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When somebody collects all 7 Dragonballs they can summon a dragon.  These dragons will grant you wished. *Note: i know the DarkStar Dragonballs do not follow the series it is the best i can do to make it possible and quite the same.*  To start collecting the Dragonballs click on the Capsule Corp. pic at the bottom of the page.

Earth's Dragonballs

Will turn into stone for 1 month
Without any help it will take 5 days per dragonball if you have fly.
1) Free
2) Free
3) Free
4) Free
5) Free
6) Free
7) Free


Shenlong....The Eternal Dragon of Earth

Grants 1 wish..


1) 30,000D

2) One or a group of people to return to the living (must have died under the same circumstance) Can not wish back someone already revived with this dragon.

3) Have a technique automatically learned. (Not all)

4) 15,000 Potential Points 

Other wishes may be granted but within the dragon's power (my authority)

Namek's Dragonballs
Will turn into stone for 2 weeks
Without any help it will take 5 days per dragonball if you have fly.
1) Free
2) Free
3) Free
4) Free
5) Free
6) Free
7) Free


Porunga....The Eternal Dragon of Namek

Grants 2 wishes..


1) 20,000D

2) One person to return to the living (Can revive a person as many times as he sees fit)

3) Have a technique automatically learned. (Not all)

4) 10, 000 Potential Points

Other wishes may be granted but within the dragon's power (my authority)

The DarkStar Dragonballs
You must have a Darkstar Locator
Without any help it will take 5 days per dragonball if you have fly on each planet
When you have made your wish you must return to Earth in a week or the Earth will explode.
1) Free
2) Free
3) Free
4) Free
5) Free
6) Free
7) Free

 The Eternal Dragon of The DarkStar Dragonballs

Grants 1 wish..


1) 50,000D

2) One person to return to the living (Can revive a person as many times as he sees fit)

3) Have a technique automatically learned. (Not all)

4) 22, 000 Potential Points

5) Immortality

Other wishes may be granted but within the dragon's power (my authority)

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