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 Android Upgrades

Androids are a special race, instead of having power ups or transformations they have upgrades.  Most upgrades are done on planet Earth, at Dr. Gero's laboratory or on planet Myuu, at Dr. Myuu's Lab.

Special Upgrades are told about on the message board.  These upgrades will be very special and will help your character become very strong  But Dr. Gero or Dr. Myuu may not many of special upgrade so you must get to his place before any other person does.  You may also sell your upgrade to other people for a exchange or even money, just post it on the message board.

Upgrades will upgrade your stats like the following:
    PL + 2,500
    Hp + 2,000
    Ki + 2,000
    Strength + 450
    Defence + 2,200
    Speed + 1,800

Upgrades are priced like the following:
    1st time - 1500D
    2nd time - 1500D
    3rd time - 3000D
    4th time - 5000D
    5th time - 8000D
    6th time - 1000D
    7th time - 1000D
    ETC. - 8000D

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