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Remember you can sell your items by advertising them on the advert/message board.  Or even charge people to lend them etc. *Note: More will be added, some of these items have been made up*

Item Name Description Price
Scouters + Radars
Blue Scouter Can withstand PowerLevels under 10,000.  Finds a Dragonball in 3 days. 2000D
Green Scouter Can withstand Powerlevels under 20,000.  Finds a Dragonball in 4 days. 3,500D
Super Scouter Can withstand Powerlevels under 50,000.  Finds a Dragonball in 3 days. 7,000D
Truffel Scouter (SECRET PLACE) Can withstand under Powerlevels under 70,000.  Finds a Dragonball in 3 days. 9,000D
Dragonball Radar (Ask Bulma on Earth) - Can quickly locate all 7 Dragonballs.  Finds a Dragonball in 2 day. 10,000D
Darkstar Locater (Upgrade from Dragonball radar) - only way to tell the location of Dark Star DBs - Locates all DBs. 12,000D
Training Items + Armor
Weighted Clothing Heavy clothing used for increased training results.  Each adds 200 to training points - Hat - Pants - Shirt - Cloak Each cost 600D
Weighted Armor Heavy armor, used to protect and train.  Adds 400 to training points.  Cannot where this with Weighed Shirt.  Adds 500 to block. -200 speed. 800D
Advanced Armor Upgraded armor, not use for training but has great defense. Adds 1000 to block. 1500D
Elite Armor Armor for those who consider themselves as elite fighters.  Adds 2,000 to block. 3000D
Training mine Training Mines are used to practice your sword tricks and agility. After slicing them up, the mines would then explode, causing you to maneuver out of the way of the explosions. This training exercise proved to be rather good because you will improve your skills greatly after doing this for a while.  
Traveling Equipment + Gravitrons
Space Pod Small pod for traveling in space (can't train).  Cuts down 3 day traveling to 2 day.  Holds 1 person (needs travel fuel), comes with 14 days of fuel. 2,000D
Delux Pod Larger pod for training and traveling in space.  Holds 4 people  and can hold a gravitron (needs travel fuel). Comes with 14 days of fuel. 8,000D
Elite Ship A huge craft for all purposes in space and on land (comes with a free Elite Armor).  Holds 10 people, can also hold gravitron. +Regeneration tank. (needs travel fuel). Comes with 14 days of fuel. 20,000D
Regeneration tank Pod A small pod-like machine for healing (can't train). Heals 500 ki and HP every day (needs travel fuel). Comes with 14 days of fuel. 6,500D
Space Bus A Bus for citizens that travel through space.  Holds 10 people.  Comes with 14 days of fuel. 6,000D
Gravitrons Mechanical device can manipulate gravity for training.  Adds extra points to training. Start with x10 = 100PP per day. 5,000D
Gravitron Upgrades: Takes a weeks to upgrade  
  x50 - 200 PP 6,000D
  x100 - 400 PP 8,000
  x250 - 800 PP 14,000
  x300 - 1,000 PP 18,000
  x450 - 1,200 PP  22,000
Travel Fuel Travel fuel is needed to travel.  14 days of fuel.  Takes 1 day to fill tank.  Need space suit to fill tank. 500D
Space Suit  Put this on to train on moons.  Comes with oxygen for 7 days. 600D
Oxygen Put this in to your Space Suit.  7 days. 250D
Yajirobi carried around a very sharp Katana that he was a master at using. It is said that he was the greatest swordsmen on the planet Earth. Because of his lazyness though, Yajirobi never becomes very powerful. However, he does play a large role in the Saiya-jin Saga by chopping off Oozaru Vegeta's tail, causing him to revert back to his original form.  
Fire Sword The Fire Swords were wielded by Princess Snakes servants. They were long, flat, and wide. These swords did not contain much decoration except for a little sash dangling off the hilt of each one of them. We never actually get to see anyone fight with these swords, so it is assumed that they were mostly for show just like everything else Princess Snake did.  
Hand blaster Throughout the universe, the art of wielding ki was fairly rare in terms of mediocre species. Because of this, Furiza's Scientists invented a small device that fit onto the hand and could wield a person's ki for them. This Hand Blaster was quite weak in terms of power, but since Furiza's lower-level henchman were bullies that didn't attack strong opponents, they didn't need powerful blasts. It is assumed that the amount of ki put into each blast was determined by the user's power level. Not all of Furiza's henchmen carried one of these, but all of King Cold's lower-levels sported them.  
Other Items
Master Roshi's Sunglasses (buy off Master Roshi) - Put this on to prevent solar flare. 700D
Kami Healing Rod You may heal anyone.  Including cut off limbs.  Receives 1000HP.  Comes with 2 heal Magic. 6,000D
Heal Magic Used for Healing Rod 1000D
Senzu Beans (2) Senzu Beans cures all your HP and all your Ki, but does not regenerate cut off limbs. 8,000D
Potarra Earings Only 1 side only.  Used to fuse with anybody (read race advantage page to learn more). Can also receive from the East Supreme Kaio.   Check out the Fusion rules. 5,000D,
Holy Water You must 1st master the power of the holy water which will take 10 days.  Korin's powerful Holy Water has mysterious abilities.  This water may be used to reverse the effect of the Madusa Spit or for one time only give 2,000 to all stats.  Must chase Korin around the Tower to obtain your own water.  Takes 4 days to catch Korin. -
King Enma's Golden Apples These will raise your speed by 2000.  Must steal from HFIL.  Must beat Goz and Mez in a fight (2 on 1). -

