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STAR WARS - Journal Of The Whills

This is an exciting, creativity-driven PBEM based in the Star Wars universe, shortly after the destruction of the first Death Star.

Play-by-email (PBEM) games are developed by everyone participating. A PBEM reads like a story, with each contributor’s section adding to the whole.

When each entry is pieced together with the others, the end result should read like a book told from different points of view.

Some knowledge of the Star Wars universe is necessary, but only minimal. Generally, if you are familiar with the first film you will be fine. The focus of this game is on the fun, and the creative aspects of role-playing – not to prove one person’s knowledge of obscure Star Wars trivia or technical jargon. Remember – others will want to read what you wrote, so make sure it is exciting and enjoyable. It is okay to sacrifice technical jargon for good storytelling any day of the year!