence i get better but i need to get a lot better cause im still pretty crappy. but i love it so it not a big deal.. the only problem is finding a place to fence.. and people to fence. ive only got a month tho before classes start.. then its just non stop til the end of summer. so yea gotta make varsity. nothing more.
February 3: due to popular demand im updating. anyway since the weekend im doing everything i can to improve my fencing skillz. im gonna try to do a tourney this weekend (in between the hookah-ing). Also im getting a friend on the teamt o et me some of my own equipment from JO's so i can fence without renting from the damn school which is just a bitch. yea so fencing has been my love lately. anyway the hookah bar is the greatest thing ever. it even made me consider changing my ways. but yea its gonna ruin me among other people. yea but ive been tired lately, im not exactly sure why. i think part of it is due to my friggin act sat class after school which is the most boring thing ever. worse yet petes in neither of my classes. and because im not going to bed any earlier i doubt its gonna get any better.. oh well. another thing... (wow im switching from topic to topic like coleman does retarted profiles) why doesnt that damn chick just ask me to tournabout... WHY!!!!! eh. bitch. yea that and my parents are leaving that weekend so i can do whatever hte hell i want anyway. so it aint that bad i guess. whatever that all i can squeeze out now.
January 31: So i think im gonna start doing this again. ive been bored lately and i realized how awesome it is to have all these things so u can recall whats going on... and its a good venting place. well since the last update a lot of things have happened... some people suck while others are just plain awesome. Fencing is the greatest sport ever, hands down. and its not apussy sport like golf (even tho i enjoy golf) id say its a good balance for me. school is "great" i dont labor through any classes (usually), my grades were pretty good i wish i coulda done better in my 3 levels and AP bio. but oh well you cant have it all (or maybe its just me.... thats the way my cookie crumbles). anyway i realized i hated shy chicks. actually not so much hate as i think theyre a pain in the ass. you never really know what theyre thinking. and theyre so damn intraverted (i believe thats the right word dont care tho). theyre difficult to talk to and its like you have to break a barrier which im not sure i know how to break. im trying my best tho. but i think out going chicks are pretty cool. it seems like theyre always fun and it seems like its easier to joke around and do stupid fun shit with.. .and hell thats the stuff i like to do! yea anyway tournabouts in 2 weeks exactly.. and quite frankly im pretty sure that im not gonna get asked. its a scary thought its gonna be the first time im not gonna be asked 2 times... let alone once :). actually im just freaked out that im gonna be bored... or ... no only boredom. it sucks even more cause my parents are gone and i could have uber after party. mmm party... speaking of which i realized that the parties ive thrown havent been that bad... actually theyve been damn good. i mean sure theyve all sucked for me... cept for that first one which was just the best party ever. but really people tend to enjoy my parties and whats a party without a host and his planning? i however doubt that a party on the friday before tournabout would be good cause a lot of people (according to mike) will be all like "i have tournabout tomorrow i dont wanna do that." but whateer i can deal.. anyway ... for thte 10982387 topic of this, my spring break has already official started sucking. and its not even clsoe to it. everyone... AND YES EVERYONE is gonna be gone... so im gonna be playing lotsa golf and i think since il be downtown anyway, i can go fence at F2K.(ill be downtown at my sisters place i assume). so i havent thought of the proximity of F2K to where ill be til now.. os it doesnt seem that bad anymore.. since F2K is mainly at night... and u cant relaly golf at night heh. but yea fencings the shizz. so overall... as an ending note im pretty content right now... not to ecstatic, not to "death to dan". so whatever things will get good eventually hopefully. P.S. ROJ has the BEST FOOD EVER!
November 24: Yea its been a while again... but not as long as danielle... life has takena a drastic blow and quite frankly im not to happy anymore as of yesterday that is. All the happiness of hte past 5 months or so has come crashing donw... so i dunno what im gonna do now but im not in the best of moods. im all sad and such but ill get over it in time... hopefully more good things to come for me btu i doubt it. cya.
October 22: It had been brought to my attention recently that my update that i created to celebrate the year mark for my website did not come up... i remember what went wrong cause my internet went down JUST as i was saving the update, but being the smart person that i am i copy and pasted all teh text into a separate word pad document so i could put it back later. Later in the day when i put the text back in and blah blah saved it then deleted the file.. apparently it didnt "save" damn technology... anyway sory about the long delay.. i actually have been really busy with school and people. um i went paintballing for my bday which was really really fun ive gone lazer tagging which was really really fun... ive been getting drunk about 2 timesa month (approximately) more often i drink less then 2 times a month then more (which rarely happens. I think this isnt a worrysome point because well; my grades are up nothing has really been a problem and my moms happy with what ive been doing cept shes always suspicious of me drinking... its not like shed do anything.. shed be like "bad dan" ... and thats it IE this weekend she came home and the liqour cabinet was open... it wasnt me who opened it but of course she asks REPEATEDLY ... (the irony ... even tho this priolly isnt ironic... is that i had my own liquor so i didnt have to steal from them.. yea my own that i payed for.) anyway whichever dill opened it that saturday night.. deserves a punch in the face.. ok maybe not face how bout the gut? ok. had the psats this past saturday pretty simple cept grammar and sentance crap. that was no good. hmm i dunno what else.. a lot has gone on but thats all i have to say.. and i wanna go work some more cause im a dork.. cya
August 25: wow i really feel like shit... i was just made officially worthless. my "friends" just picked weed over hanging out with me when they havent seen me in 3 weeks.. i feel reallllll good right now "high" as a kite if you will. basically this explains why they tell you in school drugs can fuck up relationships... and this also explains why im so against weed.. and why i hate the world.. kinda explains the last one. kinda.
August 20: so after i have played savior for many people this summer... i have gottne mine.. maggie came home today and wasnt busy (thank god) so she came over for a bit and we talked aobut our trips... or she talked about hers... or at least tried to cause of 8 hour jet lag and a full day of flying and minimal sleep the last 3 nights... so yea she was pretty outta it... still fun tho. after danielle julia and bekah picked me up 945 ish and we went to kafein had fun there then came home tried getting some email crap straightened out... failed... so new email yea i like it thanks to danielle. anyway thats all i that i can think of.. cept one week til school eek.
August 15: OFFICIALLY the most boring friday day/night ever... ive done nothing cept play video games and I.. yes I got sick of them *sigh* what has the world come to... and tomorrow is gonna be much of the same PEOPLE COME BACK PLEASE!!!!
August 14: so i realize no one will ever look at this site again cause i havent updated in a while... anyway a lot has happened in the past month... parties, girls... actually girl... but stil parties. uh vacation which was.... fun ... odd but fun. now im home and everyones gone and im just waiting for people to get back and right before school starts parties to arrise. life has been good this summer... so very very good. ill try to update more but we'll see.
July 1: "you are hot, very very hot" a little tid bit from me in an attempt to be humurous but its gone a little to far.. damn you all!
June 25: copy and paste link (infernal angelfire wont make a link outta it and yes this is my update)...