Android Kit

Legendary Items (Only 1 of each - I will draw names from a hat when there enough members to take the items)
Nyobo Staff a.k.a
Power Pole
This pole is unbreakable and can extend into infiniti. The original creation of this pole was for it to connect Karin's tower to Kami's palace.  
Kinto'un a.k.a Nimbus
A magical cloud that only people with a pure heart can ride on. If the person trying to ride did not have a pure heart, they would fall right through the cloud. If the person's heart was pure, the cloud would become solid for them and would obey their commands. A cool thing about the Kinto'un is that you could call on it from anywhere.
Minosha Sword
Tapion's brother, Minosha, had a Legendary Sword that was seemingly identical to his brother's except that the hilt decorations faced downward instead of up.  
Tapion Sword
The warrior Tapion wielded a Legendary Blade that was identical to Minosha's except for the decorations. During movie 13, Tapion does not fight much, but at the end of the movie he gives his sword to Trunks. This was an attempt by TOEi to explain how Trunks got his sword, but it leaves a lot of plot holes. How trunks came upon this sword in the real timeline is unknown. After a while of using it, Trunks becomes very precise in his movements, and with the sword combined with his Super Saiya-jin power, he became a very formidable foe. It was with this sword that he defeated the Tyrant Furiza and King Cold.  
Zed Sword
The Legendary Zed Sword was introduced to us during the Buu Saga. It is a holy sword that was stuck in the ground by an 'incredibly strong evil fellow' (according to Rou Dai Kaioshin) after the evil fellow trapped Rou in the sword. It had been stuck in the rocks for fifteen generations of Kaioshins, who all tried to pull the sword out. It was said that whoever succeeded in pulling the sword out would receive incredible power, enough power to defeat even Buu. However, the receiving of the power was far different than anyone could have guessed.  
Black Water jar During the Garlic Jr. Saga, Garlic Jr. opened the Black Water Jar, releasing the Black Water Mist onto the Earth. The mist caused all people that breathed it in to turn evil and destroy the Earth. Luckily, Gohan, Kuririn, and Piccolo never breated in the mist and were able to defeat Garlic Jr.  
Basho-Sen Fan
This ancient relic was made out of a palm leaf and had magical powers. The Basho-Sen Fan could create a powerful storm by simply waving it once, a giant thunderstorm by waving it twice, and a monsoon by waving it three times.

Master Roshi had kept this in his house as a floor mat but threw it out after he spilled juice on it causing it to become sticky. It was never shown being used until the end of Dragonball when Goku had to put out a giant fire.
Music Box
The legendary warrior Tapion was sealed inside this box and sent to Earth so that the demon Hirudigarn would not be released. The black magician tricked Earth's Warriors into thinking that something good would happen, so they used Shenron to open up the Music Box, releasing both Tapion and the demon monster Hirudigarn. After Hirudigarn was defeated, Tapion was sealed back up inside this box for safe keeping.  
 Mr. Popo's Magic Carpet  Mr.Popo's Magic Carpet- This is used by Kami-Sama's assistant, Mr. Popo and is a magic carpet that can fly in the air. Bulma rides on this with Mr. Popo to Yumsebit Heights, when he takes her to show her Kami's spaceship. This carpet can also basically teleport from one location to the other and can easily support any rider.