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If you want to join this site just fill in this form and send it to me - Click on the Capsule Corp. logo at the bottom of the page.  YOU MUST FILL IN THIS FORM so just copy it and send it to me in an email and name the subject JOINING.

Character (Pick from the Choose a Character page) -

Email Address

AOL Instant Messenger name (must have 1) -

MSN Messenger Address (Optional) - 

Planet you would like to start on (Universe Page) - 

What do you want to do - 

Who told you about my site (Me, a member (who?), search machine) -

You start with 2000 for each stat and 500 for strength.  Different races will start of with different stats and moves (check out Race Advantage page).  You start with 200D but humans start with 400D.  I suggest you become a soldier - Soldier Page .


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