June 23: So summer has begun and its been a blast. Chem although tedious isnt htat bad... and its a lot easier ot just concentrate on ONE subject. also ive been able to discipline myself because i do all my homework then i go out til 915ish then im asleep by 1030. if i dont get that much sleep id never survive through chem. anyway going out has been really fun to ive been going to the beach and doing other things i guess... im not in the BEST state to remember things ...yeah... also chem really makes you look forward to the weekends and gives you a great excuse to stay out later (with my parents being sleep nazi) anyway it was royal try to lower dan's self esteem day. first you have steph saying "Youre never gonna get into college with those grades" and yes she was dead serious. then we proceed to my dad "you've got man boobs. Your too fat and youve got to start working out. just look at that flab (as he proceeds to grab my flab)" also my dad something else. I came home and we got to talking about stress or something and i said "im gonna live a long time cause im the least stressful person i know. then my dad just looks at me and goes "you'd like to think that, but with the genes you get and the fact that your uncle ur grandfather and my grandfather all died before 50 from cancer, i dont care how stressful you are the chances arent in your favor." i was like gah!!! yea well he's 50 so hes defying his own odds eh? later on however was possibly the most hurtful for the time by maggie "i was so drunk i made out with dan" ... yeah that hurt the team but i understood what it meant but still the shockingness of that was like wow... i wanna die today. yea all it meant was that she was so drunk she made out with a friend which not many of us would do if we were sober. so it was ok cause iwas tipsy when she said it.. she was drunk .. and i soon put it passed me cause more liquor came and i got more drunk and it was a good night, i had fun.. and my self esteem is back to its normal average (which is where i liket o keep it if u read my earlier posts) well today i have a bday party and ive got a chem test tomorrow so i gotta study and whatnot. good times to be had this summer.
June 9: One of the best weekends ever. I hung out with many a friends and, well, although some of them were locked in for finals (sorry people!) it was an over all spectacularly stellar time. oh bebe.
June 1:

"You never give me your money.

You only give me your funny paper.

And in the middle of negotiation, you break out.

I never give you my number.

I only give you my situation

And in the middle of investigation, I break down.

May 25:

"Natalie Portman is so hot."

"I think when she was in the fireplace room with the black dress.... oh man"

"I really liked the fields scene. Damn."

"I liked the white shirt that was cut off at the end."

"Yea that one was good, but i still liked the black dress the best."

"The curly hair in the field scene, soooo hot."

"I think we have come to a consesus... Natalie Portman is hot all the time."




A little conversation between me mike and pete after seeing the new star wars.

May 21:

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond

I want a girl who knows what's best

I want a girl with shoes that cut

And eyes that burn like cigarettes

I want a girl with the right allocations

Who's fast and thorough

And sharp as a tack

She is playing with her jewelry

She is putting up her hair

She is touring the facility

And picking up slack

I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket......

I want a girl who gets up early

I want a girl who stays up late

I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity

Who used a machete to cut through red tape

With fingernails that shine like justice

And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

She is fast, thorough

And sharp as a tack

She is touring the facility

And picking up slack

I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnng.... lonnng jacket

I want a girl with a smooth liquidation

I want a girl with good dividends

And at the city bank we will meet accidentally

We'll start to talk when she borrows my pen

She wants a car with a cup-holder arm rest

She wants a car that will get her there

She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen

She's trading her MG for a white Chrysler Le Barron

I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnggggggggg jacket

P.S. When i get the time (which might not be til schools out) I'll start putting pictures up cause my scanner finally works, and well... i like playing with technology.

