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- Transformations/ Power-ups
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- Status Page
- Information
- The Universe
- Moves
- Dragonballs
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- Advert/Message Board (Not Proper 1)
- Torny (Tournament)
- Stories & Fights
- Quick Member Contacts

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JavaScript Enabled


Many moves can be learnt, some must be learnt from masters while others can only be learnt if you are a special race or a special person.  When learning moves you cannot  train or fight.  You can only have Practice Bouts.  If you learn a Master move or a normal move you can teach it to anybody fir double the same time you learnt it.  But if the student does not require the standards you had to accept you cannot teach the move.  Special Moves cannot be taught to other people.

Master Moves

Normal Moves

 Special moves

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