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 Transformations: Frieza

1st Transformation

Frieza grows taller in height and deeper in the voice as his strength takes a sudden sky rocket. Adds 3,000 to all stats.  
Takes 4 days to master.

2nd Transformation

Frieza yet again transforms and this transformation is just a little bit more gruesome looking than the other, but his power rises even more. Adds 4,000 to all stats.  Must have 1st transformation
Takes 8 days to master.

3rd Transformation

Frieza slims down for his final transformation which proves to be a powerhouse not to be reckoned with. Adds 8,000 to all stats.  Must have 1st and 2nd transformations
Takes 10 days to learn.

Cyborg Form

King Cold orders for the best doctors and repairmen to work on Frieza's wounds and to see to it that he's never beaten again. Frieza becomes more powerful as he is now half android!! Adds 11,000 to all stats.
-Once Frieza is in this form he can no longer use his 3rd transformation Power-up.
-Must lose 5 times in a row or be blown up in a planet explosion and then travel to King Cold's Palace on planet Frieza)
-Frieza's 1/2 Android body was made from Friezian Android Doctors so it is not compatible with any other Android Upgrades.
-Must have mastered all transformations and power-ups.
Takes 9 days to remake Frieza.

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