May 15: I'm with you danielle. its currently 1130 and im typing a paper. ive been working all day on a presentation and this paper rewrite and my parents wont stop bitching about me going to bed. i ahvent gone to bed any earlier than 12 any night this week (although one was because my dad needed me to put my bike in the garage just as fell asleep and it took me an extra hour to afterwards). the best part is my hell isnt over yet. ive got a shit load more to do next week... in fact i think next week might possibly be harder... hmm 3 tests 2 projects one HUGE. theres more id like to tell you about my non school life of late but well, as danielle would say.. "back to the ole salt mines"
May 12: haveing friends is the greatest thing ever when you feel so comfortable with them that u can share anything, whether serious or for fun.
May 7: But every once in a while I think about all the time I've spent masturbating. And collecting pornography. And cataloging porn. And sorting porn. And it seems like maybe i could've done something more. I mean, what have I really accomplished?" Nestacos
May 6: Some days I'm up, some days I'm down, some days I don't give a fuck about anything. Strung Out "Better Days"
May 5: My Day: So i wake up 10:30 go online make plans to see Spider Man at 1:25. At 11:30 i call yoho and have him pick me up. We watch Joy ride then Longhini picks us up to go see spider-man. 4:00 we go to chuckwagons and i have a triple, yes a triple cheese burger. then we go back to mikes til 530-6 when we go to mini golf. we play minigolf for a while and end around 730. we stop at north brook court to find plans and yoho proceeds to rip the rubber and a lot of my boxers. we go pick up rachel and walk to walgreens... there we buy food and play badminton, and sit for an hour and a half where yoho proceeds to go home. then me mike pete rachel go back to the car round 9 and go to the bowling alley... we go in and out and go to vickis to see her dog... being 930 we only stay for an hour and we leave to pester james and angie... we break something and we leave with them. we go down the beach and we say "lets make a fire". i proceed to say "we can start it with my boxers" then i say "we need to rip mine completely tho so james takes and pulls... and that problem was solved... i shake the other half of them down my pant leg while james uses a lighter to light the other half. we proceed to make a fire of my boxers 2 bras and 3 other boxers... no there was no viewing of anything so it was not an orgy to any extent. the fire lasts an hour which was impressive (i threw some branches and sticks in there. then while freeballing i go into the "abandoned" building and look out the windows. I come to a relavation that 'i have to pee'. "im gonna pee out hte window" (standing on the sill) then james says he'll do it with me.. and we also get pete. so all three of us currently free balling (as i start singing it to the tune of 'freefalling' the song... actually i just said freeballing the word on the same note/tune that he sang freefalling.) are standing on three seperate divided 'window' sills and we pee down a good 10-15 feet onto beachness. longhini proceeds to grab my legs and i well.... i hit the window sill i was standing on cause being accurate is hard while someones shaking you. then being completely relieved we walk up to the park... i start singing "ive been working on the railroad" except its "ive been peeing out a window" for a good minute or two COMPLETELY off hte top of my head with perfect tempo and it made perfect sense. it was one of my greater accomplishments. then thats abbout it but im sure i forgot something. fun random crazy night.... cya
May 2: "The freshman child, oh so shy, longingly watches the sophmore guy. The sophmore guy, head in a whirl, merrily watches the junior girl. The junior girl, in her red sedan, badly chooses the senior man. The senior man, handsome and wild, secretly worships the freshman child."
April 28: It feels good knowing that although most of my friends do smoke weed, i am able to say that i havent and i shall try to keep that as true for as long as i can.
April 27: "No. I think we're more interested in talking about lesbian fantasies and flaming barrels of shit." Nestacos
April 26: "Whatever you want the most, it's going to be the worst thing for you" The Bean Trees
April 21: i hate school. i hate school. hate hate hate, school school school. i dunno whats going on but ive got this weird sensation of every friggin feeling known to man flowing through my body right now... im not quite sure why... wait yes i am and its a combination of about ... 2837625 things. whatever ive got shit to do now so im off.
April 20: Upanie Stephton... brilliant.. cow tipping... even more brilliant... SHEEP tipping... brilliance at its finest... blearseaerae. going up to bong national park to realize that its closed... priceless
April 19: Driving is fun.... DONE. DONE! oh yea and ... I'm a fucking rock. just so you all know.
April 17: Wow definltey never spent this much time working before... from 5-10 ... shiiiiiiit. and still i know nothing school can suck it.
April 16: "how do ugly thihngs like octopuses and hairy bugs reproduce? Are they actually ATTRACTED to each other? .... Come to think of it, I wonder how PEOPLE are attracted to each other." Calvin........"I'll bet that's why they close their eyes when they smooch." Hobbes... from calvin and hobbes
April 15: Its funny cause when i ask girls why they're attracted to bad asses, they simply say "thats not true your completely wrong" or something along those lines... but as im watching tv after the cubs game (not really paying attention to the show) i hear how a girl changes a guy to be the perfect nice guy so then he goes out with this girl but she dumps him cause hes nice and she wanted to go out with him when he was a bad ass.... ah my theories are so right, its a missed blessing. (and yes i realize its a day early but i just had to update the show caught my attention and i didnt wanna forget)
April 14: School sucks... my grades... suck... wanting it to be summer... sucks... wanting to be in a relationship (which i am currently on the hunt ladies :)) ... suck. A lot of things suck right now but meh ill deal and its only a matter of time til my grades go up, school becomes fun, summer will happen... now about the last one... i dont think anyone knows when that will happen...
April 11: Do you want a relationship? Do you want a hook up? OR Do you want neither? My questions of the day for you. (And yes I thought of this at the beginning of the week.)
April 10: The official time on my "streak" was from July 14th 2000 (7-14-00) to April 5th 2002 (4-5-02)
April 9: And the hibernation begins again.*sigh* what a tease.
April 8: "Fell in love with a girl. fell in love once and almost completely. she's in love with the world. but sometimes these feelings can be so misleading. she turns and says "are you alright?" I said "I must be fine cause my heart's still beating" She says "come and kiss me by the riverside..." White Stripes - Fell in love with a girl... ok now for the real update this past weekend there was some... stuff that went on ;)most of you know what im tlaking about. the first night was really fun there was hard liquor and beer (no one drank beer when there was hard liquor) peoplen were drunk people were stoned it was all good. chilled with friends my streak ended for better or for worse im not quite sure yet... had a blast anyway. the next day kinda sucked... really sucked. no hard liquor left so people were kinda bummed cause the beer tasted like shit. so everyone smoked up which wasnt a problem... until they decided to go into the parents bedroom... i was soooo pissed. as if the night wasnt bad enough as it was. so i was in a bad mood other people werent to happy whatever and then i realized the night before was a fluke (i wont go into detail u can ask if u wish) i kinda figured it out but i was kinda bummed. but its done and im cool with it now. then last night i saw ice age which was quite funny and then me and people reminisced about hte past 3 ish years good times... i think that really helped forget about the weekend and it realy calmed me down... theraputic almost. and now im fine and dandy cya.
