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You get 300 PP every day when you train here.
It takes 3 days to travel to these places (below, Moons).


You may train with this race for 4 days to receive 4,000 training points. After you train with this race you may go into their special deep meditation with them only once for another 4 days and receive 2,000 to all stats.  You cannot learn any moves or train while meditating.  Must be Good Hearted.

Kannasa's Moon

Appears ever Friday and Saturday.  Receives 100PP every day.

In order to survive on this moon you will need a Spacesuit. The gravity on this moon is at its lowest but there is a strange underground area on this moon where you can meditate and mysterious things will happen to your body.........

The Median Pool

You will see a strange pool in which when entered your spirit will be cleansed.  Turns you  Neutral Hearted.  Takes away 3,000 to all stats.  Can only enter once.

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