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If you still do not understand the stuff on this page feel free to Email me.

Power Level (PL)

Power Level is used mainly for transformations & power-ups.  The higher power level you have the easier you can sneak attack someone.


Speed is used to determine who goes 1st in the fight or practice bout.  If your speed is twice as much or over your opponents speed you get 2 turns.  But if your speed is 3 times as much as opponents you still only get to go twice.


This is how hard you punch sum1.  So if you had 50 Strength, a punch or a kick would take off 50HP.  If you give potential points to Strength they only add on 1/4 of them.  So if you put 100PP on strength it would only be 25PP.

Health Points (HP)

This is how much damage you can take before you are KOed. (HP can be regained in a restor chamber, 500 per day) If you are KOed and not killed it takes 1 day to be revived and you will have 1/4 of your HP.

Ki (Energy)

This is how much energy you have to use Ki moves, like a Ki blast.  (Ki can be regained in a restor chamber, 500 per day)

Defence (Block)

You can defend their attacks.  So if they fire a 5000 Ki ball at you, you can block it with a 5000 block but you might only have a little block left.  You have 6000 block and you blocked the ki ball and now your block is just 1000.


Saiyans need a certain level of anger to perform some transformations & power-ups.  (So do some other Characters)

Potential Points (PP)

Potential points is gained by training or fighting.  PP is used to strengthen up your stats.  You may put your PP in any area EXCEPT ALL STATS CANNOT BE OVER 10,000 APART.


Your heart system shows you if you are evil or not.  Some moves can only be learnt if you are evil and Visa Versa.  If you kill someone in a fight your heart will become -1 and if you let them live your heart will be +1 but remember you can learn way more things if you are good.


Training is done automatically, when you are not learning a move or power-up or training with a master.  You will get PP for everyday you train, the amount of PP is dependent on what planet you are on.  Different Planets have different gravitational meaning the higher gravitational pull gets more PP.

Practice Bout

Practice bouts are is fight but you cannot kill each other.  You can only KO each other.  Only 5 Practice Bouts a week.  Like fights, the winner gets 600 PP loser gets 300 PP. Can fight the same person more than once.  You must copy the whole fight, including the talk between you and send it to me in an Email.  Only 2 people are allowed to train together.


You can challenge a member when they come onto the net.  The winner will gain 600D and 800PP, the loser will get 500PP.  If you win you will have the chance of killing the loser.  If you kill him you get an extra 300PP, but your heart will get -1.  Only 3 fights per week, only 2 of them can be with the same person.  You must copy the whole fight plus the conversations and send it to me in an E-mail.  You MUST have an official referee watching the fight.  More than 2 people can fight in the same match.

How to fight

Run away

You may not have to fight an opponent if you have a scouter which can sense your enemy's power level but if they have hide powerlevel you must fight them but if they have a faster speed then you, on the next next go they may run. If they know how to sence power level, and you do not have hide powerlevel then they may run away from you.  They can also escape from battle by using Solar flare.  Running Away will result in losing 200D (If you have the money) to your opponent and half of your PP to him also.  You will gain only half of the PP.  You cannot run away in a practice Bout.

Body Cut off

Some moves like Kienzan and destructo disc can chop of parts of bodies.  The places which you can cut is, the tail of a Saiyan,  each leg and each arm.  When part of your body has been chopped off (except for a Saiyans tail, all it does is doesn't let them become Oozaru) a quarter of you strength is taken off.  For example, your strength was 400 but then your right leg and left arm has been cut off the your strength would be 200.  The only way you can get this arm back is to get a healer, or learn regeneration which can only be learnt by Namekians.

Monster Attacks

When you are logged on to the internet and i or an official Referee IMs you with an attack from a creature from a planet and if you say you don't want to fight cos u are busy or you log of straight away be4 i can talk to u the creature will attack and u will loose HP as the same amount of the creature.  If i find that you are cheating somehow, by not letting me see your screen name or you use a different screen name i will surely kick you off.  If i IM you and it is your mum or dad or sister or what ever you will lose 1/4 busy points because i will not be sure if you are lying, your ill take the same consequences.  I might not even bother attacking you because i must do things to and update this site.  Other Official Referees will attack me so don't worry.


You can only travel to another planet in the same galaxy by a space ship or pod, this will take 2 days.  You can also travel by fly but you will need a space suit, unless you are a changeling or an android or any 'other' you do not need a space suit, this will take 4 days.  To travel to another planet in a different galaxy it will take you by space ship or pod 5 days, or by fly, this will take you 7 days.  When on a planet you may be able to travel to places, these places might have a time to reach the location, if you do not have fly this will take you twice as long.


Stories are just small pieces of writing telling what your character's day was like.  The stories should be at least 3 paragraphs and must be dissent and not totally c*a*.  You should then send me the story in an Email and i will post it up on the stories and fight page.

Fusion Rules

When the fused character is in battle both members are not needed to fight but better if they were.  Items can only be used by member holding it.  Click here for Fusion Rules

Giving money and Selling/giving items to other members.

You may give each other items and money.  All your have to do is both people participating in the exchange email me.  Advertising your items can be done using the message/advert board, again email me to get the message posted up.

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