March 27: Oh man, defintiely had a fit of rage last update.. but its all resolved but whatever i dunno not worth the time/effort. anywho spring rbeak yay... ehem not really but whatever sleep is good boredom isnt.. its a trade off i guess. anywwho friday i ... went to robs.. tried to go to lazer zone but was close. saturday everyone left BOOHOO.. me and mike went to blade 2 ... greatest movie ever! sunday hung out with mike danielle bekah julia andrew. we went to michaelse thehn "watched" teh oscars. or we tried to get couch space while throwing raisonettes... which ever u like to believe. yea tehn monday i did nothing til 430.. then maggie picked me up in her minivan... tee hee. we didnt know where to go so we went south. all she knew is she didnt wanna go to evanston but we ended up there anyway so we decided to go downtown... that lasted a good 5 minutes until she decided that she watned to go to woodfield mall so i was like whatever its all teh same. so we drive for an hour (because she doesnt know how to go the shortest distance) actually it was right off of lake far west but we drove really far north cause that was the only way she knew how to go.(cant blame her for that.) well i freaked out many a time because ive had more than enough bad experiences with female drivers and she almost hit a couple a cars... i think my stunning good looks kept on distracting her and she barely broke in time.. but the car came away unscathed. then we ate at big bowl... talked about life... ate about 1/8th of our meal then left cause she had pack for miami. the waiter was a jerk and took forever to bring us our check cause we were young (the only logical explaination. anywho the drive back was fine no close accidents just listened to more c"rap" music and techno and stuff seh liked since it was her car. then i called mike when i got home and then we sat around for 2 hours... FUN. then yesterday i sat til 7. then i went to see lord of the rings for a second time cause it was somethijng to do with mike julia danielle. then today... yea... ive moved between my game cube and my computer all day... alll friggin day... yea so bored. night.
March 16: Fuck you... i hate this. This has been the worst weekend ever. Since day one which was even thursday night ive been bitched at questioned and so on and so forth. FUCK. im so mad right now and i wouldnt post but im so fuckign bored because its the THIRD NIGHT IN A ROW im home early. My parents have been giving me shit my friends have been giving me shit and im just in a BIG pile of shit right now. in fact at this point im mad at just about everyone all though i shouldnt be. normally im not mad but fuck, i cant take this any more. now im gonna sit online all fuckign night cause i know i wont be able to sleep and i dont wanna talk to anyone so im gonna listen to the same 5 songs all night cause im too fucking pissed to change my play list. and as of right now im contemplating canceling my week after spring break thing and you konw what I DONT FUCKING CARE WHAT YOU SAY. for all i know i might look every door/window and live in solitude until school fucking ends. Have a fucking good day.
March 5: Alright as of yesterday im doing the 40 days & 40 nights thing. nothing sexual (not like get much anyway but still) no hugging, no extensive touchign (hugging and what not) and no... well you know. with that im also turning over a new leaf in school (or so i say *ehem*) can i do it for 40 days (or at least for the month)? ah i hope so id feel so fulfilled.
March 3: ahh its 1217 am and the night has been realllly fun. well the day altogether id say... so it aallllll starts at 630 am where im a officially named shoveling BITCH of my parents. yea so that sucked but i went back to bed at 730 and slept for 3 hours. anywho so i get up download some shit for this game of mine and talk to my sister (cause she was coming that night for dinner) and that was the highlight from 10-1. then at 1 angie picked me up and we drove around ... for awhile ate and so forth stole mikes scarf.... then we picked him up tho and took 2 cars up to angies. then we were at angies had hot cocoa and threw snow balls... FUN!. then i went home had a nice steak fried rice sushi dinner with my sis her bf and my parents (MMMMMM) and i got full in 5 min flat i ate sooooo quickly it was stupid.anywho so i call maggie and shes like im about to go eat dinner with my parents so u think of something to do and ill try to think of something and we'll decide when im done eating... so i start doing something thinking i have a good hour before she woulda called back... 3 minutes later i get a call saying she wasnt going to dinner and could pick me up to go do something like see a movie. so her parents drop us off at evanston and we decide on count of monte cristo (because we came at 715 the time which ALL movies had started luckily) but of course it was sold out but teh sign didnt say it was (those rotten liars) then we think and we outta the 4 non R movies we chose john Q to help us sneak into 40 days and 40 nights which i must admit wasnt too bad.. it had its hilarious moments coming from a guys perspective. Also ive never ever seen so much T&A in a non porn flick ever it was really ridiculous... there was a part where the main character was flying through a cloud that just had computerized boobs on it going up and down. truely ridiculous. then the movie was over and we went back to her house where we made fun of me cause her hands were bigger than mine and i only had 2 pairs of pants.... we also watched parts of matrix then the fun ended and i went home. ahh a fun fun night and a meh day. oh well tomorrow its off to the "salt mines" night.
FebRuary 28: Ahh nothing like neglection :). sorry for all that care... maybe 5 people MAX. anywho tournabout was last weekend that was meh. but after formal was when the fun started happening... for those who dont already know i drank the equivelent of 7 shots of gin in 15 minutes (i had it mixed with OJ and or coke). so during the ride home i dont feel any effects i step outta the car and im likeWHOA hard to walk... anywho blah blah blah i have some fun with my current state (talking to pete online was oh so fun then jumping around in my room) it was fun. then i go to bed and if i closed my eyes id become nausious(sp?). so i cant fall asleep for an hiour (until 5 am) and i cant keep my eyes open anymore... so i get this horrible feeling in my stumach and go spew in the bath tub. (cant let m yparents wake up from toilet) then the next day i cant even see straight my head hurt so bad and i took monday off to sleep some. it was fun. anywho i got dsl the other day oh so good... downloading mass amounts of movies mmm movies... and no more pain in the ass parents to tell me to get offline. thats about it... except t hat i so far plan on having a boring weekend cause nothing has been planned yet, then again is anything ever planned til the night of?
FebRuary 4: This is my tip of the day for all who care. You should never get too high about yourself, and you should never get too low on yourself. Either extreme can only result in disaster. you get too high and you get cocky. then if you get let down or put down in anyway its a much bigger drop then a mild "meh" type thing. you get too low and you might never dig yourself out.. and you also might take posotive things and twist them to negative things. for example someone gives you a compliment or say that so and so thinks your hot/they like you... one must be able to just be like "cool" and not take too much into it. also if someone says something negative too you you should be like "alright" and just forget about it... its not worth it to worry about things that are totally worthless and useless. i basically just rambled when all i had to say was ... dont get too high about yourself and dont get too low.
