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Black Magic Spells:
Level 1:
Fire - Cost: 8 MP; +10 to MagAtk; Fire Element
Bio - Cost: 10 MP; +12 to MagAtk; Poison Element (causes poison on 1d6 of 4 or more. Poison will deal 10 damage plus the caster's level to your character each turn for the next 3 turns)
Bolt - Cost: 8 MP; +10 to MagAtk; Bolt Element
Level 2:
Ice - Cost: 8 MP; +10 to MagAtk; Ice Element
Quake - Cost: 12 MP; +14 to MagAtk; Earth Element
Aero - Cost: 10 MP; +12 to MagAtk; Wind Element
Level 3:
Ice2 - Cost: 16 MP; +22 to MagAtk; Ice Element
Aero2 - Cost: 20 MP; +26 to MagAtk; Wind Element
Bio2 - Cost: 18 MP; +24 to MagAtk; Poison Element (may cause poison on 1d6 of 4 or more. Poison will deal 10 damage plus the caster's level to your character each turn for the next 3 turns)
Level 4:
Fire2 - Cost: 16 MP; +22 to MagAtk; Fire Element
Matra Magic - Cost: 24 MP; +30 to MagAtk; No Element
Bolt2 - Cost: 18 MP; +24 to MagAtk; Bolt Element
Level 5:
Quake2 - Cost: 30 MP; +38 to MagAtk; Earth Element
Drain - Cost: 26 MP; +20 to MagAtk; +10 to HP; No Element
Wing Blaze - Cost: 32 MP; +42 to MagAtk; No Element
Level 6:
Aero3 - Cost: 46 MP; +52 to MagAtk; Wind Element
Break - Cost: 54 MP; +60 to MagAtk; Earth Element (cancels Haste)
Fire3 - Cost: 44 MP; +50 to MagAtk; Fire Element
Level 7:
Bio3 - Cost: 62 MP; +74 to MagAtk; Poison Element(may cause poison on 1d6 of 4 or more. Poison will deal 10 damage plus the caster's level to your character each turn for the next 3 turns)
Freeze - Cost: 76 MP; +80 to MagAtk; Ice Element (causes stop on 1d6 of 5 or up)
Level 8:
Bolt3 - Cost: 82 MP; +96 to MagAtk; Bolt Element
Ice3 - Cost: 86 MP; +100 to MagAtk; Ice Element
Level 9:
Flare(Hadoken) - Cost: 150 MP; +194 to MagAtk; No Element
Level 10:
Quake3 - Cost: 104 MP; +130 to MagAtk; Earth Element (hits all)
Tornado - Cost: 112 MP; +110 to MagAtk; Wind Element (causes stop and casts Haste on 1d6 of 5 or up)
Level 11:
Ultima - Cost: 200 MP; +250 to MagAtk; No Element

White Magic Spells:
Level 1:
Cure - Cost: 8 MP; +30 to HP; No Element
Protect - Cost: 20 MP; 1/4 damage from next 2 physical attacks; No Element
Level 2:
Shell - Cost: 20 MP; 1/4 damage from next 2 magic attacks; No Element
Throw - Cost: 1 item; + the Str. of the thrown item; If a curative item is thrown then double its effectiveness; No Element
Level 3:
Cure2 - Cost: 40 MP; +1/4 Max HP to HP; No element
Life - Cost: 30 MP; +33 to HP when revived; No element
Level 4:
Protect2 - Cost: 50 MP; 1/2 damage from next 2 physical attacks; No Element
Shell2 - Cost: 50 MP; 1/2 damage from next 2 magic attacks; no element
Level 5:
Shield - Cost: 125 MP; 1/2 damage from next 2 attacks; no element
Life2 - Cost: 100 MP; +1/2 HP when revived; no element
Level 6:
Esuna - Cost: 50 MP; cures all status effects; no element
Reflect - Cost: 70 MP; Next magic attacks is reflected back at the caster; no element
Level 7:
Life3 - Cost: 150 MP; Full life after revive; no element
Cure3 - Cost: 100 MP; Roll 1d6 if 1,2,3 then +500 to HP, if 4 or 5 then +700 to HP, if 6 then full health; no element
Level 8:
Sheild2 - Cost: 1/2 max MP; 0 damage from the next 2 attacks; no element
Level 9:
Angel Whisper - Cost: 200 MP; full HP and relieves all status effects; no element
Level 10:
Holy - Cost: 150 MP; +180 to MagAtk; no element
Level 11:
Ultima - Cost: 200 MP; +250 to MagAtk; no element

Time Magic:
Level 1:
Haste - Cost: 20 MP; You may attack 2 times per turn, lasts 2 turns; no element
Scan - Cost: 5 MP; Next attack against you does 1/2 damage; no element
Level 2:
Aqualung - Cost: 16 MP; +16 to MagAtk and hits all opponents; Ice Element
Demi - Cost: 10 MP; +12 to MagAtk; no element
Level 3:
Trine - Cost: 24 MP; +24 to MagAtk and hits all opponents; Bolt Element
Demi2 - Cost: 20 MP; +20 to MagAtk; No Element
Level 4:
Beta - Cost: 36 MP; +36 to MagAtk and hits all opponents; Fire Element
Osmose - Cost: 2 MP; roll 1d(your level) and steal that amount of MP from your opponent; No Element
Level 5:
Time Travel - Cost: 50 MP; +30 to both Str. and MagAtk for entire party, lasts 2 turns; No Element
Demi3 - Cost: 56 MP; +60 to MagAtk; No Element
Level 6:
Comet - Cost: 76 MP; +80 to MagAtk; No Element
Level 7:
Regen - Cost: 40 MP; +20 HP each turn, lasts the entire spar or battle; No Element
Level 8:
Stop - Cost: 100 MP; cannot attack at all for 2 turns; No Element
Level 9:
Comet2 - Cost: 140 MP; +150 to MagAtk; No Element
Level 10:
Meteor - Cost: 180 MP; +160 to MagAtk hits all opponents; No Element
Level 11:
Ultima - Cost: 200 MP; +250 to MagAtk; No Element