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                For those who are interested in the long term production, and efficiency of this great site, and want to improve on it then listen up. First I am looking for several talented RPG crazed, tech heads. You can belong to one of three different Staff groups. ( ART & GRAPHICS, or DESKTOP PUBLISHERS). Read about each group to see what the requirements are and then e-mail me with your portfolio. I will appoint a Staff Master for each group based on who I think is the most creative, and qualified.


Art & Graphics

     It is the responsibility of this Staff to create all forms of art such as Sketches, and PaintShop / Photoshop rendered works for the website like new banners, or even work that can be displayed in our future versions of the Suikoden RPG. The members of this group should have a scanner, and some experience in creating works of art.


  • 3 Sketches (One in Pencil, Then an Inked Version, Finally a colored Version,
  • Finally I want to see a banner. I want you to make banner that you think would look good displayed on the site.
  • E-mail all the fallowing to me with a few paragraphs telling me why you think you would be good for this job.

Desktop Publishers

     Writing material for the Suikoden RPG source books will be the responsibility of this group. This is the easiest group to get into because all I require is a few things. The people who apply however should be proficient in the English language (hell any language for that matter, I can use a few translators). Anyone can write a paper, but I will admit that It should not be me writing everything because I suck at spelling, and to be honest I can't stay consistent with a points of view (I might write 1st person one second, and then I am doing 3rd.)  


  • 2 papers written in Microsoft Word. One paper should tell why you want this position, and the other should be a short work of fiction of your own choice. These papers should reflect your proficiency with WORD, and your power over the English language. (But if you are capable of translating than please let me know. That talent could be useful in the future.)