FebRuary 3: Ahh i feel so good about myself currently. throughout all temptation i have the common sense to refuse "certain" things. and let me tell you if i feel like i have self control in some of my "lacking" moments (and slightly but not really intoxicated(there was some in my system)) then i feel i can make good decisions all the time. but ive been in areally good mood lately and i think it SHOULD stay like that for awhile. Anyway i think ive decided to stop my bitching against school dances (formal and what not) but i DO have certain restrictions (i know im a drok) i mean the reason i havent liked any of tem so far is 1) i dont really like dancing.. infact i dont like it at all and when the person im going with starts complaining or nagging about me not dancing its annoying *cough* danielle *cough* (but i do not mind slow dancing. that requires no coordination which is excellent) also i think that ive been scarred from my first experience in w hich case the dance blew and the after party was only worse. in fact the part the everyones like "thats what the whole thing is for the after party!" is the part that i have yet to like. but whatever i dont care anymore unlike before... i say i wouldnt go but most that know me know that i would not say no. and now i just dont care its better than nothing, right? whoa trying to explain myself completely made me forget about anything else i wanted to say but i guess i have said enough for today.... ill talk to ya later..
January 30: YAY i got all my grades i got the higher end of the stick in all but one class (which i will talk to the teacher about) but.. i got a straight A- in physics, a straight B in math and a 82.64 in modern world history (hard class but he said hes rounding up) a 79.5 in english (shes rounding up but i still hate her {AND SEE IT WAS ON THE BORDER!!!}) and in spanish im getting a 76.3 but he doesnt grade homework and i did it everytime he said that it should make a difference.... but anyway id be fine with my grades either way (A-,B,B,B-.C{+}) anyawy during english the boring class an announcement on the speaker and they said that school might be close tomorrow!!! that would mean only one day til friday.. and friday mmmm friday oh so good i cant wait and it seems to be all planned ahh life is good right now:) cya
January 29: Yea so its a been awhile WHATYA GONNA DO ABOUT IT BIATCH? well anyway finals week has come and gone.. i did ok but im kinda waiting for 2 final grades cause theyre really border line. BUT IF MY ENGLISH TEACHER SHAFTS ME I SWEAR I WILL GET DANIELLE TO BREAK HER KNEE CAPS!!!! i hate her with the blazing passion of one thousand suns!!! i cant STAND her. anyway this weekend i went to old orchard.. or at least thats what i thought we were doing.. then WAY outta left field we end up watching 4 people dress shop.. and then theyre like well you shouldnt have come if you didnt want to.. even though we wanted to go to old orchard NOT DRESS SHOPPING!! THAT WAS NOT PART OF IT! i wasnt that mad but i like making it seem like i was... i was frustrated.. but me and some friends (pete james angie) all decided we needed to have some fun for once and apparently a lot of other people agreed and now im just excited. anyway now i have to live through a wek of school (also known as hell) but since almost half the week is done its all good. another thing why must people always taunt me of my prudness (which isnt even the right word its more like i cant make the first move) but still its startin to get annoying but i truly dont care that much. dont sweat the little things right? thats my new motto.. oh yea i got a new gym teacher today (cause of new semester) and he was talking to our class about grading and such and he and the other teacher that teaches the gym portion of sophomores (not the health) are like WEVE never given an A to an Irish cause they dont meet our standards (cause thyere both Irish) and then how about russians... i dunno russians are pushing it.. ahh theyre so funny.. they also go to talking about didgit condoms (the ones on ur fingers MOST INTRIGUING) never knew those existed. ahh theyre sooo brilliant. but i guess thats it my grades are decent but they could either be good or bad depending on these last 2 classes im on the border in? whatever im done i think this is long enough to repay the last 3 weeks. (fencing is over BOOO HOOO WAHH ok im done) oh yea happy birthday mike (get ur liscense :) jk)
January 7th: This is a bitchin poem (I think) that i just read... enjoy. (I ESPECIALLY like the 5th paragraph)
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore - While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. 'Tis some visiter,' I muttered, 'tapping at my chamber door - Only this and nothing more.'
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December; And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore - For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore - Nameless here for evermore.
And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain Thrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating 'Tis some visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door - Some late visiter entreating entrance at my chamber door; - This it is and nothing more.'
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer, 'Sir,' said I, 'or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door, That I scarce was sure I heard you' - here I opened wide the door; Darkness there and nothing more.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token, And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, 'Lenore!' This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word 'Lenore!' Merely this and nothing more.
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning, Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before. 'Surely,' said I, 'surely that is something at my window lattice; Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore - Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; - 'Tis the wind and nothing more!'
Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore. Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door - Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door - Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore, 'Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, 'art sure no craven, Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore - Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!' Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore.'
Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly, Though its answer little meaning - little relevancy bore; For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door - Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door, With such name as 'Nevermore.'
But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour. Nothing farther then he uttered - not a feather then he fluttered - Till I scarcely more than muttered 'Other friends have flown before - On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.' Then the bird said 'Nevermore.'
Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken, 'Doubtless,' said I, 'what it utters is its only stock and store Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore - Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore Of 'Never - nevermore.'
