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- Main
- Past Updates
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- Choose a Character

- Race Advantages
- Transformations/ Power-ups
- Rules
- Members
- Status Page
- Information
- The Universe
- Moves
- Dragonballs
- Items
- Jobs
- Advert/Message Board (Not Proper 1)
- Torny (Tournament)
- Stories & Fights
- Quick Member Contacts

Need to update your Character 

Click the Capsule Corp. Logo:


Link to me?

Just copy this HTML:

(Still Making Banner)


This is the most detailed and best Dragonball RPG!!!

I have put a lot of effort into making this site.  Please have as much fun as u can.

Please read the updates when ever you come on.  The last 2 updates will be posted below and the past updates will be on the page -> Past Updates.

Every member you get on the site I will pay you 200D.


If you ever need help or if you need to ask any questions just email me (Click the Capsule Corp. Logo):

Best Viewed

With IE 4.0 or higher
800x600 Resolution
JavaScript Enabled

 Control a different person, choose their path, join the RPG!


12/2/03 - Late Greeting: Happy Chinese New Year!  I just want to tell you that the site is not opened yet, because i have not finished putting the new layout on every page!  I will open it soon.  Just to warn you when I open the site, and later I find a better FIGHT SYSTEM I will have to restart the RPG.  Do NOT worry because your character will be reserved.  Also the members from the old CAPSULE CORP. DBZ RPG you must join the RPG again.  I am sorry I am not able to reserve your character.

 Welcome to: