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 Fusion Transformations: Android 17

*Note: These transformations are automatically mastered.  Android 17 can also upgrade himself like any other Android*

Dr. Gero (Android 20) partnered up with Dr. Myuu while they were in HFIL.  They created together a Artificial Android 17.  Later, when Android 17 and Artificial Android 17 met each other, they learnt that they could fuse and become very strong, strong enough to beat Goku.  When the fused they became Super 17.

*Note: Artificial Android 17 is only created  when Dr. Myuu and Dr. Gero is killed.  When They are killed they cannot be visited until there time in HFIL is up.  In HFIL, together they will produce Artificial Android 17'

Super 17


This fusion makes Super 17 nearly impossible to beat.  His power level increases immensely and he is very strong.  Adds both characters stats together and then add 7,000 to all stats.
-Android 17 and Artificial Android 17 both need to have learnt Android fusion.

*Note: Fusion is permanent.*

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