But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling, Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird and bust and door; Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore - What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore Meant in croaking 'Nevermore.'
This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core; This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp - light gloated o'er, But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp - light gloating o'er, She shall press, ah, nevermore!
Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by Seraphim whose foot - falls tinkled on the tufted floor. 'Wretch,' I cried, 'thy God hath lent thee - by these angels he hath sent thee Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore; Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!' Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore.'
'Prophet!' said I, 'thing of evil! prophet still, if bird or devil! - Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted - On this home by Horror haunted - tell me truly, I implore - Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell me - tell me, I implore!' Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore.'
'Prophet!' said I, 'thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil! By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn, It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore - Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore.' Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore.'
'Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!' I shrieked, upstarting - 'Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!' Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore.'
And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming, And the lamp - light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted - nevermore!
January 2nd: well i went to cancun for a week. Wow what a blast every day basicaly the same routine but it was sooo fun i didnt mind. id usually get up from 8-9 and shower and what not. then go eat breakfast with my all inclussiveness. then from 930ish-10 id get a good seat by the pool and just chill. at 10 water volleyball started. (all the sports and stuff is run by the Sports And Entertainment team.. they were really amazing...)its really fun cause everytime the ball came within hands reach id just spike it down hard . i was dominating. then at 11 itd be beach volleyball or water basketball. both were really fun but i only played the water basketball once.. i was too dominating in that. the first half i played defense and we got down 10-7 the second half i played offense and went 8 for 10 shooting and we eventually one at 21. beach volleyball i was decent cause i never played it. you can not jump in the damn sand. one of the many games i played i purely dominated once again at the net only blocking tons of sets that barely woulda made it over. i couldnt serve worth a damn tho. it was terrible. then from 12-1 it was water aerobics. BLECH. during that time id go grab a pizza with my all inclussivenes :) and grab a couple o drinks.. miami vices, shirly temples, and strawberry daquiris were my drinks of choice. (one night i had so many shirley temples from the same bartender he was like "why dont i just give you a couple of shots of vodka itll make the process speed up." he was merely kidding and gave me another shriley) then id go back to my seat and watch the hot women jump around in the pool doing their aerobics. soo entertaing while so boring. after that tho at 1 was the best time of day.. TAQUILLA VOLLEYBALL (in water). it was brilliant everytime you screw up you take a drink for either 10-20 or 30 seconds. and since i was hanging out with people a tad younger than me i drank for them (for some reason they thought i was 18 without asking questions but who cares!!) so i had quite i bit to drink there.... never got any affects tho. from 2-3 it was lazy hour and id usually enter a pick up game of beach volleyball if not id go back to my room or somehting. then at 3 it was "crazy hour" where they had games so you cuold win prizes (taquilla bottles shirts)and what not. i got really shafter one time cause i won a dart game but one lady who went after me was only 5 points away while i was 42. on my turn i got 43 but they didnt even bother counting and she got her 5. i told them about it and they were like oops our bad. i dont care they were all so nice. i was tight with 2 of the guys. we hung out and ate together sometimes. i traded my headphones with one of the guys (cause he couldnt get them downt there) for a tshirt taquilla bottle (angie) and 30 bucks and his headphones so it was a good deal. anyway back to the day. at 4 it was water polo time which is intense. everyones all over everyone and its insane.. one game i decided to play goalie and i was great. i allowed 3 goals in 35 minutes of play then the ref (who wasnt keeping score at all) said the score was 1-4 whihle it was really 3-10 or so. then i started blowing in goalie.. i let 5 or 6 go in a row.. everyone from the other team was saying i was getting tired so i went into offense where i was useless other than intercepting passes cause you have to shoot with 2 hands and i have really weak arms oh well. anyway that was tied for best with taquilla voleyball but it was all soooooooooo fun. then at night it kinda sucked.. i usually just took a shower then hung out in the lobby then had dinner went online watched the daily sports team show and went online somemore and went to bed. thats all there was to cancun.. drinking games and no women :(. anyway i camae back for 2 days hung out with angie adn co. i heard of their New Years plans and was insanely jealous. then i went ot whistler canada which kinda sucked. the snow was decent but with my dad skiing loses its fun. skiing itsself was fun but he woke us up 7 am everymorning including new years morning. my mom was really mad at him cause she only got 5 horus of sleep. also i spent my new years at a motel alone after 5 hours of driving. terrible.. but now im back and plan to make the most of the remainder of my vacation. tahst about it my hands are soo tired... hope you had fun reading this :) cya.
December 16th: wow been awhile. not much has gone on but i was sick for 2 weeks and i just got over it this week. i went to school and did all sortsa stuff while i was sick tho. im such a trooper. anyway this weekend was fun lotsa games and goodness. last weekend i got my "holiday" present which was game cube. Also im going to cancun on wednesday and comeing back the wednesday after. then on the friday after that im going to whistler (ski resort). Good times huh. My english teacher has declared me the dumbass of the class. Every day she comes up to me when she hands back papers and she'll be like " are you having trouble" "why arent you understanding this" "maybe you should get the book on tape" and yet i get a B+ on the paper. i mean she says so much SHIT about me and im just like EAT THAT BITCH. shes so boring and i hate her friggen guts. oh yea that slacking.. defintely coming back to bite me in the ass.... actually just in physics cause i bombed a test (literally 65%) but luckily he has this bomb rule thing and i take it again and he averages the tests. brilliant. in all my other classes my grades have risen or stayed the same which is quite jolly. angie however still has my beanie which i need for whistler and there seems to be no end in site to her rein in terror over it. ARGH!!!! oh well better get it back eventually. other than that i got 5 hours of sleep on friday night and its 921 on sunday so im off to bed. ill tell yuo about my vacationing adventures when i get back. cya
