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 How to Fight (May Change)

All actions must be put into * * and normal talk and other things don't need to be.  Remember fights can only be held if an official referee is watching.  Also it would help if both characters and the referee had different coloured text.  The ref will always keep count of each fighter's stats on a piece of paper.  *Note: You can transform or Power-up in a fight as long as you match the requirements*

Referee: Lambchopsfung
Fighter 1: Evil Buu
Fighter 2: Goku

Referee gives both fighter's stats.

Evil Buu's Stats:

Strength: 1000
Speed: 4000
HP: 2000
Ki: 2000
Defence: 2000

Goku's Stats

Strength: 6000
Speed: 1999
HP: 2000
Ki: 2000
Defence: 1001

Because Buu has more speed than Goku he gets to attack first.

*Buu (2000) throws punch (1000) at Goku (2000)*

The first (2000) is how much HP Buu has, the (1000) show how much the punch will take off and the 2nd (2000) shows how much HP Goku has.

Now it is Goku's defence turn.  Goku has 2 options to block the punch or to let it hit him.

*Goku (2000) blocks (1) punch (1000)*

But because Buu has 4000 Speed and Goku has only 1999, 4000 is more than twice than 1999.  So Buu gets another go.

*Buu (2000) throws another punch(1000) at Goku(2000)*

If Goku blocks it will only block 1 strength, so the other 999 will hit him.

*Goku (1001) gets hit my punch (1000)*

Goku has lost 1000 HP as the brackets tell us.  Now it is at last Goku's attack turn.

*Goku (1001) throws a punch (6000)*

Buu's defense is not good enough to block all the attack, because he has only 2000 block wile the punch is 6000.  So the final result will be 4000Hp taken off Buu, and because he has only 2000 HP he is been KOed.

*Buu (0) is KOed*

Goku is winner.

If you still don't understand please email me.

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