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You get 300 PP every day when you train here.
It takes 3 days to travel to these places (below, Moons).

 The Mayor Dog

To become a soldier for the Mayor.  Click on Him.

Earth's Moon

Appears ever Wednesday.  Receives 400PP every day.

Earth's moon has no air and little gravity. This isn't a very good place to go if your willing to get the best training.  Must travel to Earth before going to the moon.  Takes 1 day to go to moon.

Master Roshi's Island


Master Roshi

The creator of the Kamehameha. It took him over 50 years to learn it correctly. A full training with him lasts 4 days as you will get to wear turtle shells and continue to receive normal training points. Adds 2,000 extra points also. Must be Good Hearted 2.


-After training with Roshi he will teach you the Kamehameha Wave which will take 10 days to learn.

- He will also teach you FART WAVE.  This move renders your opponent for 1 turn.  Takes 8 days to master the art of farting.

The Guardians' Look-out




The guardian and overseer over Earth. He stands at the edge of his lookout and views the Earth below.  Trains up to 5 people and brings them into the Training Simulation Room for 5 days which will give you 5,000 extra points. Teaches Sense Power level. Takes 4 days to learn.  Must be Good hearted 2.



The loveable Mr. Popo. he is Kami's assistant on top of the lookout. He teaches Hide Power level.  Takes 4 days to learn.  Must be Good hearted.

The HyperBolic Time Chamber


This amazing room allows one to get a year's training in one day. (Any hearted can enter). May enter only twice the whole time you're on the RPG. Gives 50,000 PP.



Cute and Snuggly...NOT!! This feline is one bad/good warrior. Korin will train you with his Holy Water for 3 days. This will give you an extra 3,000 points.  You will have to master the powers of the Holy water before you can use it.  Must chase Korin around the Tower to obtain your own water.  Takes 4 days to catch Korin.

Chi-Chi's House

 Chi Chi

A very NICE (sarcasm) woman when she wants to be. It takes 3 days to get here and 1 day to rejuvenate. She doesn't welcome strangers to kindly and only helps rejuvenate those who are good and injured.


She heals all your ki and half of your full HP.  Can only visit her once a month or she'll get angry if she sees your face again (and might even kill you).  Must be Good Hearted.

Dr. Gero's Laboratory

Only androids can find this lab.


Dr. Gero a.k.a Android 20

Dr. Gero turned himself into an android so he can be promised eternal least naturally. Only excepts Androids and only they can find his location. Dr. Gero will upgrade an Android the first time it visits. Adds 2,000 to all stats.  Dr. Gero puts a new bomb inside you which takes 10 days.  Rebuilds Androids so they may use Rocket Punch which takes 5 days. Rebuilds Androids so they may use Energy Absorb which takes 16 days.  Also come to him for Android Upgrades.

HP: 15,000
Speed: 15,000
Strength: 3700
Defense: 15,000
Ki: 15, 000

Moves: Ki Blast, Energy Absorb

Androids can come to be rebuilt if they are injured since androids can't use regeneration tanks.  Being the insensitive Man or should i say Android he is he charges you! 500D - Takes 2 days to rebuild you.

Capsule Corp. Building


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