December 3rd: OK im really pissed cause i wrote one last night but my dad shut down my comp as i was in the bathroom before i saved. SO i dont remember half of what i said but whatever. i dunno i think it was something along the lines that ive done nothing all week but be lazy all tho its fun its gonna bite me in the ass eventually. im really not looking forward to this week of school cause i honestly do not see one good thing about it. on a completely unrelated topic Shallow hal was good, saw it on firday... most comical. i think thats all i intended ot say last night but whatever if not no one will care.
November 25th: Wow Lazer tag is REALLY under rated.. oh so fun. anyway trampolines are fun... let me rephrase that. trampolines without Michael Yohanan are fun.. he used my face like someone would use a saddle on horse (use ur imagination ITS NOT PRETTY). but other than that it was fun. mm warm cuddly soft blankets. and back to my topic in most of my updates.. .SCHOOL SUCKS!!!!!! i mean there is not time i could hate school more than now. i hate it. id rather be a bum for the rest of my life than go to school.. actually not but i feel like that right now. i just hate being tired/exhausted and thats what it does to me. i think thats all but its kinda lateish (117 am)now a quote from me "my life is boring an uneventful and nothing outta the ordinary has happened in the past year i swear ive basically had a normal routine with slight minor changes" thats what im thinking about right now. ciao.
November 18th: Last night i went to dave and busters which was really fun. i spent 10-15 bucks (cant tell cause you have those card doowhackys) on this sniper game. Very fun shooting people in the head with a scope. especially when you only have one shot to do it. i beat the game of course cause im such a geek :) but whatever twas fun. and today ive dont nothing cept spanish homework (15 min) and a physics project with my group on building a straw bridge. A good 4 day weekend and im looking forward to thankgiving as well. P.S. SIGN MY GUEST BOOK!!! ITS BRAND NEW!
November 17th: So some friends and I are getting driven home by Mrs. Yohanon and she's kinda mad cause she got lost on the way to the house she picked us up at. So Mike asks her what she did that night and shes talking about how Mr. Yohanon insisted on watching gladiator because of their new HD tv. and then she says "It's not like we haven't seen Russel Crowe 9 hundred 99 thousand, 4 hundred 38, 6 hundred 72 times before." and i mean she just put so much effort into an exagerated number. i dunno maybe im psycho but i found it hilarious and she was happy after that. anyway this week was very nice with only 2 days of school. and tonight was pretty boring. i dunno why but sometimes when im at peoples houses' im just really bored. oh well it was fun some of the time. ahh car rides are fun.
November 13th: "Want to go play outside?" "No it's too much trouble. FIRST I'd have to get up. THEN I'd have to find my hat and put IT on. (sigh) Then we'd run around and I'd get tired, and when we came in I'd have to take all that stuff OFF. NO WAY." "So what are you going to do instead?" I'm just going to sit here and wait for a good tv show to come on." "I'll tell your mom to turn you toward the light and water you periodically." "Instead of making smart remarks, you could get me the remote control." --Calvin and Hobbes
November 11th: wow i love three day weekends. Friday went to see shrek and hung out with some friends. good movie especially the beginning and end. Then saturday i totally got shafted by martin but tahts ok cause i hung out with other friends so it was all good. then today hung out with same people as friday and played countless hours of nintedo good fun. I found out my winter break plans... for a week im goin to cancun mexico. then i come home for 2 days then go to whistler in canada for 4 days and ski. great vacation and great 3 day weekend, 2 day school week, then 4 day weekend. I love it.
November 7th: Sorry about the lack of updates ive just been really busy lately. Multitudes of tests, hours of english homework, and the fact that i must go to sleep at 9 pm doestn help. Anyway i'm starting a fencing club and its gonna be awesome. for anyone who wants to join IM me (weezer933). I had my first practice today. Boy is it hard to get up at 600 to do hard work. anyway saturday i went to angies and watched an old black and white horror movie in which me and james wanted to see either... a shotgun (which eventually was shown or... Flying Flaming Zombie Limbs which was also show when they threw napalms out the window.. good fun. well back to my homework i go adios.
November 3rd: Fencing tryouts the end of last week and this week i made squad but not JV which really annoys me cause im good enough but its cause im a sophomore. I lost my glove to which REALLY annoys me cause its soo useful and theyre 20$$$. so now 3 days a week i have practice from 630-730 AM!!!! crazy but worth it. Tough week in school multiple tests this week and with all the after school crap ive had little time. Tonight i went to a friends house and it was good times. we watched shrek and played lots of foosball. tomorrow who knows what ill do but you will know either tomorrow night or whenever i post again. til then ta ta.
October 28th: I didn't know that meeting new people could be so fun. I used to be really shy around new people and what not so i just stuck around with a small group of friends. then i met some new people then they were great so i just stuck with them and havent exactly expanded my friendships throughout my school. So i get invited to a party which we didn't do too much there but it was really fun meeting new people and mingling since i didnt know most of em. Anyway on friday i went to this haloween party in which there were 15 people i had never seen before so it was kinda weird. any way after i slept over at a friends house and that was fun so good times all around. then saturday a friend from highland park (Danielle)came down here and we had loads of fun... good weekend overall.
October 24th: i thought school was annoying before today. Boy was i wrong. all of a sudden in my english class my teacher goes "from now on this class is going to me much harder and more demanding. Every night while you read "Grendel" (the book we are reading) you must fill out this sheet and right a 2 page paper on these topics i give you about the. Also you have to memorize the new vocab (75 words)" thats some bitchin homework for one class. luckily i havent done my math homework in 3 weeks and im doing just fine in that class so ill see how long i can go with out doing it. once i cant go on then im REALLY screwed. i dont know how much more of this i can take. WAY too much crap is going on right now.
October 22nd: So saturday night/Sunday early am im talking to this friend i havent really talked to in a while.. i mean we talk but its just basic hey whats up stuff. and so we start talking and it seems like its gonna be another short 5 minute conversation.. but then we start talking about stuff and it was just fun and since i wasnt in that good of a mood at the time it totally lifted my spirits and i felt happy afterwards. it was like this person i wasnt that close to and i got a lot closer (well at least thats what i felt) and we just talked and it felt good. too bad my crazy russian father had to run into the room screaming at me asking why i was online at 2am so i got a gtg before my dad hit the power button. i was kinda pissed at my dad but happy over all cause it was good times.
