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 Master Moves

Move Name Picture Description Damage Ki Cost Learning
Android Fusion - A synthetic fusion between Androids that results in 2 weeks fusion unless you were to be absorbed.  Must learn from Dr. Myuu.   - - Takes 15 days to learn.
Barrier Creates an orb strong enough to block physical and ki attacks.  Used as blocking and takes off half of the damage. Lasts for 3 of their turns.   - 7000ki Must learn from Bididi.  Takes 12 days to learn. 
Dead Zone  - Very dangerous technique!! Once this is done on the field all of the users attacks will take 3000 defend. Once they or you are beaten in a Fight then you will be sent into the Deadzone and you will become 'nothing' for 3 days this means you cannot do anything and then after that you automatically die.  Only usable in fights.    - 8000ki Must learn from Garlic.  Must be Evil Hearted.
Deathball  - Also a very dangerous attack.  A large ki ball is aimed at your opponent and they will meet their doom. Double your 'ki' stat. 9,000ki Must learn for King Kold, Must be Evil hearted. 
Energy Absorb (Only Androids can learn this technique) Androids will be able to absorb ki blasts shot at them and it gives them a 15% of that ki attack boost to strength and ki stats. 
Can only be done twice in a battle and stat boost lasts until fight is over.  
 -   Must learn from Dr. Gero.  Takes 16 days to learn.
 Fart Wave  -    This move renders your opponent for 1 turn.    3,000Ki    Master Roshi.  Takes 8 days to master the art of farting.
 Flash Bomber  -  A technique where bolts of ki are expelled from the tips of the fingers and around the whole body. Must learn from Picon on Grand Kai's planet.
Blinds your opponent for 2 turns (They can attack but cant defend).  
   Does 4,000 more than your strongest Ki attack   6000ki  Takes 10 days to learn.
 Fly  In order to get to these places at the desired amount of days you will need to learn how to fly. If you do not have this ability then anywhere on a planet you would like to travel to will take double the amount of time to get there.  -  100ki Per Day  Baba
 Fusion Dance (Secret)    A strange looking dance in which the two members side step towards each other while saying "Fusion" and when they are close to each other they touch index fingers together to create a warrior with both characters' strength and characteristics combined. Must have the same Power Level. (Can stay fused for 3 days).  Check the Fusion Rules.  -  -  Must learn of the Metamorus.  Takes 10 days to learn
 Galic Gun    Created and used by the Saiyans of an Elite class.  4,000 more than your "Ki" stat.  4000ki King Vegeta.  Takes 10 days to learn. 
Healing Factor   -  You place your hand over somebody and you use ki to heal.  Heals anyone 500HP and 500Ki.  700ki  Must learn from Guru, only for Nameks.  Takes 10 days to learn.
Hell's Buster   -  A technique used by veterans of HFIL. It was finally perfected so it may hurt those who are alive also by taking them on a tour of HFIL's tortures.  This technique lets you  6,000. Opponent now receives 3,000 damage even if they defended against an attack 4000ki   Must spend a month in HFIL to learn.  Takes 10 days to learn.
Hide Power Level - The ability to hide your own Powerlevel away from others. Great for those who wish to sneak on to a opponent and not letting it escape. - - Must learn Mr. Popo.  Takes 4 days to learn.
Hyper Tornado Attack - A powerful attack in which a tornado swallows the opponent and punishes them from within. Strong as your "Speed" stat and half of your "Ki" stat together. 7,000ki Must learn from West Kai
Takes 8 days to learn.
 Hyper Zanoken - A technique in which you move so fast that you're no longer seen by your opponent.  Can be used when an opponent attacks for a free dodge.  After using this technique your attacks will do half damage for 1 turn. - 2000ki Must learn from East Kai.  10 days.
Instant Transmission The ability to use your ki to instantly teleport anywhere in the four galaxies as long as a member is currently there.  Can only use once every two weeks.  Takes 10 days to learn.  *Note: You might contract a heart virus if you proceed in learning Instant Transmission.  You will have to go into a chat room and roll a dice (//roll) and if you get a 4 you will die of Instant Transmission, and you will have to wait for 5 weeks until you can try again* - 2,000ki Must learn from the Yardrats
KaioKen - A legendary technique in which a red aura glows and your body undergoes stress in order to possess power that was never there before.
Every day it it take of that amount of ki.  Kaioken x3 x4 x5 all have danger of exploding your body of extreme power.  You must go into a chat room and roll a dice (//roll) if you get a 4 your body will explode, and you will die.
- Must Learn all from North Ki except x4 and x5
" - Kaioken x1-Adds 10% of your Power Level to all stats - 4,000Ki 10 days
" - Kaioken x2-Adds 20% of your Power Level to all stats - 6,000Ki 14 days
" - Kaioken x3-Adds 30% of your Power Level to all stats. - 8000Ki 15 days
" - Kaioken x4-Adds 40% of your Power Level to all stats-Must Know Kaioken x1x2x3 - 10,000 16 days
" - Kaioken x5 -Adds 50% of your Power Level to all stats - Must know Kaioken x1-x4 - 13,000 18 days
Kame Hame Ha Wave A very powerful wave of ki that can be charged up before using. 5,000 stronger than your "Ki" stat 7000ki Takes 10 days to learn
Namkian Fusion A fusion between two Namekians in which one of them is chosen to keep their own body and control the whole fusion. The one who is taking control places his hand on the other.  Lasts for 3 weeks. - - Must learn from Guru.  Only lasts for 3 weeks.
Oozaru Control - The ability to control yourself in Oozaru form.  Without this special ability while in Oozaru form the user can not block and will receive 1/2 damage. - - Must learn from Zorn.
Oozaru Fire Breath Arsenal when a Saiyan becomes Oozaru.  This takes the place of Oozaru Mouth Blast. Always 2,500 as strong as "ki" stat 3000ki Must learn from Zorn
Rocket Punch - Can only be learnt if you are an android.  Like 16 you can detach your fist off your body to strike your opponent.  3,000 more than your "Ki" stat.  4000ki Must learn from Dr. Gero.  Takes 5 days to learn.
Sense Powerlevel - The ability to sense someone else's true Power level, this means you can run away from a battle. Very useful for enemy battles. - - Must learn from Kami.  Takes 4 days to learn.
Southern Eclipse - *Still Adjusting * * Must learn from South Kiao.
Spirit Bomb - Takes positive energy from every living thing on that planet.  This will create a massive Ki blast.  The larger the planet and the more living things on the planet it will go stronger.  Here are the Ki power.  the spirit bomb does not use up ki but you may blow your self up, roll the dice in a chat room (//roll) and if you get a 4 you will loose the fight and both you and your opponent dies.
Space, Snake Way, Planet Sector 3, Planet of the Metamoru, Planet of the Basjins, Spaceshp of the Space Pirates, Zun & Every Moon (except from both Namek's, Supreme's and the Kaios')-0
Makyo Star-40,000
Dark Star, Namek 1st moon, Namek 2nd moon, the Kiao's Moons-20,000
Grand Kaio's Planet-50,000
The Supreme Kaio's Planet and moon-55,000
<- - Learn from North Ki - 15 days
Time Freeze (Secret) - Using telepathic powers holding your breath will enable you to freeze time.
  Gives you 3 more extra turn in which your attack will always hit doing half damage. 
- 6,000Ki Must learn from Basjin Race.  Takes 7 days to learn.
Twin Energy Blast - Powering up and shooting two deadly homing beams towards your opponent.  Takes 5,000 more defend to dodge attack. Does 3,000 more than your strongest Ki attack. 6,000Ki Must learn from Oolebu on Grand Kai's planet. 
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