October 21st: OK. Wow some women are so stubborn. there are 4 or 5 people that agree with me on a certain "thing" and they all think im right... but the person im arguing refuses to believe it and wont talk to me... and is mad at me about something that i feel! HOW UBSURD IS THAT. ITS like IM doing something wrong for LIKING SOMEBODY. I mean its well known that males have this alarm in which when they like a girl and that girl does anything that might slightly hint a liking towards you (i.e. write a heart next to their name in your yearbook) the guy just goes beserk and is like WHOA SHE LIKES ME.... so if you like the girl a little less but the thing she does is a little bigger than a heart (tee hee) then itll still have the same effect. why cant women just realize that in teenage males. i mean i like a girl and she says there is hope that i can go out with her shortly but she said friends for now... but theres that whole hope thing.. so anything she does that slightly hints towards it my alarm goes insane. i mean shes leaning on me she grabs my arm and walks with it and i mean what am i supposed to think of this since none of my other friends do taht. so what do i think of it.. i think of it as evil flirting. so i tell her about it and then shes like i cant believe you think im a flirt. so i try to explain that to her the alarm and what not and she just goes beserko on me.... theres a ton more in our beserko conversation but its too weird if u really wanna hear it ill email it to you... luckily everyone agrees with me so im ok and happy and im fine even though i got majorly bitched at.
October 17th: Why are women so confusing? i mean honestly you can ask them a question and they can go on forever answering irrelevant stuff to the question. Then not only do you not know the answer you just more confused then before. Well whatever thats life and it looks like i got some waiting on my hands for those damned women. (no offense)
October 16th: OK ive come to the conclusion that one of my friends is not exactly the smartest people on this planet... as a matter of fact i think he's blind to everything in his life. ugh sometimes (like now) its very aggrivatin.... ugh today was the shittiest day ive had in a long time.
October 15th: Why are sundays soo boring. i didnt even do homework today cause i was soo friggen lazy. And why must people be so confusing all the time... i mean they say one thing in general but theyre telling me something else and there body language is telling me other stuff too. i keep on getting mixed messages. but whatever ill try to get a clear sign.
October 13th: FLOOR IT... STOP SIGN... FLOOR IT... SPEED BUMP... FLOOR IT!!!!!!!!!! Ah cars are fun. HA DANIELLE you thought i couldn't bowl a 120 after my pathetic 56 but BAM i whip out a 138er!!! WOOHOO SUCKA.
October 8th: Cubs game was awesome... COLD but awesome. Today i drove for the first time WHAT A RUSH!!! Anyway it was a good long weekend most fulfilling.
October 6th: Decisions are tough. I hate em. Especially since they ALWAYS have pros and cons. anyway cubs game sunday WOOHOO finally a motnh after my birthday but meh. ITS gonna be cold and the cubs are not gonna make the playoffs but itll still be fun as all hell YAY.
September 30th: Finally a weekend without a boring saturday woohoo. the only problem about fun weekends is that the week ahead is gonna be such a let down *sigh* stupid school.
September 27th: Should I go out and do new things? OR should i try some new stuff... I mean for the past year it seems that i have this way about me in which everything i do is not new or out of the ordinary. I think i'll change that tomorrow. What am i doing thats gonna change that you ask? Thats for me to know and for you to not...
September 24th: School sucks. Too many tests in 3 days (5). And Social studies is too hard. I hate school. Its been hell the past couple of days cause of studying so bear with me. sorry.
September 22nd: It's Dejavu. Another boring saturday. At least theres the cubs game today. thats about it.
September 21st: Holy cow WHAT A DAY!!! First I go to this "team building" thing with my Advisory. WHAT A BLAST. This may be hard to explain but it was so amazing that I must. Ok you tie a rope to two trees so that the rope goes through the middle of a circle on the ground. In the middle of that there are 2 bowls put together (one facing up one down) and a cup half filled with water on top of those. You can not touch the ground and you must be blindfolded. Your advisory mates have to hold onto the rope to lower you or get you higher and pull you by a rope which is attatched to you. You are attatched to the rope that goes across the circle. OK, so they pull me along til i get to the cup. Then they have to direct me where to have my hand so i can pick up the cup and bring it out of the circle without spilling the water. (they pull me across to the end then back ro the middle) Then when i'm back i have to open the 2 bowls and get a stuffed animal inside and bring it outside the circle. Then i have to put the top of the bowl on. Then i have to go get the water back from outside and put it back on the bowl. I did it all WHILE BLINDFOLDED!!! AMAZING AND HARD AS HELL. The instructer said its the hardest team building thing hes ever used/ seen completed. The one catch though was that as we were putting away the ropes someone pulled the rope through the bowls and they tipped :(. Theoretically it shouldnt have counted but it did anyway cause we were all done except one rope. Thats amazing thing number one. Then after school I play ultimate frisbee (in the club) and i make a slipping catch as i slip into a huge puddle of mud. amazing catch; dirty clothes. Then i get home and go to the GREATEST CONCERT WEEZER!!! WOW. Amazing what a great day. One of the best. (if you dont understand the team building thing ask me online and ill tell you personally.)
September 20th: You know what bothers me? I dunno if females feel the same way, but today during one of my classes this girl that sits next to me (we talk regularly cause the class is boring) she says, "You know what? You should ask "so and so" to homecoming." I dunno why maybe its just a little intrusive or commanding, but I was very displeased. Well it's not that big of a deal I'm not gonna hate her for it, but its just a tad annoying. Thats all for today.
September 19th: BOOOOOOM. Wow what a blow, not like I would've done anything about it anyway but still it's still quite a blow so if I did wanted do something I could've but now i can't. Anyway on a different note, Me 2-Contestant 1. (It soon will be like this as soon as I get one thing.)
September 18th: Why is everyone always in compition with someone else?(although I always end up on top :) jk) Can't life just be simple? It would be a lot less hectic with a lot less stress, but where would the fun of life go? Are people willing to make that change? Would it be possible?
September 16th: Technically it's the 16th so I'm ok. Anyway you know what I hate? When people are like "Argh im talking to too many people" (when they're online) and I look around my screen and I'm talking to one or two people. Its just a depressing sight.
September 14th: Yes I know that I'm going backwards but i started the news page the 15th but I made the page a couple of days ago and so I'm just getting my days worth...(?) Anyway why is it that the everyone that you want to be around you is so far (well not really far but annoyingly far) away while the people you want to get away from you have a habit of always being right there? Speaking of far why do i have this difficult time making friends from my own school? I mean there are those people that I converse with throughout the school day but never past that. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough. It would make sense since the friends I have are so great. But still it would be most beneficial I believe to have some more of "my own kind" as friends.
September 15th: Ahh, nothing like the first day. I started the page this week but i haven't had much time to do much to it. You know something's wrong when you do all of your math assignments that are due next week on a saturday at 9 a.m.(math tutor) HA at least I'll have less homework. So now its a saturday night and im sitting at home doing nothing. It must be a sign to get my rear in gear and work on the good page. Good day to you.